Ships of all nationalities are in their alphabetical places in italics. Groups, Wings, Squadrons and other units of the R.A.F. are under Royal Air Force. Squadrons of the F.A.A. are under Fleet Air Arm. Squadrons of the R.A.A.F. and S.A.A.F. are under Royal Australian Air Force and South African Air Force. Corps, Divisions and Brigades of the British Army are under those headings. Formations of the German and Italian Armies are under the headings German Army and Italian Army. All army units are in their alphabetical places in the index.

Abd el Galil Seif en Nasr, Sheikh: 297, 354

Abdullah Ibn Hussein, Emir of Transjordan: 15, 88

Aboukir, aircraft depot; description of, 70 air attacks on, 113

Abyssinia: see Ethiopia

Addis Ababa: Italian forces at, 93, 166; air attacks on, 178; entry of, 391, 396, 420-2

Addis Derra: operations near, 426

Aden: importance of, 5, 16; independent air command in, 31, 94, 420; garrison at, 32, 94; land command in, 63; airfields at, 69, 72; reinforcement of, 83; no land threat to, 89, 189; air forces at, 96, 114, 178, 261, 450; air defence of, 213

Administration: definition of term, 59; see also Middle East base and under each Service. Administration in a particular campaign or area is indexed under the general heading

Administrative units: scarcity of, 66

Admiralty: on role of Mediterranean Fleet, 18, 98; decides to use storage accommodation at Haifa, 27, 75; and Allied naval co-operation, 27; and Malta, 30, 217-8; and command in Middle East, 33; controls merchant ships, 42, 43, 77; orders Destroyer Flotilla to Gibraltar, 43; and contraband control, 45, 99; orders Admiral Cunningham to Malta, 47, 77; asked for guidance on course of war, 52; and air reconnaissance in Mediterranean, 72, 307; and floating dock for Alexandria, 75-6; and base facilities, 77; and air defence of Haifa, 79; and reinforcements for Mediterranean Fleet, 82, 155, 313, 321; anxious for safety of Dominion convoys, 84; and submarines, 110; and attack on merchant ships, 111; cancels sweep by French squadron, 124; controls Force H, 126; and French Fleet, 130, 132, 136-40, 143; on role of naval forces in Mediterranean, 155; and reinforcements for Malta, 159; and proposal for regional War Council, 185; and Dakar operation, 216; on reduction of Mediterranean Fleet, 299; orders enquiry on Spartivento action, 307; and convoy 'EXCESS', 307; and 'WORKSHOP', 307; agrees to bombardment of Genoa, 329

Aegean Sea: 98, 111, 147; contraband control in, 46; Italian policy in, 89

Agordat: battle at, 400-1; Duke of Aosta's orders for, 402

Agreements: see Treaties

Air Headquarters, Middle East: 95, 197

Air Ministry: and Malta, 30; and Mediterranean Command, 31; and reinforcement and rearmament of Middle East, 61, 71, 193-4, 199, 252, 374; discuss maintenance facilities, 71; and administration, 94; and Takoradi air route, 196-7; and attack of dams, 329; and aid to Greece, 339

Air Officer Commanding-in-Chief, Middle East: see Mitchell, Longmore, and, for joint action, Commanders-in-Chief

Air Officer Commanding, Royal Air Force, Middle East: 3, 11, 31; now see Mitchell, Longmore, (Air Officers Commanding-in-Chief)

Airone: destroyed, 221

Air Reconnaissance: agreed number of squadrons in Mediterranean, 72; need for more, 147, 161, 204, 307, 313; need for suitable aircraft, 193, 194

Air reinforcement scheme, inter-command: 18-19, 41

Ajax, H.M.S.: for Mediterranean Fleet, 192: engages enemy, 221-2; takes units to Crete, 229, 242; in encounter with Italian convoy, 238; in convoy operations, 320

Albania: Governor of see Jacomoni; Commander in see Prasca, Soddu; invasion of, 24; Italian divisions in, 224, 225, 334, 337; estimated air forces in, 234; cam-paign in, 333-5, 336-7

Alexandria: see also French squadron at; as Fleet base, 9-10, 31, 63-4, 74-9, 90, 198; air defence of, 36, 80, 213-4, 232, 261-2, 288; importance of, 36; Fortress Commander of, 36, 102, 213-4; naval forces at, 42; airfields at, 78; floating dock at, 76, 80; defences to be manned, 83; air attacks on, 113, 164, 213-4; as a port, 250

Algeria: see North Africa

Allen, Brigadier A. S.: 282

'Alpenveilchen': 337

Aly Maher Pasha: 54, 121

Amba Alagi: battle of, 391, 396, 442-7

Anglo-Iranian oilfields: 1; defence of, 15, 49, 62,129,187

Anti-Aircraft Defence Commander, Alexandria: 214


Aosta, Duke of, Viceroy of Ethiopia: visits Rome, 165; instructed on military policy, 165-6, 429, 447; on general situation, 167, 429-32; uneasy about French Somaliland, 167-8; and Italian capture of Kassala, 170; and capture of British Somaliland, 174, 176n; and internal rebellion, 184, 448; and activity round Kassala, 399; his orders for Agordat and Barentu, 402, 431; enquiries into raid on El Wak, 408; on bombardment of Modun, 416; his orders for 101st and 102nd Colonial Divisions, 416; negotiates about safety of civilians, 420, 444; mentioned, 422; changes system of reserves, 429; orders formation of areas of resistance, 429, 432; orders evacuation of western Eritrea, 430; simplifies system of command, 431; Frusci's reports to, 439; orders resistance at Massawa, 442; in his final stand at Amba Alagi, 391, 396, 442, 444, 446-7; surrender of, 446

Aphis, H.M.S.: bombardments by, 212, 266, 271, 278, 284; lands water, 280; in Inshore Squadron, 290

Aquilone: sunk, 211

Aquitania, s.s.: 244n

Arab Legion: role of, 16

Arethusa, H.M.S.: 47; (class) 75

Argonauto: sunk, 149

Argus, H.M.S.: with fighters for Malta, 159-60, 241, 243-4; with fighters to Takoradi, 195

Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders, 1st Bn: 270

Ariel: blows up, 221

Ark Royal, H.M.S.: in Force H, 126; mentioned, 131, 156n, 321; and action at Oran, 132n, 136, 137; in diversionary operations, 155; operations of aircraft, 160, 202, 242, 330-1; in convoy operations, 201, 300-1, 310, 316-7; in operation to reinforce Malta, 243; in action off Cape Spartivento, 301-6; in bombardment of Genoa, 328-31

Armistice, French: 122, 123, 124; terms of, 125; 167, 185, 225

Armoured Car Company, No. 2, R.A.F.: 259

Armstrong, Brigadier B. F.: 409

Army/Air Component: 264

Army in Middle East: during Ethiopian crisis, 4; reinforcements for, 12, 56-7, 62, 84, 190-2, 245-7, 374; in 1938 crisis, 17; system of command in, 31-2; on eve of war with Germany, 41-2, with Italy, 97, 100; policy for expansion of, 62; organization of, 103-6; state of, 188-9

Artigliere: sunk, 221

Asmara: surrender of, 441

Assab: air attacks on airfield, 114

Atbara: importance of, 168; air attacks on, 170

Attlee, Rt. Hon. C. R.: 191n

Auckland, H.M.S.: 178

Augusta: air attacks on, 154, 161

Australia: see also Australian Government; declares war on Germany and expands defence forces, 57

Australian Battalions:

2/1st: 284

2/2nd: 284-7

2/3rd: 284-6, 291

2/5th: 286

2/6th: 286

2/7th: 286

2/8th: 286, 291-3

2/11th: 287

Australian Divisional Cavalry Regiment: 283-4, 293

Australian Government: anxious for safety of Dominion convoys, 84; wish to keep contingents intact, 84-5, 295; and fleet for Far East, 126; and the decision to help Greece, 381, 386-7

Australian land forces: arrive in Middle East, 57, 84

Austria: invaded, 12, 17

Auto-Saharan companies: 294, 297

Awash: Aosta's orders for defence of, 432; capture of, 419

Babini General: 352-3

Badoglio,Marshal: advises against entry into war, 83; on Italian naval policy, 145; on military policy in East Africa, 165-6, 429; annoyed about French Somaliland, 168; on invasion of Greece, 225-6, 337; position of, 363

Bagnold, Major R.A.: 294-6

Balbo, Marshal: delivers proclamation to Arabs, 8; death of, 113; intentions of 118; succeeded by Graziani, 207

Balkans: British policy towards, 49, 50, 53, 122, 372, 374 et seq., 395; threat to, 49-83

Baluch Regiment, 10th, 4th Bn: 438

Bande Nere: 156, 158

'Barbarossa': 240, 349

Bardera: advance on, 416

Bardia: naval bombardments of, 110, 113, 150, 162-3, 278, 286; air attacks on, 253, 261; capture of 271, 275, 277-8, 281-7

Barentu: action at, 401; Duke of Aosta's orders for, 402

Barham, H.M.S.: returns to U.K., 47; relieves Ramillies, 156n; for Mediterranean Fleet, 218, 299; in operation 'COAT', 241-2; bombards Bardia, 286; mentioned, 309; in convoy operations, 320

Barker, Sir Henry: 147

Barker, Lieut.-General M. G. H.: 55

Bartolomeo Colleoni: 156-8

Basra: development of port, 62, 66

Battisti: scuttled, 441

Battle of Britain: 251

Beaverbrook, Lord: 191n

Beda Fomm: battle of, 356-62

Belai Zalleka, Lij: 426

Belgium: invasion of, 88

Benghazi: British air attacks on, 211, 261; importance of attacking, 217-8; capture of important, 343, 344, 346, 351; plan



for attack on, 355-6; entered, 359; enemy air attacks on, 365-6, 374; no serious operation beyond, 365, 372

Benina: air attacks on, 211, 266

Benois M.: 189

Bentinck, Major Count A. W. D.: 184, 404-5

Berbera: defence of, 98, 573 et seq.; Italians enter, 177; recapture of, 396, 455, 417

Beresford-Peirse, Major-General N. M. de la P.: in battle of Sidi Barrani, 267, 269- 70; and advance to Kassala, 400; and battle at Agordat, 401; and battle of Keren, 434-5

Bergonzoli, Lieut.-General: 282, 287, 361

Berillo: sunk, 220

Bernotti, Admiral R.: 331-2

Bertello, Brigadier-General: 174

Berti, General: in advance into Egypt, 208; told of activity in Nibeiwa-Rabia gap, 273; on leave, 281; replaced, 287

Bertoldi, Lieut.-General: 174

Berwick, H.M.S.: in operation 'COAT', 241; leaves Mediterranean, 299-302, 306; damaged, 304, 311

Bhagat, 2nd Lieut. P. S.: 401

Birks, Colonel H. L.: 267

Black Watch, 2nd Bn: goes to Aden, 78, 128; in British Somaliland, 173, 177, 189

Blamey, Lieut.-General Sir Thomas: 295, 365

Blenheims, bomber aircraft: heat distortion of, 73;

(Mark I) compared with S.79, 96; range of, 112

(Mark IV) no spares for, 115; superior to Mark I, 193

Board of Enquiry: on action off Cape Spartivento, 307

Bolzano class: 153

Bomba: air attacks on, 164

Bombardment, air and sea: policy for, 28-9n, 86

Bomber Command, R.A.F.: 12, 194, 233, 313

Bonaventure, H.M.S.: 316-18, 321

Bonetti, Admiral: 441-2

Bordeaux Government: see Vichy Government

Borea: sunk, 211

Boustead, Colonel J. E. H.: 424-5

Boyd, Captain D. W.: 319

Boyd, Air Marshal O. T.: 254n

Bragadin, Captain M. A.: 332

Breconshire, H.M.S.: 317, 323

Bretagne: blows up, 136



4th: in first patrols, 118-9; in battle of Sidi Barrani, 267, 269-70; and pursuit to Bardia, 270-1; and capture of Tobruk, 287; near Mechili, 351, 353; reinforced, 356; in battle of Beda Fomm, 358-9, 361

7th: 97; in battle of Sidi Barrani, 269-70; and capture of Bardia, 270, 282; and capture of Tobruk, 287; near Derna, 351; Australians relieve, 353; cannibalized, 356; ordered to Antelat, 359


Cairo: 37, 42

1st East African: 181

1st South African: in Kenya, 181; in raid on El Wak, 408; in capture of Kismayu, 412-3; in reserve 416; under command 11th African Division, 417; advances to Diredawa, 419; in action at Combolcha, 443; in battle of Amba Alagi, 446; for Egypt, 449

2nd East African: 181

2nd South African: in Kenya, 407; penetrates Galla-Sidamo, 409; relieved, 411, 422; arrives at Berbera, 418; for Egypt, 422, 449

5th Indian: in battle of Sidi Barrani, 259n, 268-9; and advance to Kassala, 400; at Agordat, 401; in the battle of Keren, 434-5, 437

5th South African: in Kenya, 407; penetrates Galla-Sidamo, 409; relieved, 411; sails to Egypt, 422, 449

7th Indian: 259n; near Port Sudan, 399; in advance on Asmara, 433, 436-7; in capture of Massawa, 441-2

9th Indian: at Butana Bridge, 397; at Gallabat, 399, 401; at Gedaref, 402; in the battle of Keren, 437-9; captures Asmara, 441; and battle of Amba Alagi, 443, 445-6

10th Indian: and attack on Gallabat, 397-8; for attack on Kassala, 399; and action at Barentu, 400-1; in battle of Keren, 439; in capture of Massawa, 442; and battle of Amba Alagi, 443

11th Indian: arrives in Egypt, 38; continues training, 42; in battle of Sidi Barrani, 259n, 267; for attack on Kassala, 399; at Agordat, 400-1; in battle of Keren, 433-5, 437

14th (British): 97, 242

16th Australian: for Egypt, 271; and capture of Bardia, 278, 282-6; and capture of Tobruk, 287, 291

16th (British): in battle of Sidi Barrani, 259n, 269-70; and pursuit to Bardia, 271, 278, 283; helps at Sollum, 280; part of 6th Division, 375

17th Australian: and capture of Bardia, 282, 286-7; and capture of Tobruk, 291; near Derna, 356; at Benghazi, 359

18th (British): 38, 42

19th Australian: formation of, 283; in capture of Bardia, 286-7; and capture of Tobruk, 287, 291; near Derna, 353, 356; at Slonta, 359; at El Magrun, 361


Brigades: Infantrycont.

