Chapter XXXI
The Drive Beyond the Seine


1. PS SHAEF (44) 11, Post-NEPTUNE Courses of Action After Capture of Lodgment Area, 3 and 30 May, SGS SHAEF File 381, Post-OVERLORD Plng; SHAEF Memo on V-1 and V-2, 12 Aug, SHAEF File 18008, G-3 Plans; Cole, Lorraine Campaign, pp. 8-10; Pogue, Supreme Command, pp. 249-50; Ruppenthal, Logistical Support, I, 485. An excellent discussion is found in T. Dodson Stamps and Vincent J. Esposito, A Military History of World War II, I, Operations in the European Theaters (West Point, N.Y.; U.S. Military Academy, Department of Military Art and Engineering, 1953), pp. 432-34.

2. Ltr, Eisenhower to Montgomery, 12 Aug, SGS SHAEF File 381, Post-OVERLORD Plng.

3. Telg, Montgomery to CIGS, M-99, 1830, 18 Aug, in Answers by Br Hist Sec to Questions by Pogue, OCMH Files.

4. Interv by Harrison and Pogue with Bonesteel, 18 Jun 47, Pogue Files. See Pogue, Supreme Command, p. 250; Patton, War As I Knew It, p. 114; and Bradley, Soldier's Story, p. 398.

5. Ltr, Montgomery to ACIGS, 20 Aug, in Answers by Br Hist Sec; 21 AGp Gen Operational Situation and Dir, M-519, 20 Aug.

6. Msg, Eisenhower to Marshall, CPA-90235, 22 Aug, SHAEF G-3 Ops A 322/011.1, Comd and Contl of U.S./Br Forces.

7. See Montgomery, Normandy to the Baltic, p. 192.

8. Msg, Eisenhower to Marshall, 24 Aug, Pogue Files.

9. Ibid.; Ltr, Eisenhower to Montgomery, 24 Aug, SGS SHAEF File 381, Post-OVERLORD Plng, I; Pogue Supreme Command, pp. 251-52.

10. 21 AGp Dir, M-520, 26 Aug, SGS SHAEF File 381, Post-OVERLORD Plng, I; 12th AGp Ltr of Instrs 6, 25 Aug, and Memo, Future Opns, 25 Aug (the latter in ML-205).

11. Montgomery, Normandy to the Baltic, map, p. 210.

12. Ltr, Bradley to Montgomery, 26 Aug, 12th AGp File 371.3, Mil Objs, I; Bradley, Soldier's Story, pp. 398ff.

13. Montgomery, Normandy to the Baltic, pp. 196ff; Ltr, Eisenhower to Montgomery, 24 Aug, and 21 AGp Dir, M-520, 26 Aug, SGS SHAEF File 381, Post-OVERLORD Plng, I.

14. Montgomery, Normandy to the Baltic, pp. 200, 208.

15. Montgomery statement reported in TUSA Briefing of G-3 Liaison Sec and Liaison Officers, 22 Aug, and Second [British Army Intel Summary 81, 2400, 24 Aug, XV Corps G-3 Jnl and File; SHAEF Weekly Intel Summaries, 23, 24, 26 Aug, SHAEF G-2 File; Pogue, Supreme Command, pp. 244-45; Montgomery, Normandy to the Baltic, p. 192; First U.S. Army Report of Operations, I, 31.

16. TUSA G-2 Rpt, 26 Aug; Montgomery, Normandy to the Baltic, p. 171; 21 AGp Operational Situation and Dir, M-520, 26 Aug.

17. OB WEST, a Study in Command, p. 155, Bauer, R-20; OB WEST Ltr Order 1000, 4 Aug, OB WEST KTB, Anlage 1098.

18. OKW/WFSt Daily Operationskarten, 10-31 Aug.

19. Telecon, Model and Speidel, 1250, 28 Aug, AGp B KTB.

20. Telecons, Blumentritt and Jodl, 2300, 22 Aug, Model and Jodl, 1920, 28 Aug, and Telecon, 1515, 23 Aug, transmitting Friedel Telecon to OB WEST, AGp B KTB; OB WEST KTB, 24 Aug.

21. Msg, Model to Jodl, 2300, 24 Aug, AGp B Wochenmeldungen und Lagebeurteilungen.

22] OB WEST KTB, 21-28 Aug; Pogue, Supreme Command, p. 303; Cole, Lorraine Campaign, p. 50.

23. OQu West KTB, Anlage 101; Hodgson, R-58, pp. 162ff.

24. OB WEST, a Study in Command, p. 166.

25. Msgs, Model to Jodl, 1250, 28 Aug, and 2400, 29 Aug, AGp B KTB; OB WEST KTB, 21 and 25 Aug; MS # B-157 (Dingier); MS # C-017 (Speidel).

