(See page 385)

Agreement signed at Athens on 4th March, 1941
by the Chief of the Imperial General Staff and
the Commander-in-Chief of the Greek Army.

(Translation from the French.)
'The following decisions were taken as a result of the discussions between the Greek and British High Commands held at Athens on the 2nd, 3rd and 4th March 1941:—

  1. The Greek Army will leave in Macedonia three divisions to defend the prepared positions on the Nestos-Rupel line.

  2. The Greek Army will concentrate, with all possible speed, on the position Mt. Olympus-Veria-Edessa-Kajmakcalan (called the Haliacmon position1) the following forces :—
(a) 12th Division from Western Thrace, already moving towards the west by train;
(b) l0th Division from Florina;
(c) 19th Motorized Division from Larissa;
(d) Seven battalions from Western Thrace, provided that the Turkish Government agree to release them as requested by the Greek and British Governments.

  3. A separate Greek Commander will be appointed forthwith for these forces.

  4. The British forces will be despatched as rapidly as shipping will permit to Piraeus and Volos.

  5. The British forces will concentrate on the Haliacmon position, on which it is intended that the Graeco-British forces should give battle.

  6. The command of all forces on the Haliacmon position will be entrusted to Lieutenant-General Sir H. M. Wilson under. the High command of General Papagos. The date on which General Wilson assumes his command will be settled by General Papagos in consultation with him, and will depend on the arrival of General Wilson's Headquarters and the establishment of his communications.

N.B.—As regards paragraph 6, it had already been agreed during the conversations held at the Royal Palace at Tatoi on 22nd February that in the event of the General Officer Commanding the British troops finding himself in disagreement with General Papagos, he would have the right to refer to the Commander-in-Chief, Middle East. If the Commander-in-Chief, Middle East, was unable himself to settle the matter with General Papagos, he would similarly have the right to refer to His Majesty's Government.'


1 or Aliakmon.


Appendix VI * Appendix VIII

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