21st East African: relieves South African brigades, 411; ordered to Isha Baidoa, 416; under command 12th African Division, 422

22nd East African: in capture of Kismayu, 412-3; cuts Mogadishu road, 415; pursues to Modun, 416; under command 11th African Division, 417; in capture of Awash, 419; pursue south-west, 421

23rd Nigerian: in Kenya, 181; in capture of Kismayu, 412-3; at Mabungo, 416; reaches Mogadishu, 416; in advance to Harar, 417-9

24th Gold Coast: in Kenya, 181; and capture of Kismayu, 412-3; crosses Juba, 415; ordered to Bardera, 416; activities of, 422

25th East African: at Lokitaung, 409; at Namaraputh, 411; under command 12th African Division, 422

29th Indian: guards Sudan frontier, 397; for attack on Kassala, 399; in action at Barentu, 401; in the battle of Keren, 434-5, 438; in battle of Amba Alagi, 443, 445

Brigade d'Orient: 436, 442

Briggs, Brigadier H. R.: 436

Brink, Major-General G. L.: 407; and capture of Moyale, 409; and advance to Harar, 416; brigades under command of, 422

British Ambassador in Cairo: see Lampson

British Ambassador in Rome: told of Italy's neutrality, 42, 81; reports on Italian situation, 48, 88; given declaration of war, 109

British Expeditionary Force: 190

British Government: see Cabinet, War Cabinet, and Defence Committee

British Minister in Athens: 230

British Minister at Belgrade: 382

British Somaliland: command in, 63, 98, 172; reinforcements for, 83, 98, 172; threat to, 89, 127; forces in, 94, 172-3; Italians plan operation against, 168; defence of, 171-3; loss of, 174-9; re-capture of, 417-8

Buchanan, Brigadier F. L. A.: 409

Bulgaria: German entry into, 239, 334, 338, 345, 346, 348; promises Germany her support, 347; openly allies with Axis, 382

Burye: Italians leave, 424

Cabinet: and Three Power Enemy warning, 5, 24; decides Italy no longer reliable friend, 8, 30; and reinforcement of Middle East, 12; suggests staff talks with French, 20; and Malta, 30; and defence of Suez Canal, 37; now see War Cabinet

Cagliari: air attacks on, 160, 202, 242

Calabria: action off, 150-4, 163

Calcutta, H.M.S.: for Mediterranean Fleet, 156n, 201; convoy operations of, 300, 317

Caledon, H.M.S.: 148; bombards Bardia, 150; in landing at Berbera, 417

Calypso, H.M.S.: sunk, 109

Camel Corps, Sudan Defence Force: 168n

Cameron Highlanders, 2nd Bn Queen's Own: 267-8, 433n

Cameroons: declare for de Gaulle, 142

Campbell, Lieut. A.G.S.: 444, 446

Campioni, Admiral Angelo: in action off Calabria, 153-4; in action off Cape Spartivento, 302-5; replaced, 331

Cape Spada: action off, 156-9

Cape Spartivento: action off, 301-7

Capetown, H.M.S.: 47, 148; bombards Bardia, 150; in Force T, 412n; torpedoed, 441

Carlisle, H.M.S.: 178

Carnimeo, General: 433

Casardi, Rear-Admiral: 156-8

Cassels, General Sir Robert: 187

Castel Benito: air attacks on, 266

Castelorizo: attack on, 159; landing on, 326

Casualties: in action against French Fleet, 136; in loss of Kassala, 170; in loss of British Somaliland, 178-9; in Libya, 206; in Ajax's action, 222; in desert patrols, 264; in battle of Sidi Barrani, 268, 270, 273; in capture of Bardia, 287; in capture of Tobruk, 293; in Illustrious, 319; in Southampton, 320; in landing on Castelorizo, 326; in Western Desert campaign, 362; in British attack on Gallabat, 399; in capture of Bulo Erillo, 413; in campaign from Kenya to Addis Ababa, 422; in East Africa Force, June '40 to May '41, 423; in Italian evacuation of Burye, 424; in battle of Keren, 435, 439; in action at Combolcha, 444

Catania: air attacks on, 150, 321

Caunter, Brigadier J. A. L.: 267

Cavagnari, Admiral: 145, 337

Cavallero, General: 337, 363

Cavour: damaged, 236-7; (class) in action off Calabria, 153

Ceres, H.M.S.: 178, 412n

Chad Province: declares for de Gaulle, 142, 196; and the Long Range Desert Group, 296-7

Chad Regiment, 3rd Bn: 436

Chakmak, Marshal: 90

Chamberlain, Rt. Hon. Neville: see Prime Minister

Chater,Lieut.-Colonel (later Brigadier) A. R.: 172-3, 418

Chatfield Committee: 38

Cheesman, Major R. E.: 182

Chief of Naval Staff: on French Fleet, 130, 135; on operation 'HATS', 191

Chief of the Air Staff: 251

Chief of the Imperial General Staff: and reinforcements for Middle East, 190; asks for date of capture of Benghazi, 356; on mission in the Middle East, 372, 374-5, 377, 379-80, 382-6, 388; dislikes postponement of Kismayu operation, 393; allows retention of brigades in Kenya, 394


Chiefs of Staff (British): give Three Power Enemy warning, 5, 11, 20; emphasize need for peaceful Mediterranean, 7, 11, 39, 45; advise on Palestine Conference, 16; responsibilities of, 33n; and High command in Middle East, 33; and Middle East Intelligence Centre, 34; and air defence of Alexandria, 36; and defence of Suez Canal, 37; and warning telegram, 41; consider operation of R.A.F. units in Turkey, 61, 255, 346; review military policy in Middle East, 61, 99, 129; asked for guidance, 85; and Salonika project, 86; little to spare for Middle East, 87, 99; and support for Turkey, 90, 239, 372; approve Admiral Cunningham's initial objects, 99; consider withdrawal of Mediterranean Fleet, 124; and defence of Malta, 161, 217, 219, 324, 344; and British Somaliland, 171; and reinforcements for Middle East, 187, 191-2, 217, 245, 252, 313, 345; given Wavell's review, 187-90, 205; their relations to Defence Committee, 191n; and Prime Minister's Directive, 197; on visit of Turkish officers to Egypt, 215; emphasize need for attacking Benghazi, 217; and Greece, 224, 231, 255, 338-9, 342, 377, 380-1, 386; and Crete, 232; and 'WORKSHOP', 308-9, 324-5; on operations against the Dodecanese, 325, 343, 345-6; on the capture of Benghazi, 343, 346, 351; instruct creation of strategic reserve, 344; convinced about German move into Bulgaria, 345-6; announce 'no serious operation beyond Benghazi', 365; desire victory in East Africa, 394-5

Chiefs of Staff (Italian): told of Italian war policy, 89; discuss naval policy, 145

China Station: 82

Churchill, Rt. Hon. Winston S.: see Prime Minister

Ciano, Count: and neutrality of Italy, 42, 81; on shortage of metals, 88n; gives declaration of war, 109; on Graziani's advance, 209n; in Berlin, 225, 240; and invasion of Greece, 226, 228n

Clan Cumming, s.s.: 316

Clan Forbes, s.s.: 299

Clan Fraser, s.s.: 299

Clan Macaulay, s.s.: 317, 322-3

Clan Macdonald, m.v.: 316

Clayton, P.A.: 294-5

'COAT'; 230n, 241-3

Coldstream Guards, 3rd Bn: 209-10, 296

'COLLAR'; 299 et seq. 310

Collins, Captain J. A., R.A.N.: 156

Collis, Flight Lieutenant R. A.: 404

Collishaw, Air Commodore R.: see also 202 Group; commands in Western Desert, 97; his first operations, 112, 113; sole Hurricane for, 113-4; his need for economy, 206; in battle of Sidi Barrani 'COMPASS', 262, 272; strikes at Italian Air Force, 353; activities during Italian withdrawal, 357

Colonial Office: 31, 34, 172

Combe, Lieut.-Colonel J. F. B.: 358-60

Combined Operations School: 308

Combolcha: action at, 443-4

Commandant Teste: 137

Commander-in-Chief, East Indies: responsibilities of, 32-3, 248; in system of Command, 33, 94; on defence of British Somaliland, 172

Commander-in-Chief, Mediterranean: see also Pound, Cunningham and, for joint action, Commanders-in-Chief; 3, 11; in system of command, 32, 33

Commander-in-Chief, Middle East: see Wavell and, for joint action, Commanders-in-Chief

Commanders-in-Chief: as triumvirate, 33-4, 94; meet in Warspite, 34-5; and warning telegram, 41, 43; and non-provocation of Italy, 45; meet Weygand, 50-1, 88; have no control over material to Turkey, 52; feel need for guidance, 52, 85; and discussions with Turkey, 53, 85, 89-90, 256; told no important moves necessary, 82; receive Directive on military policy, 85, 99; receive bombardment instructions, 86; and air support for Turkey, 87; told to rely upon own resources, 87, 99; concerned over Egyptian situation, 89; on outbreak of Italian war, 109; told policy re Free French Forces, 128; and operation 'HATS', 192; relations with Prime Minister, 200; and air defence, 213-4; and visit of Turkish officers, 215; aware of importance of Benghazi, 218; and occupation of Crete, 228, 229, 232; and Greece, 231, 233, 338-9, 342, 372, 374-5, 377, 386-8; and battle of Sidi Barrani, 261; on entry of Egypt into war, 277; and capture of Bardia, 277; and capture of Tobruk, 281, 287; and 'WORKSHOP', 308; on need for more air reconnaissance, 313; and operations against Dodecanese, 324-5, 344, 346; have insufficient resources, 328, 344-5, 372-3; and capture of Benghazi, 344, 346, 351; and formation of strategic reserve, 344; Balkan situation of first importance to, 346, 395; unable to go faster in East Africa, 395

Commando, 51st (Middle East): 437, 443

Commando (Special Service) troops: landing prevented, 271; despatch of to Middle East, 325, 343-4; land on Castelorizo, 326

Committee of Imperial Defence: 30, 33, 119

'COMPASS': 230, 239, 253, 259-75

Conferences: on Palestine, 14, 16-7; between Chamberlain and Hitler, 17; (with French) scope of, 20-1, in London, 23, in North Africa, 23-4, 25-6, 294, at Aden, 23-4, 25, 26, 171, 182, in Palestine, 23-4, 25, 26-7, at Malta, 28-9; (with Turks) at Aleppo, 53, 85, at Beirut, 89-90, 122, at Ankara, 256, 345-6, 381-2; (with Greeks) at Athens, 340-2, 382-5, at Tatoi, 377-80; at Khartoum, 392, 398; at Cairo, 393-4

Console Generale Luizzi: 148

Constantinople Convention: 2, 3n, 12, 37, 46

Contraband control in Mediterranean: 44-8, 99


Convoys: scheme for, 11; diversion of Dominion, 84; in Red Sea, 112, 248-9; general cycle of, 244-5; during Albanian war, 335

Cork and Orrery, Earl of, Admiral of the Fleet: 307

Cornwall, s.s.: 202


1st Australian: 365

13th: birth of, 104, 289; under Wavell, 289; casualties in, 293; information of, 352; relieved by 1st Australian, 365

Coventry, H.M.S.: for Mediterranean Fleet, 156n, 201; in convoy operations, 300-2, 306

C.R.42, Italian fighter: compared with Gladiator, 96; compared with Hurricane, 272

Creagh, Major-General M. O'Moore: 259, 358-9

Crete: see also Suda Bay; defence of, 85, 190, 224; Hitler offers airborne troops for, 226; British occupation of, 228-9; Greek troops withdrawn from, 232; reinforcements and supplies for, 241-2

Critchley, Captain, R. A.: 403

Cruiser Squadron, 1st: 47

Cruiser Squadron, 3rd: bombards Bardia, 150; mentioned, 162n; and operation 'HATS', 202-3; goes to support of Ajax, 221; covers 'COLLAR' convoy, 306

Cruiser Squadron, 7th: 148, 149; in action off Calabria, 150; and 'COLLAR' convoy, 300; and bombardment of Valona, 310

Cub Cub: engagement at, 436

Cunningham, Admiral Sir Andrew B.: see also Commanders-in-Chief; Admiral Ollive visits, 28; career of, 28n; and location of headquarters, 33; and air defence of Alexandria, 35-6, 213-4; parts with 3rd Destroyer Flotilla, 43; and contraband control, 45; transfers flag to Malta, 47, 77; visits Turkey, 50; and Salonika project, 51, 87; feels need of guidance, 52; confident that Canal and Red Sea will be open, 75; and Malta floating dock, 76; anxious about base facilities, 77, 80; anxious about air defence of Haifa, 79; flies flag in Warspite, 84, 91; and French squadron, 84, 124, 131, 138-41, 215-6; to provide ships for Crete force, 85-6, 99; and destroyer shortage, 91, 109, 155, 204, 216, 313; and defence of Malta, 98, 99, 120, 147, 156, 161, 217-8; objects of, 98-9, 145, 146, 314; on lack of air reconnaissance, 99, 147, 156, 204, 307; first fleet operation of, 109-10; and submarine operations, 110, 217; and attack of merchant ships, 111, 147; abandons Malta as submarine base, 119; and Force H, 126, 143, 154; and action against French Fleet, 131, 139, 143; shipping policy of, 147; and convoy operations, 149, 191-2, 201-3, 219-22, 241-3, 300, 306-7, 309, 311, 317-8, 320; on co-operation of Air Force, 150; in action off Calabria, 150-4; on role and composition of Fleet, 155-6, 299, 321, 344; on rescue of survivors, 158; and operation 'HURRY', 159; in bombardment of Bardia, 286; and danger to Fleet from air attack, 163, 191, 212; on proposal far regional War Council, 185; and Crete, 190; and Prime Minister's directive, 198; responsible for Malta, 218; and composition of convoys to Malta, 219; and H.M.S. Ajax, 221-2; reactions to Italian invasion of Greece, 228-9; and attack on Taranto, 235-6, 238; on 'WORKSHOP', 308-9; visits Malta, 310; on the escape of the Illustrious, 323; favours bombardment of Genoa, 329; unable to stock Benghazi, 365; on danger from mines, 373, 387; and aid to Greece, 377-8, 385, 387

Cunningham, Lieut.-General A. G.: told of Western Desert offensive, 265, 393; in East African campaign, 391; and capture of Kismayu, 392-5, 408, 411-3; future operations of, 393-4; and crossing of the Juba, 413; and advance to Mogadishu, 395, 411-2, 415; and advance to Harar, 395-6, 415-6, 419; and entry into Addis Ababa, 396, 420-2; told to secure Addis Ababa-Asmara road, 396, 443; liaison with Emperor, 406; opens up Galla-Sidamo, 409, 411; controls Patriot operations, 426; and safety of Italian civilians, 444; and battle of Amba Alagi, 446

Cyprus: as Fleet base, 9; Allied policy towards, 27; command in, 32, 63n; defence of, 190; air defence of, 214

Cyprus Regiment: 280

Cyrenaica Command: 364-5

Cyrenaica: garrison for, 375; see also Libya

Dakar: landing at, 215-6

D'Albiac, Air Commodore (later Air Vice-Marshal) J. H.: commands air contingent in Greece, 233; Directive to, 463-5; policy of, 234, 334, 336