26. Interv, author with Brig Gen Oscar Koch, formerly TUSA G-2, Washington, Oct 54.

27. TUSA Plans for Opns, 23 Aug, and Msg, 24 Aug; 12 th AGp Ltr of Instrs 6, 25 Aug; Eddy Diary, entry 24 Aug; Answers by Gen Kibler to Questions by Col Hugh M. Cole, 29 May 46, ML-501.

28. See TUSA G-2 Per Rpts, 26 Aug-2 Sep.

29. MS # B-222 (Knobelsdorff); MS # B-728 (Emmerich); MS # B-732 (Hold); MS # B-003 (Hoehne).

30. 12th AGp Ltr of Instrs 6, 25 Aug, and corrected copy, 29 Aug; TUSA Plans for Opns, 23 Aug, Operational Dir, 25 Aug, and Msgs, 26 Aug.

31. TUSA AAR, Aug.

32. TUSA Memo to VIII Corps and Operational Dir, 25 Aug.

33. TUSA AAR, Aug, and Operational Dir, 30 Aug (confirming orders, 29 Aug); XII Corps AAR, Aug; Eddy Diary, entry 29 Aug.

34. XII Corps, 4th Armd, 80th, and 35th Div AAR's, Aug; CI 384 (XII Corps); Koyen, Fourth Armored Division, pp. 29-34; Cole, Lorraine Campaign, p. 57.

35. XX Corps, 5th and 90th Divs, AAR's, Aug; CI 285 (7th Armd Div); Irwin Diary; XX Corps, pp. 94-104.

36. Stockton's Hosp Intervs (in particular with Col McHugh), III, GL-93 (235); Eddy Diary.

37. TUSA Operational Dir, 30 Aug (confirming orders, 29 Aug).

38. TUSA AAR, Aug.

39. Eddy Diary, entry 2 Sep; Irwin Diary.

40. See TUSA AAR, Sep.

41. OB WEST KTB, 29 and 31 Aug, Anlagen 1800 and 1829; MS # B-034 (Schramm); MS # B-214 (Mantey); OB WEST, a Study in Command, p. 139; Cole, Lorraine Campaign, p. 50.

42. TUSA G-2 Est 9, 28 Aug; XX Corps G-2 Per Rpt 19, 0700, 29 Aug; XX Corps Annex 1 to FO 9, 30 Aug; TUSA Per Assessments of German Capabilities, 26 Aug-2 Sep.

43. See Cole, Lorraine Campaign.

44. 21 AGp Gen Operational Situation and Dir, M-520, 26 Aug, SGS SHAEF File 381, Post-OVERLORD Plng.

45. MS # B-596 (Gerber); MS # B-236 (Sponheimer).

46. MS # B-157 (Dingier); MS # B-728 (Emmerich).

47. MS # B-807 (Kuntzen); MS # B-728 (Emmerich).

48. 12th AGp Ltr of Instrs 6, 25 Aug, and Memo, Future Opns, 25 Aug, ML-205.

49. FUSA Ltr, FA and TDs, 27 Aug, FUSA G-2 Jnl and File, L-379 (56).

50. Collins' Talk, 19 Jan 48; VI Corps AAR, Aug, FO 9, 26 Aug, and Opns Memo 76, 26 Aug; 9th and 1st Div AAR's, Aug; MS # B-728 (Emmerich). S. Sgt. Lafayette G. Pool of the 32d Armored Regiment, who commanded the lead tank of an armored column for three days and alone accounted for four German tanks, three antitank guns, and approximately fifty vehicles, was awarded the DSC.

51. Notes of Msgs, 0900, 23, 26, 27, and 28 Aug, Notes of Hodges-Haislip Conf, 1130, 1330, 26 Aug, XV Corps CofS Memo, 2015, 27 Aug, Opns Instrs 8, 2100, 27 Aug, XV Corps CofS Jnl and File; [Ferriss], Notes; XV Corps and 79th Div AAR's, Aug. 1st Lt. Alfred P. McPeters of the 315th Infantry was posthumously awarded the DSC for heroic action that day.

52. TUSA Operational Dir to XV Corps, 26 Aug; XV Corps CofS Memos, 27 and 28 Aug; Hodges to Menoher, 28 Aug; First U.S. Army, Report of Operations, I, 30. 1st Lt. James L. Mosby of the 120th Infantry, who singlehandedly destroyed an antitank position on 29 August, was awarded the DSC.

53. V Corps History of Operations in the ETO, pp. 213ff; 5th Armd, 4th, and 28th Div AAR's, Aug and Sep; CI 32 (4th Div).

54. 3d Armored Division, Spearhead in the West (with G-3 Supplement) (n.p., n.d.), p. 81.

55. 1st Lt. C. A. Wollmer, Hosp Intervs, IV, GL-93 (316).

56. 314th Infantry, Through Combat, p. 32.

57. VII Corps AAR, Aug; 3d Armored Division, Spearhead in the West, pp. 84-85.

58. Montgomery, Normandy to the Baltic, pp. 201ff; Stacey, Canadian Army, pp. 207ff.

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