Daniel, Brigadier H.: 408

Danube: operations in, 53; barges escape from, 162; German crossing of, 348, 382

Darlan, Admiral: orders North Africa to fight on, 123; and fate of French Fleet, 130, 138; mentioned, 136; text of signal of 24th June, 462

Debra Markos: investment of, 424-5

Decoy, H.M.S.: 109, 326

Defence Committee: description of, 191n; and reinforcements for Middle East, 192; reactions to Italian invasion of Greece, 229-30; and 'WORKSHOP', 309, 325; orders creation of strategic reserve, 328; and aid to Greece, 339; on Middle East policy, 371-2; disagrees with surrender terms at Addis Ababa, 421

Defence Co-ordination Committee in Egypt: 20

de Gaulle, General: rallies Frenchmen, 127-8; Chad Province rallies to, 142; mentioned, 354


Dekheila: naval armament depot at, 77, 78

Della Mura, Major-General: 293

Denmark: invasion of, 82, 85

Deputy Air Officer Commanding-in-Chief: 254

Derna: air attacks on, 164, 261; Italian forces at, 352; evacuation of, 354

De Simone, Major-General: in capture of British Somaliland, 174; replaces Pesenti, 409; ordered to redispose Colonial Divisions, 416; given orders for defence of Juba, 431; ordered to resist on Awash, 432; remains of his forces, 447

Despatch, H.M.S.: 300, 302

Destroyer Flotilla, 2nd: on anti-submarine sweep, 99, 109; in convoy operations, 148; in action off Cape Spada, 156-8

Destroyer Flotilla, 3rd: 43

Deutsches Afrika Korps: 369

Devonshire, H.M.S.: 47

Diamante: sunk, 110

Dick, Captain R. M.: 377

Dickinson, Major-General D. P.: appointed G.O.C. East Africa Force, 180; task of, 181; plans of, 392; achievements of, 407; helped by South African Government, 423; relieved, 393, 408

Dill, General Sir John: on mission to Middle East, 372, 374-5, 377, 379-10, 382-6, 388

Diredawa: Italian forces at, 93; air attacks on, 114; British enter, 419


Armoured: see 7th Armoured Division

Mobile: see 7th Armoured Division

1st African: 181

1st Cavalry: for Palestine, 56, 62; parts with transport, 69; state of, 93; history of, 104

1st South African: 181, 247; to be moved to Egypt, 375; Cunningham may have to part with, 395; in Kenya, 407; to open up Galla-Sidamo, 409; H.Q. sails to Egypt, 422

2nd African: 181

2nd Armoured mentioned, 246; arrival of, 291; for Western Desert, 355, 365; and the battle of Beda Fomm, 357n

2nd New Zealand: for Egypt, 62, brigade group diverted, 84; state of, 93; known to Italians, 207; mentioned, 247; for Greece, 375, 385

4th Indian; second brigade joins, 56; parts with transport, 69; state of, 93, 188; parts with field regiment, 175; given third brigade, 247n; in battle of Sidi Barrani, 259-65, 270, 272, 274, 279; for the Sudan, 265, 271, 393, 399; and attack on Kassala, 399-400; in the battle of Keren, 375, 433-9; Prime Minister praises, 441; for Egypt, 441,449

5th Indian: destination of, 129n, 171, 175, 187, 189, 192, 197, 198, 199; mentioned, 247; arrives in Sudan, 396-7, 429; tasks of, 397; and attack on Kassala, 399-400; in the battle of Keren, 375, 434-5, 437, 439; Prime Minister praises, 441; maintained through Massawa, 442; in battle of Amba Alagi, 443; for Egypt, 449

6th Australian: brigade arrives in Middle East, 84; brigade diverted, 84, 283; for Western Desert Force, 265, 271, 278; maintenance of, 280-1, 288; in capture of Bardia, 283, 287; state of, 283; near Derna, 353, 355; enters Cyrene, 357; progress of, 359

6th (British): 97, 375

7th Armoured: (as Mobile Division) 19, 37; (as Armoured Division) 19n, 37, 41, 54, short of transport, 68-9; (as 7th Armoured Division) 19n; transport of, 69; moves to Western Desert, 83; state of, 93, 105, 186, 188, 200, 355; on eve of war with Italy, 97; controls covering force, 118; mentioned, 205, 247; known to Italians, 207; dispositions of, 211; in battle of Sidi Barrani, 259, 261-2, 267, 272; and capture of Bardia, 271, 278-9; maintenance of, 281, 288-9; in capture of Tobruk, 290; Babini escapes from, 353; to advance to Msus, 355; and the battle of Beda Fomm, 356-7, 360, 362; relieved by 2nd, 365; brigade for Cyrenaican garrison, 375

7th Australian: 247

10th Armoured: 104

11th African: 181; brigades of, 417; maintenance of, 418; remains in I.E.A 450

12th African: 181; in raid on El Wak, 408; in capture of Kismayu, 412; ordered to Bardera and Isha Baidoa, 416; brigades under command of, 422; remains in I.E.A., 450

50th: 374

Dobbie, Lieutenant-General Sir William: as Governor and C.-in-C., Malta, 120; meetings of, 218; and Navy's losses, 323; and Malta as base for attack, 324

Docks: problems of, 249-50

Dodecanese Islands: plans for operations against, 27, 85, 86, 87, 90, 309, 324-5, 345; air threat from, 148, 214, 324, 343, 344-5; air attacks on, 203, 301, 309; bombardment of, 203, 222; operations against, 325-6; operations against postponed, 385, 386

Dominion forces: organization of, 105

Doria: 163

d'Ornano, Lieut.-Colonel: 297

Drummond, Air Commodore (later Air Vice-Marshal) R. M.: 61

Duff Cooper, Rt. Hon. A.: 127

Duilio: modernization of, 163; damaged, 237; at Genoa, 330, 332

Duke of Edinburgh's Own Rifles, 1st Bn: 444

Dunkerque: 91; at Oran, 130; and action at Oran, 132-3, 136-7

Dunkirk: 71, 190


Durazzo: Italian landings at, 24; capacity of, 234; air attacks on, 234, 334, 336

Eagle, H.M.S.: arrives in Mediterranean, 84; capacity of, 102; in first fleet operation, 109-10; in convoy operations, 148, 202, 300-1, 320; in action off Calabria, 150-3; operations of her aircraft, 154, 159, 301, 441; mentioned, 155, 156n; in diversionary operations, 159, 160; defects in, 235; leaves Mediterranean, 321

East Africa: see also Italian East Africa, Ethiopia, Sudan, Kenya, etc.; policy for, 26, 114; command in, 31-2, 63; administration of troops in, 60; comparison of forces in, 93-4, 96; early air attacks in, 114; policy behind campaign in, 391-6

East Africa Force: composition of, 180; under General Dickinson, 407; casualties in, June '40 to May '41, 423

East African Light Battery, 1st: 172, 176, 407

East Indies Station: 32, 82

Eastern Arab Corps, Sudan Defence Force: 168n, 170

Eastern Group Central Provision Office: 186

Edelsten, Captain J. H.: 412

Eden, Rt. Hon. Anthony: greets Dominion contingents, 57; in Middle East, 230, 232, 392-3, 403; his Mission to Greece, 372, 374-89, 395; makes statement on Ethiopian operations, 406

Egypt: see also Egyptian Government; becomes British Protectorate, 1; during Ethiopian crisis, 4; Protectorate abolished, 5; British treaty with, 6-7, 9, 11, 35, 69, 71; joins League, 7; defence of, 10-11, 26, 85, 87, 90, 198, 199-200; reinforcements for, 11-12; makes treaty with Saudi Arabia, 16; communications with Palestine, 19, 64; command in, 31, 32, 63n; situation in, 35-8, 53-4, 89, 121-2, 189; air defence of, 35-7, 213, 232; breaks off diplomatic relations with Germany, 46, 54; administration of troops in, 60; as a base, 63-5; railways in, 63-4; airfields in, 69; no land threat to, 89; troops in, 93, 188; breaks off diplomatic relations with Italy, 121; Italian advance into, 207 et seq; Turkish officers visit, 215; and entry into war, 277

Egyptian Air Force: in air defence of Egypt, 214

Egyptian Army: state of, 10, 37, 93; tasks of, 37; on eve of war 41, 42

Egyptian Government: and Fleet base, 10, 75; co-operation with, 11, 19; signs Bon Voisinage Agreement, 12; proclaims état de siège, 19, 54

Egyptian Frontier Force: 97

Egyptian State Railways: praised, 54; meet Palestinian, 248n; adaptation to increased traffic, 249; without docks branch, 250

El Adem: air attacks on, 112, 113

Elliott, Rear-Admiral F.: 36

El Wak: raid on, 408

Emperor of Ethiopia, Haile Selassie: flees country, 5; arrives in Sudan, 167, 183; and his entry into Ethiopia, 182, 183-4, 391, 402-6, 424, 428; dissatisfied with equipment, 403; bodyguard for, 404, 405; military co-operation with, 406, 426; enters Burye, 424; enters Debra Markos. 425; accompanied to Addis Ababa, 426

Empire Song, s.s.: 316

Enrico Toti: 217

Enterprise, H.M.S.: 156n

Equatorial Corps, Sudan Defence Force: 168n, 397

Equipment: scarcity of, 56, 88, 188-9, 190, 200

Eritrea: see also Frusci; campaign in, 400-2, 432-42; Italian forces in, 430

Eritrean Battalion, 4th: 404

Escort, H.M.S.: sunk, 155

Espero: sunk, 149

Essex, m.v.: bound for Malta, 316, 320; damaged, 322

Essex Regiment, 1st Bn: 169

Ethiopia: see also Emperor, Gazzera, Nasi; Italy invades, 2; Italy annexes, 5; incident closed, 13; fostering rebellion in, 26, 55, 182-4, 189, 391, 402-6, 409; Italian troops in, 93, 166, 430; internal order in, 165, 166, 167; air forces in, 166; administrative situation in, 167; campaign in, 416-22, 424-8, 442-7

Ethiopian Battalion, 2nd: at Khartoum, 404; casualties in, 424; near Addis Derra, 426

Euro: damaged, 150

'EXCESS': 307, 309, 311, 316-21, 335

'Faith', 'Hope' and 'Charity': 98, 119, 120, 121

Far East: fleet for, 28, 30, 39, 126

Farouk, King of Egypt: 6, 35, 121

'Felix': 240, 258

Fezzan: raid into, 296-7

Field Maintenance Centre: 289

Field Supply Depots: in Western Desert offensive, 262-3, 278-80, 288-9, 355

Fighter Command, R.A.F.: 194

Fiona, H.M.S.: 280

First Sea Lord: see Chief of Naval Staff

Flag Officer, North Atlantic: 91

Fleet Air Arm: see also Ark Royal, Eagle, Formidable, Illustrious: patrols of on eve of war, 42; shore provisions for, 62, 78; organization of, 102; in bombardment of Bardia, 163; attacks Bomba, 164; lays mines at Benghazi, 211; and air defence of Alexandria, 214, 262; action of at Taranto, 235-8; in reinforcement of Malta, 243; general activities of, 312; uses Maleme airfield, 335


No. 767: attacks Genoa, 110; goes to Malta, 120

800: 126

803: 126

806: 201; protects Fleet, 220

808: protects Force H, 311

810: 126; attacks Cagliari, 242; attacks Tirso Dam, 329

813: attacks Tobruk, 150; in action off Calabria, 150; in


attack on Taranto, 236-7; in Western Desert, 312; sinks Italian destroyers, 441

814: 412n

815: 201; in attack on Taranto, 236-7; attacks shipping, 310

818: 126; attacks Cagliari, 242

819: 201; attacks shipping, 310

820: 126; attacks Cagliari, 242

824: in action off Calabria, 150, 153; in attack on Taranto, 236-7; sinks Italian destroyers, 441

826: attacks Massawa, 436-7

829: attacks Massawa, 437

830: attacks Augusta, 161; reconnaissances of, 222; attacks Tripoli, 310; attacks shipping, 312, 324; mentioned, 312

Fletcher, Lieut.-Colonel B.C.: 439, 443, 445

Fliegerkorps VIII: 348

Fliegerkorps X: in Sicily, 315, 321; tasks of, 367; responsible to Göring, 369

Flotte de Haute Mer: 28

Foch, Marshal: 51n

Foley, Captain T. M.: 426

Force H: see also Somerville; assembles at Gibraltar, 126; and action at Oran, 131-3, 136; tasks of, 143, 155-6; diver- sionary operations of, 150, 154-5; losses of, 155, 310; composition of, 156n, 160-1; ordered to U.K., 160; borrows ships from Mediterranean Fleet, 162, 309; in convoy operations, 191, 201-2, 241-2, 300, 310-1, 316-7; and reinforcements for Malta, 243-4; in Atlantic, 311; destroyer shortage in, 313; in bombardment of Genoa, 329-31

Force Maritime du Sud: 28n

Force T: 412-3, 416

Force W: 212n

Force X: see French squadron at Alexandria

Ford, Sir Wilbraham T. R., Vice-Admiral, Malta: 102; and reinforcements, 120; sails convoys, 154; responsible to C.-in-C., Mediterranean, 218; and the damaged Illustrious, 322-3

Foreign Legion, 14th Bn: 436

Foreign Office: 34, 172

Formidable, H.M.S.: for Mediterranean Fleet, 321, 327, 385; aircraft attack Massawa, 436-7

Fort Capuzzo: capture of, 113, 118; loss of, 119, 187

Fortress, bomber aircraft: 70n

Fowkes, Brigadier C. C.: 413, 422

Foxhound, H. M. S.: 132-3, 135

France: collapse of, 122, 125 et seq., 185; common citizenship offered to, 124

Francesco Nullo: 248

Franco, General: recognized by Germany and Italy, 7; meets Hitler, 226; and entry into war, 240, 347

French Admiralty: order Godfroy to leave Alexandria, 124, 139; and action at Oran, 135; transmit armistice clause, 137; suspend reprisals against Gibraltar, 216

French Air Force in North Africa: in Syria see Syria; replacement of, 56, 95; strength of, 95, 141; attacks Venice, 110

French Army in Tunisia: for forces in Syria see Syria; composition of, 92-3

French Fleet: see also French Mediterranean Fleet; armistice terms relating to, 125, 130; anxiety for after French collapse, 130-1; action against, 131 et seq

French Government: staff talks suggested to, 20; break off diplomatic relations with Britain, 143

French Mediterranean Fleet: see also French squadron; strength of, 91; operations of, 110; fate will affect Turkey, 129

French Minister in Cairo: 141, 189

French Motor Marine Company: 210

French Somaliland: as base for offensive, 26, 55, 127; threat to, 89, 171; reactions to French Armistice in, 123-4, 128, 142; in terms of armistice, 125; affects operations of Aosta, 167-8

French squadron at Alexandria: description of, 84, 91; steams to Alexandria, 109; at time of French collapse,124, 130, 131, 138-41; restless about Dakar landing, 215-6

French West Africa: reactions to collapse of France, 142

Freyberg, Major-General B. C.: 296

Frontier Battalion, Sudan Defence Force: 168n; formation of, 183; to secure Belaya, 405; in Gideon Force, 406, 424, 426; praise of, 427

Frontier Force Regiment, 12th, 3rd Bn: 438, 446

Frontier Force Rifles, 13th, 6th Bn: 438, 445

Frontier Guards, Italian: 92, 117, 118

Frusci, General: and activity round Kassala, 399; reinforcements for, 429, 432; ordered to organize areas of resistance, 429; forces of, 430; responsible only for Eritrea, 431; and battle of Keren, 439-40; at Amba Alagi, 443, 445

Furious, H.M.S.: 232, 253, 324, 344

Gabbary graving dock: 75

Galatea, H.M.S.: 47

Galileo Galilei: 111-2, 114

Gallabat: Italian attack on and capture of, 168, 170, 171, 391; British attack on, 392, 393, 398-9, 429; Italian forces at, 397, 430; Aosta orders evacuation from, 430-1; Italians withdraw from, 401

Gallant, H.M.S.: damaged, 318

Galla-Sidamo: see under Ethiopia

Gambia Company, Royal West African Frontier Force: 180

Gamelin, General: 89

Gariboldi, General: and British Western Desert offensive, 281, 354; replaces Graziani, 368; Rommel submits suggestions to, 369


Gazelle Force: formation of, 397; patrols of, 399; for attack on Kassala, 399; in pursuit from Kassala, 400; in pursuit from Agordat, 401, 432

Gazzera, General: 416, 442

Gedaref: Italian offensive towards, 89; air attacks on, 170

Geneifa: aircraft depot at, 71

General Headquarters, Middle East: promptitude in development of base, 65; take over administrative control of British Somaliland, 172

General Officer Commanding, British Troops in Egypt: 3, 11, 12; now see Wilson

General Officer Commanding-in-Chief, Middle East: post created, 32, 33; now see Wavell

General Officer Commanding in Palestine and Transjordan: 14n, 55

Genoa: bombardments of, 110, 328-32

Gensoul, Admiral: at Oran, 130; gives assurance to Admiral North, 131; and action at Oran, 132-3, 135-7, 138

George, King of the Hellenes: 377, 384

Germain, General: 142, 168

German Air Force: see Luftwaffe

German Ambassador in Rome: 65

German Army:


12th: 348


3rd Panzer: 257

5th Light Motorized: 367

15th Panzer: 369

German Fleet: losses of, 84

German Military Attaché in Rome: see Rintelen

Germany: see also Hitler; leaves League of Nations, 2; marches into Rhineland, 5; recognizes Franco, 7; as potential enemy, 8, 12, 18, 20, 38, 41, 43; invades Austria, 17; and Pact of Steel, 25, 38; and Soviet-German Non-Aggression Pact, 38, 48, 50; and invasion of Poland, 39, 42, 48; policy for war against, 23, 44; outbreak of war with, 43, 60; economic pressure applied against, 44-7; exports seized, 47; possible intentions of, 48-9, 61, 238-9, 338; invades Norway and Denmark, 82, 85; invades Holland, Belgium and Luxembourg, 88; and French armistice, 122, 125; Rumania allies with, 129; diplomatic activities of, 347-8

Gibraltar: as Fleet base, 9, 10; Governor of, 32, 124; reinforcement of, 83; defences to be manned, 83; naval forces at, 91, 126; bombed by French, 142-3, 215; plan for capture of see 'Felix'

Gideon Force: birth and tasks of, 406; campaign of, 424-8; has no artillery, 449

Giffard, Major-General G. J., Inspector-General of African Colonial Forces: 179-80

Giulio Cesare: 153, 302, 329

Gladiator, fighter aircraft: compared with C.R. 42, 96, 398; slowness of, 113; few reserves for, 272

Glasgow, H.M.S.: 241, 312, 417

Glen ships: 307, 324-6, 344-5

Gloria Stella: 211

Glorious, H.M.S.: 47, 98

Gloucester, H.M.S.: arrives in Mediterranean, 84; in engagements with enemy, 149: in action off Calabria, 150-3; mention 156n; in convoy operations, 202, 220, 309, 316-8, 320; damaged, 320

Gnat, H.M.S.: 290

Godfroy, Vice-Admiral R. E.: commands French squadron, 91; reactions to French armistice, 124; mentioned, 130; as friend of Cunningham, 131; and use of his ships, 138-41; and Dakar landing, 215-6

Godwin-Austen, Major-General A.R.: and loss of British Somaliland, 175-8; and raid on El Wak, 408; and advance Harar, 416; makes threat from Yavello, 422

Goebbels, Dr: 142

Gojjam: see under Ethiopia

Gold Coast Regiment: 179; (2nd Bn) 413

Gondar: Italian forces at, 430

Gondar: 220

Göring, Marshal: 369

Gorizia: 237

Gort, General Lord: 127

Gott, Brigadier W. H. E.: 205

Grampus, H.M.S.: 110, 164n

Graziani, Marshal: discusses Italian naval policy, 145; succeeded in Ethiopia, 165n; commands in Libya, 207; and his advance into Egypt, 207-8; and administrative development, 211, 258; and British Western Desert offensive, 273-4, 281-2, 287-8, 353-4, 357, 363, 368; his instructions commented on, 363; reinforcements for, 367; resignation of, 368

Great Britain: compulsory military training in, 38

Great Pass Channel at Alexandria: 10, 35, 75, 80

Grebe, H.M.S., R.N. shore establishment: 78

Greece: for President of the Council, see Metaxas, Koryzis; for British air contingent in see Royal Air Force; guarantee to, 25, 31, 52, 223, 229; possible operations of squadrons from, 62, 71; command of forces sent to, 63, 378, 470; reactions to Oran, 142; aid for, 223-4, 231-2, 338-43, 347, 371, 374-81, 382-9; Italian plans for invasion of, 225-6, 233, 234; Italian invasion of, 226, 228; plan for defence of, 227-8; airfields in, 231, 255-6, 340; Mission in, 233; campaign in, 233-4, now see Albania; effect of attack on Taranto on, 238; supplies for, 241, 316-20, 335; German threat to, 334, 375, 377-80, 382, 383, 385-6; talks with, 340-2, 377-80, 382-5; text of agreement signed at talks, 470; German plans for invasion of, 348

Greek Air Force: state of, 227, 234, 336: Longmore's responsibility for, 255; reforming of, 342


Greek Army: mobilization of, 226-7, 234; dispositions and state of, 227

Griffin, H.M.S.: 318

Guzzoni, General : reports on Libyan situation, 367, 368; told of German assistance, 367; receives Rommel, 369

Hague Convention of 1907: 47

Haifa: as naval base, 9-10, 27, 79; refinery at, 27, 75, 79; air defence of, 79-80, 213, 214; defences to be manned, 83; air attacks on, 164, 214

Haile Selassie: see Emperor of Ethiopia

Hailu, Ras: 405, 425, 426

Hale, Lieutenant-Commander J. W.: 237

Harar: Italian forces at, 93, 418, 430; advance to, 395-6, 416-9

Hassan Sabry Pasha: 121

Hasty, H.M.S.: 156

'HATS': 156n, 161, 162, 191-2, 201-4

Havock, H.M.S.: 156-8

Hawkins, H.M.S.: 412n

Heath, Major-General L. M.: commands 5th Indian Division, 396; in battle of Keren, 437-8; in capture of Massawa, 441; promotion of, 443

Helle: torpedoed, 223

Hereward, H.M.S.: 318, 326

Hermes, H.M.S.: 137; 412n

Hermione: sunk, 160

Hero, H.M.S.: 156

Heywood, Major-General T. G. G.: 340

Hickling, Captain H.: 290

Highland Light Infantry, 2nd Bn: 438

Hipper: 311

Hitler, Adolf: becomes German Chancellor, 2; annexes Austria, 12; rejects Roosevelt's appeal, 38; and Italy's entry into the war, 39; told of numbers in East Africa, 93n; on French Fleet, 130n; and Italian advance into Egypt, 208n; does not want war in Balkans, 225; and Italian invasion of Greece, 226, 240, 337; meets Franco, 226; meets Pétain, 226; meets Mussolini, 81, 130n, 226, 257, 367; and German invasion of Greece, 239-40, 255, 348; plans of, 240, 347; attempts to bring Spain into war, 240; and attack on Russia, 240; and aid to Italy, 257, 315 337, 366-9

Hoare, Sir Samuel: 2n

Hobart, H.M.A.S.: 175, 177, 178

Holland: bombing of, 86; invasion of, 88

Holland, Captain C. S.: 131-3, 135-6

Holland, Vice-Admiral L. E.: 299-300, 304-5

Hood, H.M.S.: in Force H, 126; and action at Oran, 132n, 136; in diversionary operations, 155; in operation 'HURRY', 160

Hostile, H.M.S.: sunk, 162

Hurricane, fighter aircraft: small number of, 113-4; no spares for, 115; compared with C.R.42, 272

'HURRY': 159-60, 194, 243

Hussars, 3rd King's Own: 190n, 360

Hussars, 7th Queen's Own: 118-9, 269, 360

Hussars, 8th King's Royal Irish: 291

Hussars, 11th (Prince Albert's Own): at Sidi Barrani, 42; in first patrols, 118-9; reconnaissances of, 205, 211, 259; and Italian advance into Egypt, 210; and battle of Sidi Barrani, 269; and pursuit to Bardia, 271; near Chaulan, 356; in battle of Beda Fomm, 357-8

Hutchison, Brigadier (later Major-General) B. O.: 60, 61

Hyperion, H.M.S.: 156-8, 310

Iachino Admiral: 331

Ibn Saud, King of Saudi Arabia: 16, 88

Ilex: H.M.S.: 156-8

Illalos: 173

Illustrious, H.M.S.: value to Mediterranean Fleet, 155-6, 312; for Mediterranean Fleet, 190-1, 201; operations of her aircraft, 211, 301, 309-10; in convoy operations, 219-20, 222, 242, 300, 309, 317-8; after Italian invasion of Greece, 229; in attack on Taranto, 235-6, 238; in bombardment of Bardia, 286; air attacks on, 319-22; reaches Alexandria, 323; to leave Mediterranean, 327, 437n

India: for Viceroy see Linlithgow; sends forces to the Middle East, 38, 83, 105; air defence of, 49; accumulation of reserves in, 62; warned of request for squadrons, 82

Indian Army: organization of, 105

Indian Government: and defence of oilfields, 15, 62, 129

Inönü, President of the Turkish Republic: Mr. Churchill's appeal to, 346-7, 466-7; talks with, 381

Inshore Squadron: 212n ; formation of, 290; clears Tobruk harbour, 293, 355

Inspector-General, African Colonial Forces: responsibilities of, 31-2; now see Giffard and Dickinson

Intelligence: (British) difficulties of, 188; on Italian forces in North Africa, 206, 258, 265; (Italian) on British forces, 206-7

Iraq: creation of state, 1; terms of Anglo-Iraqi Treaty, 14-15; strategic importance of, 15, 49; makes treaty with Saudi Arabia, 16; independent air command in, 31, 94; land command in, 63, 66; airfields in, 69; unrest in, 88, 122, 187

Iraqi Government: attitude of, 26, 122

Iride: sunk, 164

Isha Baidoa: advance on, 412, 416

Italian Air Force: proximity to Malta, 29; state of, 39, 88; maintenance organization of, 96, 97; compared with R.A.F., 96-7; first operations of, 113-4; uses torpedo-bomber, 212, 312;

(in Libya) strength of, 41, 95, 266; reinforcement of, 96; serviceability in, 96; British information about, 188, 199, 266; in advance into Egypt, 208-9, 211; during British Western Desert offensive, 266, 272, 286, 287-8, 352, 357, 362-3, 368

(in Dodecanese) strength of, 95; reinforcement of, 96


(in East Africa) strength of, 96, 397, 413; reinforcement of, 96, 97, 431-2, 447; maintenance of, 96, 398, 431, 448; in British attack on Gallabat, 398-9; inferiority of, 408; inactivity of, 411, 436, 448; attacks British airfields, 420; losses of, 421, 444, 447; review of activities in campaign from Kenya to Addis Ababa, 422-3

(in Albania) estimated strength of, 234; supremacy of, 336

Italian Army: state of, 38-9, 88; (in Libya or Egypt) composition and state of, 92, 365; dispositions of, 117-8, 265-6; British information about, 118, 188, 206, 258; in advance into Egypt, 208; during British Western Desert offensive, 270, 282, 288, 352; (in East Africa) strength and dispositions of, 93, 397, 411, 416, 430, 442; at Keren, 433; at Amba Alagi, 445; after the campaign, 447


5th: 92, 117

10th: composition of, 92; dispositions of, 117; in advance into Egypt, 208, 209; and British Western Desert offensive, 273-4, 281, 287, 352, 354, 361, 368


20th: 352

21st: 117, 118

22nd: 117, 288

23rd: 361


Africa, the: 166, 430, 444

Ariete, Armoured: 275, 288, 367, 369

Centauro, Armoured: 227, 233, 275

Savoia, the: 166, 430, 433, 448

Trento, Motorized: 288, 367

1st Blackshirt: 208, 210, 282

1st Colonial: 433

1st Libyan: 117, 210, 265, 269-70

2nd Blackshirt: 282

2nd Colonial: 401

2nd Libyan: 210, 265, 270

3rd Alpini: 233

4th Blackshirt: 208, 265, 270

4th Colonial: 400-1

17th Pavia: 352

27th Brescia: 352

60th Sabratha: 288, 352

61st Sirte: 288, 293

62nd Marmarica: 117, 208, 210, 265, 282

63rd Cirene: 208, 210, 265, 270, 282

64th Catanzaro: 208, 266, 282

101st Colonial: 411, 416

102nd Colonial: 411, 416


12th Colonial: 401

13th Colonial: 420

14th Colonial: 420

41st Colonial: 400, 431

43rd Colonial: 401

70th Colonial: 417

Italian East Africa: see also Eritrea, Ethiopia, Italian Somaliland, and Sea Communications; Italian military policy in, 89,165-6, 168, 448; situation in, 165, 429-32; policy behind campaign in, 391-6; review of campaign in from Kenya to Addis Ababa, 422-3; general review of campaign in, 447

Italian Government: agree on conduct of submarines during neutrality, 44

Italian High Command: birth of, 145

Italian Minister in Athens: 228

Italian Navy: see also Submarines; state of, 39, 88, 163; compared with Allies', 90-1; policy governing, 145-6, 311; co-operation with air force, 146, 154, 332; in action off Calabria, 151-4; in action off Cape Spada, 156-8; avoids action, 220, 243; in action off Cape Spartivento, 302-6

Italian Somaliland: see also De Simone; forces in, 93; advance into, 411-6; administrative problems of advance, 411-2

Italy: see also Mussolini; effect of First World War on, 1; invades Ethiopia, 2; annexes Ethiopia, 5; need for friendship with, 5, 7, 11, 39; recognizes Franco, 7; signs Anglo-Italian Joint Declaration, 7-8; ceases to be reliable friend, 8, 9, 30; non-provocation of, 8, 41, 45, 54, 81-3, 99, 188; joins Anti-Comintern Pact, 11, 20; leaves League, 11; and Anglo-Italian and Bon Voisinage Agreements, 12, 16, 24, 181, 182; as potential enemy, 20, 41, 43, 61, 67; policy for war against, 23, 25-7, 44, 55-6, 85-7; invades Albania, 24; and Pact of Steel, 25, 38, 39; ability to wage war, 38-40, 88; non-belligerency of, 40, 42-3; negotiations for trade agreement with, 45, 47-8; consulted on Balkan diplomacy, 53; relations with deteriorate, 82, 99; bombing of industrial areas in, 82, 86, 230; estimated intentions of, 83, 88, 89; military policy of, 89, 207; declares war, 109; and French armistice, 122, 123, 125; for the invasion of Greece, see Greece; German aid for, 257, 337, 366-9; central direction of war in, 363

Jacomoni, Francesco, Governor of Albania: 225

Jaguar, H.M.S.: 317, 321

Japan: invades Manchuria, 2; as potential enemy, 5, 20, 32, 371, 395

Jean Bart: 130, 137

Jelib: fall of, 415

Jerram, Lieut.-Colonel R. M.: 267

Jibuti: Italian offensive towards, 89, 166; in terms of armistice, 125

Jodl, General: 367

Johnson, Bimbashi T. C.: 426

Joint Intelligence Centre, Middle East: 34, 458-9

Joint Planning Staff, Middle East: 34, 458, 459

Juba, river: Italian forces near, 411, 430; crossing of, 413-5; Viceroy's orders for defence of, 431

'JUNGLE' plans: 52, 53, 66


Kandahar, H.M.S.: 412n, 417

Karora: loss of, 170

Kaso: landing on, 324-6

Kassala: Italian offensive towards, 89, 168; air attacks on, 169; loss of, 170, 171, 391; plans for British attack on, 265, 392, 393-4, 399-400; Italian forces near, 397; importance of, 400; Aosta orders evacuation from, 430; Italians withdraw from, 394, 400

Kennedy Shaw, W. B.: 294-5

Kent, H.M.S.: for Mediterranean Fleet, 156n, 162n; in bombardment of Bardia, 162; and operation 'HATS', 202; damaged, 212, 312

Kenya: see also Dickinson, Cunningham; reinforcements for, 62, 83, 180, 181; airfields in, 69; no land threat to, 89; troops in, 94, 179-80, 181, 393, 394, 407; air forces in, 96, 180, 407-8, 450; dispositions in, 97; situation in, 179 et seq; defence of, 180, 197; frontier operations in, 180-1; air defence of, 213; transport in, 181-2, 412, 423; administration in, 407

Kenya Auxiliary Air Force: 96

Keren: battle of, 391, 396, 432-40; reinforcements for, 431-2

Keru: action at, 400, 431

Keyes, Admiral of the Fleet Sir Roger: 308

Kimberley, H.M.S.: 178, 248

King's African Rifles: control of, 31; battalion in British Somaliland, 94, 98; composition of, 180; at Namaraputh, 411

1st Bn: 180

2nd Bn: 172, 176-7, 407

5th Bn: 419

King's Dragoon Guards, 1st: 357n-8

King's Own Malta Regiment, The: 98

King's Royal Rifle Corps, 1st Bn: 118, 210

Kingston, H.M.S.: 417, 441

Kismayu: proposed capture of, 189, 392, 393-5; capture of, 391, 411-3; as a port, 415-6; Aosta decides not to hold, 431

Koryzis, M. Alexander: on composition of British force, 347, 371, 388; talks with, 377-8, 380, 383; text of statement by, 468-9

Kufra: capture of, 297

Kurmuk: air attacks on, 170; loss of, 170, 171, 391; Italian sortie from, 398

Ladybird, H.M.S.: bombardments by, 163, 211, 212, 266, 271, 284; lands water, 280; in Inshore Squadron, 290; damaged, 326

Lampson, Sir Miles: 11, 277

Lancaster, bomber aircraft: 70n

Lanciere: 305-6

Lastucci, General: 118

League of Nations: 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 11, 14

Leclerc, Colonel: 297

Legentilhomme, General: commands in British Somaliland, 98; his reactions to French armistice, 123-4, 128, 142, 167, 173, 174

Leghorn: air attacks on, 330-1

Le Luc, Admiral: 136

Lend-Lease Bill: 371

Leone: sinks, 441

Liberator, bomber aircraft: 70n

Libya: interrupting supplies to, see Sea Communications; Italian forces in, see Italian Army; Italian policy in, 89, 207; presence of German troops in, 188, 206

Libyan Desert: description of, 294

Liguria: damaged, 150

Linlithgow, Marquess of, Viceroy of India: 186

List, Field-Marshal: 348

Littorio: comes into service, 163; damaged, 237; (class) coming into commission, 90-1, 163; at Taranto, 235; at Genoa, 328-9

Liverpool, H.M.S.: takes Black Watch to Aden, 78, 128; arrives in Mediterranean, 84; in engagements with enemy, 149; and action off Calabria, 150; mentioned, 156n; in convoy operations, 202, 220; damaged, 222, 312

Lloyd, Brigadier W. L.: 268, 434

Lockheed, aircraft: 63

Lomax, Brigadier C. E. N.: 269-70

Longmore, Air Chief Marshal Sir Arthur: see also Commanders-in-Chief; becomes Air Officer Commanding-in-Chief, 94-5; Directive to, 460-1; reviews state of forces, 95, 97; places Western Desert under Collishaw, 97; and death of Balbo, 113; switches forces, 114; visits Mittelhauser, 123; and lack of air reconnaissance, 147, 313; on defence of British Somaliland, 172; supports proposal for regional War Council, 185; and Crete, 190; and rearmament and reinforcement, 192-4, 213, 251-5, 346, 376, 387; and Takoradi air route, 197; and Prime Minister's Directive, 198-9; problems of, 205; and Malta, 217, 218, 324, 344-5; aware of need to attack Benghazi, 218; and aid for Greece, 230, 231, 255, 338-40, 342, 376-7, 387; responsible for Greek Air Force, 255; and squadrons for Turkey, 255, 346; and battle of Sidi Barrani, 261, 272, 275; and mining of the Canal, 327; and attack on Kassala, 393; his steadiness of purpose, 396; and the South African Air Force, 408

Long Range Desert Group: 294-7, 354.

Lord Privy Seal: 191n

Lorenzini, General: 439

Lorraine: 84

Loula: sunk, 162

Luftwaffe: see also Fliegerkorps; in Holland, 86; possible intervention of, 114, 251, 252; in Sicily, 288, 315-6; effect of arrival in Middle East, 323-8, 343, 373, 376; first unit of in Middle East, 337; attacks Tobruk and Benghazi, 365

Lugh Ferrandi: advance on, 412

Luxembourg: invasion of, 88

Lysander, army co-operation aircraft: drawbacks of, 193, 264

Lyster, Rear-Admiral A. L. St. G.: 201


Mackay, Major-General I. G.: and capture of Bardia, 271, 278, 282-4; and capture of Tobruk, 291, 293; and battle of Beda Fomm, 361

Maddalena: capture of fort: 118

Mahratta Light Infantry, 5th, 2nd Bn: 437

3rd Bn: 438

Mai Edega: air attacks on, 436

Malaya, H.M.S.: operates in Indian Ocean, 47; arrives in Mediterranean, 84; wears Commander-in-Chief's flag, 84; Commanders-in-Chief meet in, 88; in first fleet operation, 109; and action off Calabria, 150, 153; mentioned, 156n; defect in, 160; in operation 'HATS', 202; in convoy operations, 221, 300, 309-10, 316-7; to reinforce Force H, 309-10; in bombardment of Genoa, 329-30

Maleme airfield: 335

Maletti, General: in advance into Egypt, 116n, 208, 210; in battle of Sidi Barrani, 265, 268

Malta: for Governor see Dobbie, for A.O.C. see Maynard, for Vice-Admiral see Ford; as Fleet base, 9, 10, 29, 30, 74, 76, 77, 98; policy for, 18, 30; strategic importance of, 29; defence and defences of, 29-31, 98, 119-21, 147, 161-2, 198, 217-8; independent air command at, 31, 94; garrison at, 32, 219; airfields in, 29, 69, 70; air establishments at, 70; floating dock at, 75-6, 119; defences to be manned, 83; reinforcements and supplies for, 98, 120, 159-60, 201-3, 219-22, 229-30, 232, 241-4, 254, 299-301, 316-21, 327; possible capture of, 98; 'Faith', 'Hope' and 'Charity', 98, 119, 120, 121; air attacks on, 119-21, 218, 310, 322; COSUP in, 120, 219; Shipping Committee in Egypt, 120, 219; as a striking base, 161, 162, 198, 217, 218, 323-4; as a refuelling base, 194; Lieutenant-Governor of, 218; supplies in, 219; Admiral Cunningham visits, 310; squadrons at, Dec. '40, 312

Manchester, H.M.S.: 299, 301, 305-6

Mangasha, Dejesmach: 403, 424, 427

Manin: sunk, 441

Mannella, General Pitassi: 288, 293

Manzoni: sunk, 150

Maraventano, Colonel: 425-7

Maria Eugenia: sunk, 211

'Marita': 348-9

Marriott, Brigadier J. C. O.: 435

Massawa: Italian naval force at, 92, 111-2, 248, 448; force destroyed, 441; air attacks on, 114, 170, 437; reinforcements for, 432; capture of, 391, 396, 441-2

Massiet, General: 89

Matruh garrison: 259, 261, 266, 375

Matruh (Mersa): railway extended to, 4; policy for defence of, 42, 68, 187; as advanced base, 67-8; Italian air attacks on, 113

Maund, Air Vice-Marshal A. C.: 61 71

Mauretania, s.s.: 244n

Maynard, Air Commodore F. H. M., Air Officer Commanding in Malta: 94; forms first fighter defence, 98; and reinforcements, 120; responsible to A.O.C.-in-C., Middle East, 218

Mayne, Brigadier (later Major-General) A. G. O. M.: 397, 443, 445-6

McCarthy, Captain E. D. B.: 221

Mechili: forces at and encounters near, 352-3

Mediterranean: piracy in, 9; areas of responsibility in, 18, 28, 126; Allied co-operation in, 27-8, 43, 91-2, 126; German submarines in, 43; contraband control in, 44-8, 99; French to assume responsibility for, 83, 84; effect of French collapse in 125-6, naval situation in, 163-4

Mediterranean Command, R.A.F.: 31, 94, 107

Mediterranean Fleet: see also Cunningham, Force H, and Submarines; during Ethiopian crisis, 2, 3, 5, 30, 74, 76-7; and its base, 9-10, 29, 30, 31, 36, 74-9; in 1938 crisis, 17, 18, 75; in Albanian crisis, 24, 76; on eve of war, 42, 43, with Italy, 99; reduction of, 47, 77, 299; dock affects composition of, 76; composition of 42, 78, 91, 155-6; ammunition shortage in, 78, 80, 153; plans for removal from Alexandria, 78; reinforcement of, 82, 84, 162n, 190-2, 201-4, 218, 242; destroyer shortage in, 91, 109, 155, 204, 216, 313; organization of, 101-3, 162n; first operation of, 109-10; bombards Bardia, 110, 150, 162-3, 278, 286; suggested withdrawal of, 124; in convoy operations, 148 et seq, 159-60, 191, 201-4, 219-22, 241-3, 299, 306, 309-10, 317-21; in action off Calabria, 150-4; in action off Cape Spada, 156-9; in diversionary operations, 159, 160; lends destroyers to Force H, 162; danger to from air and torpedo-bombing attacks, 163, 191, 212, 312, 373; harasses Graziani's communications, 211-2; after Italian invasion of Greece, 228-9; sinks Italian convoy, 238; in Western Desert offensive, 261, 266, 271, 278, 280, 284, 286, now see Inshore Squadron; bombards Valona, 310; general shortages in, 373; danger to from mines, 373

Mediterranean Station: 32

Meetings: see Conferences

Mega: capture of, 409

Merchant ships: rules for attack of, 110-1, 147; in Dardanelles, 111

(British) controlled by Admiralty, 42; measures for safety of, 43, 83, 99, 147-8; act as armament ships, 77; French warships ordered to intercept, 142

(French) British policy towards, 143

(German) escape from Mediterranean, 44

(Italian) loss of, 110, 150, 164, 211, 238, 310, 313-4, 324, 335

(others) loss of 111, 160, 162, 314

Mers-el-Kebir: see Oran

Messervy, Brigadier F. W.: 397, 437-8

Metaxas, General: and British help for Greece, 223; and Italian invasion of


Metaxas, General—cont.

Greece, 225; given ultimatum, 228; invokes guarantee, 229, 388; withdraws Greek troops from Crete, 232; and placation of Germany, 255; talks with, 339-42; death of, 347

Metemma: attack on postponed, 398

Middle East: see also Middle East base; British interest in, 1; during Ethiopian crisis, 2-5; in 1938 crisis, 17-20; joint command in, 31-4; threat to from north, 49 et seq, 87; defensive outlook in, 54; military policy in, 25-7, 55-6, 85-7, 99, 187; airfields in, 69-70; unready for war, 81-2; countries lack confidence in Allies, 88-9; comparison of forces in, 90-7; reactions to Italy's entry into war, 121-2; effects of French collapse in, 122-8, 142; proposal for regional War Council in, 185-6; Wavell's review of, 187-90; air defence in, 213-15; effect on of the arrival of the Luftwaffe, 323-8

Middle East base: importance of Canal to, 39; enlargement and construction of, 60 et seq, 250; security of, 90

Middle East Command R.A.F.: 31, 107

Middle East Intelligence Centre: 34

Milch, Field-Marshal Erhard: 315

Military Government, British: 443, 450

Minister of Aircraft Production: 191n

Minister of Defence: see Prime Minister

Minister of Marine (Italian): 304

Minister of National Defence (Egyptian): 37, 42, 54

Minister of State in the Middle East: 186

Ministerial Committee on the Middle East: 186, 187, 251

Ministry of Marine (French): 27-8

Mission No. 101: enters Ethiopia, 183-4; helped by Royal Air Force, 404; Wingate head of, 406, 424; mentioned, 426

Mitchell, Sir Philip: 406

Mitchell, Air Chief Marshal Sir William: becomes A.O.C.-in-C., M.E., 31; and location of headquarters, 33; war aims of, 41; anxiety over administrative situation, 56, 61; needs communication aircraft, 63; provides facilities for F.A.A., 78; leaves Middle East, 94

Mittelhauser, General: 123, 128

'Mittelmeer': 315

Mobile Naval Base Defence Organization: 325

Modun: bombardment of, 416

Mogadishu: capture of, 391, 415-6; advance on, 395, 411, 412

Mogador: damaged, 136

Mohamed Mahmoud Pasha: 35, 54

Mohawk, fighter aircraft: 252, 342

Mohawk, H.M.S.: 238, 318

Mombasa: air defence of, 213; threat to, 392

Mombasa-Cairo route: see Nile Valley route

Montreux Convention: 44, 52-3, 111

Moonstone, H.M.S.: 111

Mosul oilfields: defence of, 90

Motor Machine-Gun Companies, Sudan Defence Force: 169; Nos. 3 and 5, 170

Motor Machine-Gun Group, Sudan Defence Force: No.1, 397; No.2, 401

Motor transport: lack of, 67, 68-9, 71-2; desert-worthiness of, 68-9; in Kenya, 181-2, 412, 423

Moubray, Lieut.-Colonel J.: 209

Mounted Infantry Company, Sudan Defence Force, No. 6: 170

Moyale: loss of, 180-1, 189, 391; recapture of, 409

Mufti of Jerusalem: 17, 88, 122

Munich settlement: 13, 14, 17

Murzuk: raid on, 297

Mussolini, Benito: and Ethiopian war, 2, 20; supports Franco, 7; and Anglo-Italian Joint Declaration, 7; as Protector of Islam, 8; and invasion of Albania, 24; Roosevelt appeals to, 38; and entry into war, 39, 81, 82, 83, 85, 88, 207, 223, 363, 447; decides on neutrality, 40; and contraband control, 45, 47; ends hope of trade agreement, 48; meets Hitler, 81, 130n, 226, 257, 367; on troops in East Africa, 93n; comments on frontier operations, 118n; and Italian naval policy, 145; and Italian East Africa, 165, 168, 430-2, 442, 447; annoyed about French Somaliland, 167; and capture of British Somaliland, 176n; and advance into Egypt, 207-8, 211; and invasion of Greece and Yugoslavia, 225-6, 234, 337, 363; Hitler tells his plans to, 240, 347; and German aid, 257, 315, 368; and British Western Desert offensive, 281, 354; warns against French dissidents, 354; on Italian shortages, 366; and defence of Tripolitania, 369; orders enquiry on raid on El Wak, 408

Myriel, s.s.: 280

Nagash, Dejesmach: 403, 427

Nahas Pasha: 6

Narval: 127n, 313

Nasi, Lieut.-General: in capture of British Somaliland, 174; announces Italians to return to Burye, 425; mentioned in connexion with Patriots, 427; ordered to organize areas of resistance, 429; forces under, 430; commands in Amhara and Shoa, 431 442; tasks of, 432

Natal Mounted Rifles, 1st Bn: 409

Natale, Colonel: 424, 425

Neptune, H.M.S.: 84, 149, 150, 156n

Nessim Government: 4

Newcastle, H.M.S.: 244, 299-302, 306

New Zealand: see also New Zealand Government; declares war on Germany and expands defence forces, 57

New Zealand Construction and Maintenance Group N.Z.E.: 249

New Zealand Government: anxious for safety of Dominion convoys, 84; wish to keep contingents intact, 84-5; and fleet for Far East, 126; offers technical units, 249; and the decision to help Greece, 381, 386-7


New Zealand land forces: arrive in Middle East, 57

New Zealand Operating Group N.Z.E.: 249

New Zealand Star, m.v.: 299, 306

Nibeiwa camp: assault on, 266-7

Nicholson, Commander H. St. L.: 156, 158

Nigeria Regiment: 179

Nile Valley route, Mombasa-Cairo: capacity of 62, 67; importance of, 179; description of, 248n

Noguès, General: visited by Wavell, 55; on French Tunisian forces, 93; reactions to French collapse, 122-3, 127-8

Norfolk, H.M.S.: 47

North, Admiral Sir Dudley: 131, 135

North Africa: reactions to French Armistice, 122-3, 127

North Africa Supreme Headquarters, Italian: 92

Northern Prince, m.v.: 316, 323

Northern Rhodesia Regiment, 1st Bn: for British Somaliland, 83; in British Somaliland, 172, 174, 177-8; mentioned, 180; in Kenya, 407

Norway: invasion of, 82, 85; campaign in, 87

Nott, Major D. H.: 426

Nubian, H.M.S.: 238

Nyon Conference: 9

O'Connor, Major-General (later Lieut.-General) R. N.: commands Western Desert Force, 97; posts covering force, 118; confidence of, 258; and battle of Sidi Barrani, 'COMPASS', 259, 265, 269, 272; and capture of Bardia, 270, 278, 284; parts with 4th Indian Division, 271; and capture of Benghazi 351, 355-6; and Babini's armoured brigade, 353; and the battle of Beda Fomm, 356-8, 361; commands in Egypt, 365

Odin, H.M.S.: 110, 164n

Oerlikon guns: 79

Ollive, Vice-Admiral: 28

Onslow, Captain (acting Rear-Admiral) R. F. J.: 137

Operational Centres: formation of, 404; plans for, 405; in campaign of Gideon Force, 424-6

No.1: 406

No.2: 406

Oran: in terms of armistice, 125; French ships at, 130; action against French Fleet at, 131-8, possible consequences from, 141, reactions to, 142

Orion, H.M.S.: arrives in Mediterranean, 84: in convoy operations, 148, 149, 202, 219-20, 300, 320-1; in action off Calabria, 150, 153; mentioned, 156n; in encounter with Italian convoy, 238

Orlanger: 111

Orpheus, H.M.S.: 110, 164n

Ostro: 149

Oswald, H.M.S.: 164n

Overland route, Basra to Haifa: description of, 15, 16, 18; defence of, 49; improvement of, 62, 66

Owen, Brigadier W.: 411

Palestine: creation of State, 1; rebellion in, 13-14; conference on, 16-17; policy for, 17, 27; communications with Egypt, 19, 64; industries of, 64; as a base, 64; airfields in, 69, 70, 72; troops in, 93; situation in, 190

Palestine and Transjordan: command in, 31, 32, 63n; administration of troops in, 60

Pandora, H.M.S.: 160

Pantelleria: capture of see 'WORKSHOP'

Pantera: 441

Papagos, General: and Albanian fighting, 333, 336; talks with, 340-1, 378-80, 383-5; has not withdrawn troops, 382; high command under, 470

Papen, von: 129

Parthian, H.M.S.: 110

Patriots, Ethiopian: see also Gideon Force; 391; significance of movement, 394; encouraged by British attack on Gallabat, 399; influence of Emperor's presence on, 403, 404; part of in operations, 403, 425, 427-8; training of, 404; Ras Hailu influences, 405, 425; tasks of, 406; contacts with in Galla-Sidamo, 409; in Begemdir, 426; Cunningham controls operations of, 426; unhelpful near Addis Derra, 426; in pursuit of Maraventano's force, 427; at Wolchefit Pass, 443; capture Socota, 443; in action at Combolcha, 444; in battle of Amba Alagi, 446

Paul, Prince, Regent of Yugoslavia: 379, 381-2

Penelope, H.M.S.; 47

Persia: dissatisfaction in, 88

Persian Gulf: land command of operations near, 63

Perth, H.M.A.S.: 320-2

Pesenti, Lieutenant-General: 409

Pétain, Marshal: 130, 185, 226

Phoenix, H.M.S., F.A.A. shore establishment: 78

Phoenix, H.M.S.: 151, 164n

Pienaar, Brigadier D. H.: and capture of Kismayu, 413; finds place to cross Juba, 413; enters Addis Ababa, 422; in action at Combolcha, 443-4; and battle of Amba Alagi, 446

Pinna, Air General: 114n, 430

Pitt, Earl of Chatham: Churchill compared with, 200-1

Platt, Major-General (later Lieut.-General) W: plans future operations, 55, 265, 392; and fostering rebellion in Ethiopia, 55, 183, 265, 403-6; and defence of the Sudan, 168, 169, 397; policy of, 171; told of Western Desert offensive, 265, 393; 4th Indian Division for, 265, 271, 393; in East African campaign, 391; and attack on Gallabat, 392-3; and attack on Kassala, 399-400; ordered to Asmara, 394, 402; not to go into Ethiopia, 395; reorganizes 5th Indian Division, 397; and campaign of Gideon Force, 424-6; and


Platt, Major-General W.—cont.

capture of Massawa, 441; and the battle of Keren, 395, 402, 433, 435, 437-40; and the battle of Amba Alagi, 396, 443; Duke of Aosta surrenders to, 446

Plumleaf, oiler: 202

Poland: guarantees to, 23, 38; Non-Aggression Pact with, 38; and Treaty with U.K., 38; invasion of, 39, 42, 48

Polish Brigade: 375, 404

Polish Government: 381

Porro, Air General: 208

Portal, Air Chief Marshal Sir Charles: 251

Port Said: use of, 64; oil at, 74; naval facilities at, 79; clearance facilities at, 250

Port Sudan: sole useful port, 168; air attacks on, 170; air defence of, 213

Ports and Lights, Egyptian: 75, 80

Pound, Admiral Sir Dudley: 18, 24, 28n, 75 now see Chief of Naval Staff

Prasca, General Visconti: 225-6, 234, 337

Prendergast, Captain G. L.: 294

Pretty, Captain F. C.: 203

Pricolo, General Francesco: 145, 315

Pridham-Wippell, Vice-Admiral H. D.: in engagement with enemy, 238; in convoy operations, 300, 309, 317, 320; cannot locate Illustrious, 323

Prime Minister (Rt. Hon. Neville Chamberlain): 8, 38

Prime Minister and Minister of Defence (Rt. Hon. Winston S. Churchill): becomes Prime Minister, 88; on Admiral Cunningham's objects, 98; and action against French Fleet, 137; sets up Committee for Middle East, 186; invites Wavell home, 187; and reinforcements for Middle East, 190-1, 374; presides over Defence Committee, 191n; sends Directive to Wavell, 197; compared with Pitt, 200-1 ; and operation 'HATS', 204; and Malta, 219; and Italian invasion of Greece, 228; comments on despatch of squadron to Greece, 230; and offensive in Western Desert, 'COMPASS', 230, 253, 275, 277; and support for Turkey, 239; and 'WORKSHOP', 308-9, 325; on the arrival of the Luftwaffe in the Mediterranean, 323; and aid to Greece, 229, 338-9, 372, 377, 380-1, 386, 388; appeals to Turkish President, 346-7, 466-7; dissatisfied with troops in Kenya, 393; hopes for victory in Ethiopia, 394; appealed to by Emperor of Ethiopia, 405

Prisoners: in patrols, 118-9, 187, 264; in naval actions, 149, 158, 220, 222; in battle of Sidi Barrani, 268, 271, 273; in capture of Bardia, 284, 287; in capture of Tobruk, 293; in battle of Beda Fomm, 358, 360, 361; in whole Western Desert campaign, 362; in action at Keru, 400; in raid on El Wak, 408; in capture of Mega, 409; in capture of Bulo Erillo, 413; at Harar, 419; in Italian evacuation of Burye, 424; from surrender of Maraventano's force, 427; captured by Gideon Force, 427; in battle of Keren, 439; in capture of Asmara, 441; in capture of Massawa, 442; in action at Combolcha, 444; in surrender at Amba Alagi, 446

Protector, H.M.S.: 164, 229

Proteus, H.M.S.: 160

Provence: 136

Punjab Regiment:

1st, 3rd Bn: 268, 433n

2nd, 1st Bn: 172, 177

2nd, 3rd Bn: 438, 445

14th, 3rd Bn: 433n

15th, 3rd Bn: 172, 173, 176

Queen Elizabeth, s.s.: 244n

Queen Elizabeth class: 76, 155

Queen Mary, s.s.: 244n

Radar: absence of in Mediterranean Fleet, 155, 320; in Ajax, 192, 222; in operation 'HATS', 202; scarcity of sets, 213; in Illustrious, 312; during passage of convoy 'EXCESS', 317, 318; in Bonaventure, 321; in bombardment of Genoa, 330

Raeder, Admiral: 366

Railway Construction and Operating Company, 10th R.E.: 249

Rainbow, H.M.S.: 217

Rajputana Rifles, 6th:

1st Bn: 267-8, 433n

4th Bn: 268, 435

Ramillies, H.M.S.: arrives in Mediterranean, 84; mentioned, 156n; in convoy operations, 221, 242; leaves Mediterranean, 299-302, 306; in action off Cape Spartivento, 304

Rankin, Lieut.-Colonel W.: 443-4, 446

Rawlings, Rear-Admiral H. B.: 320

Rear-Admiral, First Battle Squadron: 309, 323

Rear-Admiral Mediterranean Aircraft Carriers: see Lyster

Red Sea: see also Sea Communications and Red Sea Force; vulnerability of and dangers to, 4, 39, 75; Italian naval force in, see Massawa; convoys in, 112, 193, 248-9; as 'Combat Zone', 244; rendering safe of, 395; no longer 'Combat Zone', 396, 442

Red Sea Force: description of, 84; only provides essential escorts, 92; conditions in, 249

Rees, Brigadier T, W.: 439

Regulus, H.M.S.: 313

Reinforcements: see under heading of their destination, e.g. Royal Air Force, Kenya, etc.

Renouf, Rear-Admiral E. de F.: 316-8, 320

Renown, H.M.S.: in Force H, 156n; in convoy operations, 201, 300, 310, 316-7; operates in Atlantic, 242; rejoins Force H, 243; in action off Cape Spartivento, 301-5; damaged, 311; under repair, 316; in bombardment of Genoa, 328-30

Renton, Lieut.-Colonel J. M. L.: 358


Reserve M.T. Company, New Zealand A.S.C., 4th: 268, 280

Reserve, strategic, in Middle East: for use in Balkans, 51; ordered to be formed, 328, 344; 50th Division for, 374; mentioned, 389

Resolution, H.M.S.: at action at Oran, 132n; in diversionary operation, 155; mentioned, 156n; in operation 'HURRY', 160

Resource, H.M.S.: 75, 78

Rhodes: air attacks on, 203; Luftwaffe established at, 326; importance of capturing, 343, 344-5, 375; air threat from, 373

Ribbentrop, von: 81, 226

Riccardi, Admiral: 337

Richards, Brigadier C. E. M.: 413

Richelieu: 130, 137

Richpal Ram, Subedar: 435

Richthofen, General Frh. von: 348

Rifle Brigade, 2nd Bn: in battle of Sidi Barrani, 266, 270; in battle of Beda Fomm, 358, 361

Ringrose, Major B. J.: 443

Rintelen, Major-General Enno von: reports on situation in Libya, 207, 209, 366, 368; reports on Italian invasion of Greece, 226, 337; on notification of British attack, 274; Guzzoni reports to, 367

Ritchie, Brigadier A. McD.: 411

Roatta, General: 369

Robertson, Brigadier H. C. H.: 286, 293

Rolle, Colonel: 398

Rome-Berlin Axis: 7

Rommel, Lieut.-General Erwin: 369, 396

Roosevelt, President: appeals to Axis dictators, 38; declares Red Sea a Combat Zone, 244; announces end of Red Sea Combat Zone, 396, 442

Rorqual, H.M.S.: 164

Royal Air Force in Middle East: during Ethiopian crisis, 3, 4-5; rearmament and reinforcement of, 12, 18-19, 41, 61, 62, 71-3, 83, 95, 129, 186, 192-7, 232, 246, 250-5, 346, 373-4; in 1938 crisis, 17; command in, 31; on eve of war, 41; policy for expansion of and administrative consequences, 62-3, 71-3; airfields for, 69-70, 72; aircraft depots for, 70-1; vehicles shortage in, 71-2; reserves in, 72; inadequacy of, 81; strength and state of, 95, 188; tasks of, 95, 112; at Aden, 96, 114, 178, 450; in the Sudan, 96, 114, 169, 254, 397, 398, 450; in Kenya, 96, 180, 407, 450; in the Western Desert, 97, 112-3, 114, 205-6, 209, 210-11, 261; now see below in Western Desert offensive; organization of, 107-8; attacks Tobruk, 164, 261; in bombardments of Bardia, 113, 162-3; attacks enemy troops concentrations, 113; attacks Derna, 164, 261; attacks Bomba, 164; in loss of British Somaliland, 177-8; attacks Benina, 211; effect of loss of Sidi Barrani on, 212; and air defence of Alexandria, 214; attacks Taranto, 237; attacks Benghazi, 261; attacks Bardia, 261; and the Long Range Desert Group, 296; general activities of against Italian ports, 312; sets up Cyrenaican H.Q., 365;

(in East African campaign) 391; in attack on Gallabat, 398; during Italian retreat from Um Hagar, 401; general activity during Italian withdrawals from Sudan frontier, 402; helps 101 Mission, 404; attacks Italian airfields, etc., 417, 420, 436; in battle of Keren, 437-8; in capture of Massawa, 441-2; in battle of Amba Alagi, 443;

(in Greece) arrival of, 230, 233; increases in and strength of, 231, 255, 336, 344, 376; policy of, 234-5, 336; operations and losses of, 253, 334, 336;

(in Western Desert offensive) casualties in, 253, 272; plan for, 261; strength of, 261-2, 288; strikes at airfields, 266, 353; in battle of Sidi Barrani, 272; and capture of Bardia, 253, 278, 284, 286; maintenance of, 281, 352-3; and capture of Tobruk, 291, 293; during Italian withdrawal, 357


No. 201: 99

202: ready for war, 100; damages San Giorgio, 110; commands air forces in Western Desert, 112; aircraft attack enemy airfields, 204; and battle of Sidi Barrani, 262; H.Q. at Sollum, 288; H.Q. withdrawn, 365

203: 169, 397, 420


No. 252: 154, 214

254: 169


No. 6: 264n, 365

8: attacks airfield near Assab, 114; in loss of British Somaliland, 178; attacks Diredawa airfields, 417; for mopping-up operations, 450

11: for Aden, 114; in loss of British Somaliland, 178; in battle of Sidi Barrani, 261, 262n; for Greece, 344

14: attacks Massawa, 114; mentioned, 169; in battle of Keren, 437; sinks Italian destroyers, 441; for Egypt, 450

30: conversion of, 114; for Greece, 230, 231; begins operations, 233

33: in capture of Fort Capuzzo, 113; escort duties of, 113, 150; rearmed, 251; in battle of Sidi Barrani, 262n; covers forward area, 280; and capture of Bardia, 286; for Greece, 336

37: for Middle East, 232; in battle of Sidi Barrani, 262n; and capture of Tobruk, 291; attacks Albanian airfields, 336


Royal Air Force in Middle East: Squadrons—cont.

38: for Middle East, 232; in battle of Sidi Barrani, 262n, and capture of Tobruk, 291

39: attacks Diredawa, 114; in loss of British Somaliland, 178; in battle of Sidi Barrani, 261, 262n

45: attacks El Adem, 112; attacks Tobruk, 112; goes to Sudan, 114, 169, 397; in battle of Sidi Barrani, 261, 262n; withdrawn, 365

47: in the Sudan, 169; in battle of Keren, 437; in capture of Massawa, 442; and battle of Amba Alagi, 443; for mopping- up operations, 450

55: attacks El Adem, 112; attacks Tobruk, 159; and Italian advance into Egypt, 209; attacks Bardia, 253; in battle of Sidi Barrani, 262n; and capture of Tobruk, 293; in Cyrenaica command, 365

69: 312

70: operations of in Greece, 233; rearmed, 251; in battle of Sidi Barrani, 262n; and capture of Bardia, 284; during Italian withdrawal, 357

73: for Middle East, 232; in battle of Sidi Barrani, 262; covers forward area, 280; and capture of Bardia, 286; and capture of Tobruk, 293; at Gazala, 353; defends Tobruk, 365

80: 233, 336

84: 178, 199, 233

94: in Red Sea, 114; in loss of British Somaliland, 177; reinforces South African Air Force, 420; for Egypt, 450

112: 169, 262n, 344

113: attacks El Adem, 112; attacks Tobruk, 112; reconnaissances of, 113; and Italian advance into Egypt, 209; rearmed, 251; in battle of Sidi Barrani, 262n; in capture of Tobruk, 293; withdrawn, 365

148: operations of against Italian ports, 312; attacks Catania, 321

203: in loss of British Somaliland, 178; attacks targets in Ethiopia, 420; for Egypt, 450

208: reconnaissances of, 113; in Army/Air Component, 264n; to co-operate with 7th Armoured Division, 357

211: attacks Tobruk, 112, 150, 159; in capture of Fort Capuzzo 113; and Italian advance into Egypt, 209; in Greece, 233

216: attacks El Adem, 113; attacks Tobruk, 113, 206; many calls on, 218; takes air party to Greece, 233; in battle of Sidi Barrani, 262n; and capture of Bardia, 284; helps Long Range Desert Group, 296

223: in the Sudan, 169; goes to Aden, 178; attacks Mai Edega, 436; in battle of Keren, 437; destroys Italian ships, 441; in capture of Massawa, 442; for Egypt, 450

228: reconnaissances of, 149, 151, 324: and attack on Taranto, 236; mentioned, 312

230: sinks submarines, 149

237 Rhodesian: in Kenya, 180; in the Sudan, 397, 407; in battle of Keren, 437; and battle of Amba Alagi, 443; for Egypt, 450

261: 312

274: in battle of Sidi Barrani, 261-2; covers forward area, 280; and capture of Bardia, 286; and capture of Tobruk, 293; at Gazala, 353; withdrawn, 365


K: 169, 261

430: 169, 404

431: 236, 312

Other Units:

Anti-Aircraft Co-operation Unit: 195

Flying Training School, No. 4: 199

Kenya Auxiliary Air Unit: 180

Royal Artillery:

Hong Kong and Singapore Brigade, 23rd Battery: 173

1st Field Regiment; 269

25th Field Regiment; 268

31st Field Regiment; 269

7th Medium Regiment; 269

31st Field Battery; 267-8

25/26th Medium Battery; 210

212th Medium Battery; 437

233rd Medium Battery; 437

22nd Mountain Battery; 180, 419

Royal Australian Air Force, No. 3 Squadron: in Army/Air Component, 264n, 272; and capture of Tobruk, 293; defends Benghazi, 365

Royal Fusiliers, 1st Bn: 268, 435n

Royal Garhwal Rifles, 18th, 3rd Bn: 438, 445

Royal Horse Artillery: 97

3rd Regiment; 293

106th Regiment; 358, 361

C Battery; 209-10, 358, 361

F Battery; 209-10, 360

J Battery; 119

Royal Natal Carbineers, 1st Bn: 415, 444

Royal Navy: see also Mediterranean Fleet; command in Middle East, 32-3; in Norwegian campaign, 82, 84, 87

Royal Northumberland Fusiliers, 1st Bn: 210, 283


Royal Sovereign, H.M.S.: arrives in Mediterranean, 84; endurance of 102-3; and action off Calabria, 150-1n, 153; in convoy operations, 154; (class) 76, 102-3, 109; anxiety to C.-in-C., 155

Royal Tank Regiment:

1st Bn; 360

2nd Bn; for Middle East, 190n; in battle of Sidi Barrani, 270; in battle of Beda Fomm, 359-60

4th Bn; to join 4th Indian Division, 400; in battle of Keren, 439n; in capture of Massawa, 442

6th Bn; in battle of Sidi Barrani, 270; withdrawn, 291; in attack on Gallabat, 398

7th Bn; for Middle East, 190n; in battle of Sidi Barrani, 259-60, 267-9; in capture of Bardia, 271, 283; in capture of Tobruk, 291

Royal West African Frontier Force: control of, 32; brigades for Kenya, 62, 83; description of, 179

Royal Wiltshire Yeomanry: 214

Rubino: 149

Rumania: guarantee to, 25, 31, 52, renounced, 129; threat to, 48, 49; loses provinces to Russia, 129; relations with Germany and Italy, 129, 225, 238; British threat to oilfields in, 255, 343, 346, 348; German concentration in, 338, 339, 340-1, 348, 388

Russell, Colonel D.: 446

Russell, Brigadier H.: 270

Russia: and Soviet-German Non-Aggression Pact, 38, 48, 50; possible action by, 48-9, 61, 90; annexes Bessarabia and Northern Bukovina, 129; German attack on see 'Barbarossa'; interested in German move towards Greece, 348

Salonika: French project for force at, 50-1, 86-7, 90; defence of 378-9, 383-4

Sandford, Colonel (later Brigadier) D. A.: fosters rebellion in Ethiopia, 182-4, 391, 402-5; as Emperor's adviser, 406, 426

San Giorgio: set on fire, 110, 113; in Tobruk, 291; wrecked, 293

Sappers and Miners, 5th Indian Division: 439

Saudi Arabia: strategical importance of 16; sympathies in, 88

Sauro: sunk, 441

Savige, Brigadier S. G.: 282

Savoia 79 (S.79), Italian bomber: compared with Blenheims, 96

Savoia 81 (S.81), Italian bomber: 3

Savoia Grenadier Regiment, 11th Bn: for Keren, 431: at Keren, 433, 440, 448

Savory, Brigadier R. A.: 267, 433

Scheer: 242, 299

Scots Guards, 2nd Bn: 296

Sea Communications: between Italy and Libya, 25, 26, 28, 30, 92, 98, 99, 146-7, 164, 215, 216-7, 316, 324; in Gulf of Aden and Red Sea, 26, 90; between Italy and East Africa, 82, 85; in Eastern Mediterranean, 98; in Aegean, 98, 111, 147; between Italy and Dodecanese, 98; between Italy and Albania, 312, 316

Selby, Brigadier A. R.: 266, 269-70

Senior British Naval Officer, Canal Area: 37

Serenitas: sunk, 150

Seyoum, Ras: 443

Sheffield, H.M.S.: in Force H, 156n; in convoy operations, 201, 300-1, 316-7; in bombardment of Genoa, 329-30

Shropshire, H.M.S.: 412n

Sidi Barrani: Italian air attacks on, 113: Italians capture, 210; effect of capture, 212; battle of, 'COMPASS', 260-75

Sierra Leone Battalion, Royal West African Frontier Force: 180

Sikh Regiment, 11th, 4th Bn: 435

Simonds, Major A. C.: 424-5

Skinner's Horse, Sudan Defence Force: 397, 437

Slatter, Air Commodore L. H.: commands 203 Group, 169; strength of his forces, 397; his targets, 398; and plan to attack Kassala, 399

Slim, Brigadier W. J.: 397, 399

Smallwood, Brigadier G. R.: 416

Smuts, General, Prime Minister of South Africa: and forces for Middle East, 57, 197, 394; anxious about defence of Kenya, 199, 394; and aid for Greece, 387; at Khartoum Conference, 392

Socota: capture of, 443

Soddu, General: 234, 337

Sollum: capture of 280

Somaliland Camel Corps: 94; reinforcements for, 172; in loss of British Somaliland, 173-4, 178

Somerville, Vice-Admiral Sir James: commands Force H, 131; and action against French Fleet, 131-3, 135-8; and diversionary operations, 155; on role of Force H, 156; and reinforcements for Malta, 159-60, 243; and convoy operations, 201-2, 242, 300-1, 316-7; and action off Cape Spartivento, 301-7; ordered to Azores, 310; and bombardment of Genoa, 328-9, 332

'Sonnenblume': 368

Sortie: explanation of, 211n

South Africa: declares war on Germany and position of armed forces, 57

South African Air Force: squadrons offered to Kenya, 58; aircraft for, 195, 252; expansion of in East Africa, 252

(in East African campaign) 391; in raid on El Wak, 408; attacks Italian airfields, 411, 417, 421; and the capture of Kismayu, 412-3, 415; moves to Mogadishu, 417; and advance to Harar, 418; reinforcements for, 420; losses of, 422; review of in campaign from Kenya to Addis Ababa, 423;

(in Kenya) begins to arrive, 96; strength of, 180, 407, 450; control of, 408; tasks of, 408;

(in the Sudan) strength of, 169


South African Air Force—cont.


No. 2: 412, 417


No. 1: 169

2: 407, 450

3: in Kenya, 407; attacks Italian airfields, 413, 421; at Dagabur, 417; in 'close support flight', 420; for mopping-up operations, 450

11: in Kenya, 180, 407; attacks Italian airfields, 411, 413, 421; for mopping-up operations, 450

12: in Kenya, 180, 407; attacks Italian airfields, 411, 413, 421; for Egypt, 450

24: 450

40: in Kenya, 180, 407; for mopping-up operations, 450

41: in Kenya, 407; helps 11th African Division, 417; in 'close support flight', 420; for mopping-up operations, 450

South African Artillery: 1st Anti-Aircraft Brigade, 180, 247; 4th Field Brigade, 443; 7th Field Brigade, 419; 1st Medium Brigade, 443-4

South African Engineers: 412

South African Government: see also Smuts; agree to send forces to Middle East, 83; its interest in and help for Kenya, 181, 412, 423; and control of South African squadrons, 408

South African land forces: offered to Kenya, 57, 180

South African Light Tank Company, 1st: 408

South African Road Construction and Maintenance Companies: 415

Southampton, H.M.S.: in convoy operations, 299, 305-6, 316-8; loss of, 320

Southern Rhodesia Regiment: 172

Sowrey, Air Commodore W.: 408, 412

Spahis: 401

Spain: see also Franco; adopts non-belligerency, 126; attempts to bring into war, 240

Spanish Civil War: 7, 8, 13

Squadra 5th: in advance into Egypt, 208-9; notified of impending attack, 274; strength of, 288; mastered, 362

Staff Conversations: see Conferences

Strasbourg: 91; at Oran, 130; and action at Oran, 132, 136-7, 142

Stuart, H.M.A.S.: 47; and action off Calabria, 150; in encounter with submarine, 220


(British) numbers of, 91; organization of, 102; operations and losses of, 110, 164, 216-7, 313-4; 'T' class, 217; 'U' class 314, 324

(French) numbers of 91, 92; control of 110

(German) in Mediterranean, 43

(Greek) patrol Adriatic, 313, 335

(Italian) agreement concerning during Italy's neutrality, 44; numbers of, 91; losses of, 110, 111-2, 148-9, 164, 220, 314; operations of, 111, 314

Suda Bay: as fleet fuelling base, 99, 110, 228-30; air attacks on, 229; limitations of, 335

Sudan: see also Platt; command in, 31, 32, 63n; policy for operations in, 55; administration of troops in, 60; airfields in, 69, 70, 72; no land threat to, 89; troops in, 94, 397; dispositions in, 97, 169; possible invasion of, 168; frontier operations in, 170-1, 189, 398; reinforcements for, (see also 4th and 5th Indian Divisions), 171, 396-7; defence of, 197; air defence of, 213; Italian withdrawals from frontier, 399-402; (air forces in) strength of, 96, 114, 169, 254, 397, 450; tasks of, 169, 398; reduction in, 261, 450

Sudan Defence Force: additional battalion for, 62; mentioned, 94; description of, 168-9; patrols of, 170, 171, 397; in loss of Kassala, 170; pursues Italians, 401; and battle of Keren, 437; at Wolchefit Pass, 443

Sudan Horse: 169

Sudan Police: 397

Suez Canal: British interest in, 1; and Constantinople Convention, 2, 3n, 12, 37, 46; dangers to, 4, 37, 75, 99, 324; defence of, 37, 49; importance of, 39; lights extinguished, 100; air attacks on, 164; mining of, 250, 326-8, 385, 387

Suez, port of: 64, 65, 250, 327

Suffolk, H.M.S.: 47

Support Group (7th Armoured Division): on eve of war with Italy, 97; description of, 105; part of covering force, 118; takes over front, 205, 259; withdrawn, 211; patrols of 264; in battle of Sidi Barrani, 269-70; and capture of Bardia, 278, 286-7; and capture of Tobruk, 287, 291; mentioned, 357n; attacks Sceleidima fort, 359

Sydney, H.M.A.S.: arrives in Mediterranean, 84; in engagements with enemy, 149; and action off Calabria, 150; mentioned, 156n; in action off Cape Spada, 156-8; in operation 'HATS', 202; in convoy operations, 219-20; in encounter with Italian convoy, 238; takes unit to Crete, 242

Syria: creation of State, 1; strategic importance of, 26; troops in, 27n, 93; air forces in, 95; reactions to French armistice in, 123, 124, 128; British announcement on, 128

Tactical Air Forces: 264

Takoradi air route: development of, 126, 195-7; defence of, 193, 296; length of sea passage to, 194; aircraft deliveries to by carrier, 195, 232, 253, 324, 344; Tedder reports on, 254


Tanks: see also 7th Armoured Division;

(light) description of, 105;

(medium or cruiser) description of, 105;

('I') description of, 105; for Middle East, 191;

(Italian M.13) used by British, 364n

Taranto: Fleet Air Arm's action at, 235-8, 242-3

Tedder, Air Marshal A. W.: 254

Tellera, General : 287, 354, 361

Terror, H.M.S.: bombardments by, 266, 271, 278, 284, 291; lands water, 280; in Inshore Squadron, 290

Thesiger, Bimbashi W.: 426

Thoma, General von: 257, 366

Thorold, Group Captain H. K.: 197, 254

Tigre: 441

Tirso Dam: attack on, 329

Tobruk: British air attacks on, 112-3, 150, 159, 164, 206, 209, 261; capture of, 281, 287-93; enemy air attacks on, 365

Tomahawk, fighter aircraft: little known of, 42

Torelli, Colonel: 424-5

Tovey, Vice-Admiral J. C.: commands contraband control operations, 46; in convoy operations, 148, 149; in action off Calabria, 150, 153; becomes Vice-Admiral, Light Forces, 162n; commands Home Fleet, 238n

Transjordan: creation of State, 1; strategic importance of, 15-16

Transjordan Frontier Force: 16

Transvaal Scottish, 1st Bn: 415, 419, 444

Treaties, etc.: Anglo-Egyptian, 6-7, 9, 11, 35, 69, 71; Anglo-Italian Joint Declaration (the Gentlemen's Agreement), 7-8; Anti-Comintern Pact, 11, 20; Anglo- Italian Agreement, 12, 16, 24, 47; Bon Voisinage Agreement, 12, 181, 182; Anglo-Iraq, 14-15; Treaties of Saudi Arabia, 16; between Britain and Yemen, 16; Pact of Steel, 25, 38, 39; Anglo-Turkish Joint Declaration, 25, 26, 31, 50; Balkan Entente, 25, 49, 50; German naval agreement with Great Britain, 38; Non-Aggression Pact with Poland, 38; Soviet-German Non-Aggression Pact, 38, 48, 50; Anglo-Polish Treaty, 38; Anglo-French-Turkish Treaty of Mutual Assistance, 50, 51-2, 60, 122, 129; Tripartite Pact, 347

Trento: 237

Triad, H.M.S.: 217

Tribal class destroyers: 217

Tripoli: air attacks on, 301, 316; possible advance to, 371-2

Tripolitania: French offensive into, 26, 55, 56, 85; Italian defence of, 368, 369

Triton, H.M.S.: 313

Tummar West camp: assault on, 268

Turkey: effect of First World War on, 1; Joint Declaration with, 25, 26, 31, 50; strategic importance of, 25, 49-50, 87, 239; Treaty with, 50, 51-2, 60, 122, 129; British support for, 51, 53, 81, 239, 256, 372, 375, 376-7; war material for, 50, 52, 90, 122, 256, 345-6, 382; administrative development in, 52, 62, 67, 256, 345; refuse British passage through Straits, 53; talks with, 53, 85, 89-90, 122, 256, 345-6, 381-2; possible air force units for, 61, 62, 71, 87, 95, 255; command of forces sent to, 63; French support for, 87, 90; and merchant ships in Dardanelles, 111; reaction to Italy's entry into war, 122; and British announcement on Syria, 128; reactions to French collapse, 128-9; reactions to Oran, 142; officers from visit Egypt, 215; and invasion of Greece, 224; encouraged by attack on Taranto, 238; appeal to President of, 346-7, 466-7

Turkish Chief of Staff: 50

Turkish Foreign Minister: 51

Turle, Rear-Admiral C. E.: 233, 340

Uebi Scebeli: 148-9

Um Hagar: Italian forces at, 397; Italians withdraw from, 401

Unique, H.M.S.: 324

United States of America: see also Roosevelt; reactions to Oran, 142; and decision to aid Greece, 389

Upholder, H.M.S.: 324

Upright, H.M.S.: 324

Usk, H.M.S.: 324

Utmost, H.M.S.: 324

Valiant, H.M.S.: at action at Oran, 132n; in diversionary operations, 155; Admiral Cunningham asks for, 155; in operation 'HURRY', 160; for Mediterranean Fleet, 190-1, 201, 203; in convoy operations, 219, 221, 300, 309, 317-8, 320; bombards Bardia, 286; value of, 299

Valona: capacity of, 234; air attacks on, 234, 334; bombardment of, 310; offensive against, 336-7

Vampire, H.M.A.S.: 47

Vega: sunk, 318

Ven, Rear-Admiral: 110

Vendetta, H.M.A.S.: 47

Via Imperiale: 400

Vice-Admiral, Destroyers: see Tovey

Vice-Admiral Light Forces: term explained, 102 ; now see Tovey, Pridham-Wippell

Vice-Admiral, Malta: see Ford

Vichy Government: (at Bordeaux) 122, 123 (at Vichy) naval forces under, 141; possibility of war with, 215-6

Victor Emmanuel, King of Italy: 24, 118n, 165n

Victoria Cross: awards of, 177, 402, 435

Vienna Award, Second: 225

Vietina, Admiral: 293

Vittorio Veneto: comes into service, 163; attacked at Taranto, 237; in action off Cape Spartivento, 302, 304, 306

Volo, s.s.: 202

Volpini, General: 446

Voyager, H.M.A.S.: 47


Wafdist Party : 4, 6, 35, 53, 54

Waller, Captain H. M. L., R.A.N.: 290

War Cabinet: see also Cabinet and Defence Committee; relations with Chiefs of Staff, 33n; orders seizure of German exports, 47; and Salonika project, 51; policy for Middle East land and air forces, 61-3, 71, 73; agrees to precautionary measures, 83; offers common citizenship to France, 124; recognizes de Gaulle, 128; and policy towards French forces, 128; and French Fleet, 130-1, 135, 137-8; and Emperor of Ethiopia, 183; and proposal for regional War Council, 185-6; and destination of 5th Indian Division, 187; its relations with Defence Committee, 191n; and reinforcements for Middle East, 192; and help for Greece, 231, 233, 343, 375, 377, 381, 386-7, 395; and support for Turkey, 239, 256; instructions of, 343-4

War Office: General Wavell reports to, 52, 55, 228, 393, 394; administrative responsibilities of, 60; and defence of British Somaliland, 172; and reinforcements for Middle East, 190, 251, 374; and the Long Range Desert Group, 296

Warspite, H.M.S.: Cs.-in-C. meet in, 34; returns to U.K., 47; visits Istanbul, 50; wears Commander-in-Chief's flag, 84; modernized, 91, 103; in first Fleet operation, 109; mentioned, 140, 156n; in action off Calabria, 150-3; in convoy operations, 202, 219, 221, 300, 309-10, 317-8, 320; after Italian invasion of Greece, 229; bombards Bardia, 286; value of, 299

Waterhen, H.M.A.S.: 47

Wavell, General Sir Archibald: see also Commanders-in-Chief; becomes G.O.C.- in-C., Middle East, 32; Directive to, 457-9; and location of headquarters, 33; and material for Turkey, 52; goes to U.K, 52, 61, 176, 187-92, 194; and defensive outlook in Middle East, 54; asks for policy for conduct of war, 55; visits Noguès, 55; Army Council instructions to, 59; and administration, 60; becomes Commander-in-Chief, Middle East, 63; anxious about overland route, 66; points out war preparations incomplete, 81; forces of, 93, 94; policy of, 97; visits Mittelhauser, 123; fears disintegration in Syria, 128; and Legentilhomme, 128; and destination of 5th Indian Division, 171, 187, 189, 198, 199; and British Somaliland, 172, 175, 178-9, 199; and Kenya, 180, 199, 392; and fostering rebellion in Ethiopia, 182-4, 189, 393, 403-4, 406; proposes regional War Council, 185-6; gives review to Chiefs of Staff, 187-90, 205; and reinforcements, 191-2, 199, 374; and Prime Minister's Directive, 197-9; and air defence, 213; and Malta, 218, 219, 228; and Crete, 228, 229, 232, 241; and Western Desert offensive, 'COMPASS', 230, 239, 253, 258-61, 264-5, 271, 273, 275, 277, 355-7, 364; reticence of, 230-1; and Greece, 231, 338-43, 377, 379-80, 383, 387; sends 4th Indian Division to Sudan, 265, 271, 277, 399; 13th Corps comes under, 289; and the Long Range Desert Group, 295-6; sets up Cyrenaica Command, 364; recommends garrison for Cyrenaica, 375; and East African campaign, 392-6, 402-4, 406, 408, 411, 415, 420-1, 440, 443; and the Sudan, 392

Weichold, Vice-Admiral: 146n

Weinholt, Lieutenant A.: 184

Wellington, bomber aircraft: weight of, 70n

Wells, Rear-Admiral Sir Gerard: 80

West African Command (British): 296-7

Western Arab Corps, Sudan Defence Force: 168n

Western Desert: policy for operations in, 42, 55, 187, 365; administrative development in, 65, 67-9; air force maintenance organizations in, 73; ready for war with Italy, 97, 100; first air operations in, 112-4; reduction of air forces in, 114; general description of, 115-7; first patrols in, 118-9, 187-8, 205;

(offensive in) 230, 239; air support for, 253, 261-2; plans and preparations for, 259-61, 263-5; naval support for, 261, 271; maintenance in, 262-3, 271, 278-81, 288-90, 355; battle of Sidi Barrani, 266-75; capture of Bardia, 270-1, 277-8, 281-7; capture of Tobruk, 281, 287-93; activity round Mechili and Derna, 351-5; the battle of Beda Fomm, 356-62; review of campaign, 362-4

Western Desert Force: set up, 97; ready for war, 100; becomes 13th Corps, 104; objectives of, 118, 258-9; and battle of Sidi Barrani, 259, 262, 272-3; and capture of Bardia, 278; transport of, 279; now see 13th Corps

West Yorkshire Regiment, 2nd Bn: 169, 171, 438

Wetherall, Major-General H. E. de R.: 417-19, 422

Weygand, General Maxime: visits Commanders-in-Chief, 51, 88; career of 51n; recalled to France, 89, 123n; distrusted by Italians, 354

Williamson, Lieutenant-Commander K.: 236-7

Wilson, Captain E. C. T.: 177

Wilson, Lieut.-General Sir H. Maitland: 97; and Egyptian Army dispositions, 42, 54; plans future operations, 54; and loss of British Somaliland, 176-8; and battle of Sidi Barrani 'COMPASS', 259, 265; no longer responsible for 13th Corps, 289; commands in Cyrenaica, 365; to command force for Greece, 378, 385, 470; and talks with Greeks, 383

Wingate, Major (later Lieut.-Colonel) O. C.: 391; plans Patriot operations, 404-6;


Wingate, Major O. C.—cont.

commands Gideon Force, 406; in campaign of Gideon Force, 424-7, 449

Wolchefit Pass: British Force watches, 443

Wolfe, General: 389

Wolkait: Italian garrison withdraws from, 401, 405

Worcestershire Regiment, 1st Bn: 169, 438, 445

'WORKSHOP': 307-9, 324-5

Yemen: strategical importance of, 16

York, H.M.S.: for Mediterranean Fleet, 156n, 192, 212; in convoy operations, 219, 309, 320

York and Lancaster Regiment, 2nd Bn: 228-9

Yugoslavia: Italian threat to, 83, 225; re-actions to Oran, 142; resolved to oppose Germans, 341; coup d'état in, 349; attitude affects defence of Greece, 378-9, 383; diplomatic approaches to, 379-80, 382

Zeffiro: 149-50

Zog, King of Albania: 24


Appendix X * Contents

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