Chapter VIII
The Battle for St. Lô


1. Robert Patry, St.-Lô, pp. 15-16 (English translation); see also J. de Saint-Jorre, "Saint-Lô sous les Bombes," and A. Legoy, "Exode de Saint-Lô," in Herval, Bataille de Normandie, I, 85-101, 10204.

2. XIX Corps AAR, Jul; FUSA Psychological Warfare Div Ltr, Bombing of St. Lô, 4 Jul, FUSA G-3 Jnl; Rpt of the Supreme Commander, p. 7; Seventh Army KTB, Anlagen, Lagenkarten, 6.VI.-30.VI.44. Cities bombed on 6 and 7 June to produce "choke-points" were Caen, Villers-Bocage, St. Lô, Pontaubault, Coutances, Thury-Harcourt, Lisieux, Falaise, Vire, and Argentan. General Omar N. Bradley and Air Effects Committee, 12th Army Group, Effect of Air Power on Military Operations in Western Europe (Wiesbaden, Germany, 1945) (hereafter cited as Bradley, Effect of Air Power), p. 28; Sunday Punch in Normandy: the Tactical Use of Heavy Bombardment in the Normandy Invasion, Wings at War Series, No. 2 (Washington, 1945). p. 19.

3. Answers by Gens Smith and Bull to questions, 14-15 Sep 45.

4. Seventh Army KTB (Draft), 11 Jul.

5. Seventh Army KTB (Draft), 11 Jul; Telecons, Pemsel to Hausser, 1220, 11 Jul, and Pemsel to Tempelhoff, 1245, 11 Jul, Seventh Army Tel Msgs; OB WEST KTB, 11 Jul; MS # B-401 (Meindl).

6. FUSA Ltr, Timing of Attack as Set Forth in FO 1, rev as of 1 Jul, 2 Jul, FUSA G-3 Jnl File.

7. XIX Corps Memo, 7 Jul, XIX Corps G-3 Jnl; Air Plan for Support of the 29th Div and Ltr of Instr, 10 Jul, 30th Div G-3 Jnl.

8. V Corps Operations in the ETO, 6 Jan. 1942-9 May 1945 (G-3 Historical Sub-Section; n.p., n.d.), pp. 101ff. This is an excellent source containing a narrative account, reproductions of important documents, and annexes detailing the activities of the supporting services.

9. See Ltr, Eisenhower to Marshall, 5 Jul, Pogue Files.

10. Sylvan Diary, 11 Jul.

11. 2d Div G-3 Jnl, 0925, 11 Jul, FO 5, 6 Jul, and G-3 Per Rpt 33, 12 Jul; V Corps FO 10, 4 Jul.

12. Garth, St.-Lô, pp. 58-60. This American Forces in Action booklet contains an excellent detailed account of the battle for St. Lô with emphasis on small unit action.

13. 2d Div G-3 Jnl, 0925 and 0955, 11 Jul.

14. Telecon, Pemsel and Meindl, 1900, 11 Jul, Seventh Army Tel Msgs.

15. Telecon, Blauensteiner to Helmdach, 1140, 12 Jul, Seventh Army Tel Msgs.

16. Telecon, Corlett and Gerhardt, 0825, 8 Jul, 29th Div G-3 Jnl; Ltr, Eisenhower to Marshall, 5 Jul, Pogue Files.

17. 35th Div CofS Memo, 9 Jul, 35th Div G-3 Jnl; XIX Corps Ltr of Instrs, 7 Jul; XIX Corps and 29th Div Msgs, 0712 and 1200, 10 Jul, XIX Corps G-3 Jnl.

18. XIX Corps Arty AAR, Jul.

19. The Div Comdr's After Combat Battle Notes, 29 Div AAR, Jul.

20. 29th Div FO 18, 4 Jul; 29th Div Arty FO 2, 4 Jul; 116th Inf FO 10, 5 Jul.

21. See above, Ch. VII.

22. 29th Div AAR, Jul and Extract from the Battle Report of the 3d Parachute Division Operations, 10-20 Jul; XIX Corps Cml Sec Rpt, XIX Corps AAR, Jul.

23. Garth, St.-Lô, p. 58.

24. Telecons, Pemsel to Meindl, 1900, 11 Jul, and Blauensteiner to Helmdach, 1140, 12 Jul, Seventh Army Tel Msgs; Seventh Army KTB (Draft), 11 Jul; Daily Sitrep, 12 Jul, AGp B Tagesmeldungen; MS # B-455 (Ziegelmann).

25. 29th Div G-3 Jnl, 1215 and 1558, 11 Jul, and 1707, 12 Jul.

26. 29th Div G-3 Jnl, 0955, 13 Jul.

27. 29th Div FO 20, 12 Jul; 29th Div Arty AAR, Jul.

28. Interv with Lt Col Beckley by Capt Franklin Ferris, CI 106; 35th Div G-3 Jnl, 9 Jul.

29. 35th Div FO 2, 10 Jul, and AAR, Jul.

30. 35th Div G-3 Jnl, 1820, 11 Jul.

31. James A. Huston, Biography of A Battalion (Gering, Nebraska: Courier Press, 1950), p. 14. The volume gives an excellent account of operations as seen from the point of view of a battalion staff officer.

32. See Telecon, 12 Jul, 35th Div G-3 Jnl File.

33. MS # B-439 (Ziegelmann)

34. MS # B-455 (Ziegelmann); Hodgson, R-54.

35. 35th Div AAR, Jul.

36. Memo, 15 Jul, 35th Div G-3 Jnl.

37. 35th Div G-3 Jnl, 1145, 16 Jut. 1st Lt. Vernon W. Pickett was awarded the DSC for his defensive action.

38. XIX Corps Msg, 1720, 16 Jul, FUSA G-3 Jnl; 35th Div Rpt of Situation, 0930, 17 Jul, XIX Corps G-3 Jnl and File. T. Sgt. Joseph P. Fuller and Pfc. Buster E. Brown received the DSC for heroic action.

39. S. Sgt. Carl J. Frantz, T. Sgt. Irvin F. Conley, and T. Sgt. Harold D. Snyder were awarded the DSC for actions on 11, 13, and 17 July, respectively.

40. 29th Div G-3 Jnl, 1130, 15 Jul.

41. 29th Div G-3 Jnl, 0920, 15 Jul.

42. 29th Div G-3 Jnl, 1357, 2055, and 2225, 15 Jul; 29th Div Msg, 1201, 15 Jul, XIX Corps G-3 Jnl and File.

43. Colonel Dwyer replaced Colonel Canham, who was promoted to brigadier general and transferred to the 8th Division as the assistant division commander.

44. 29th Div G-3 Jnl, 1335, 16 Jul, and 1256, 17 Jul.

45. Lt. Col. Robert H. George, Ninth Air Force, April to November 1944, USAF Hist Study 36 (Maxwell Air Force Base, Alabama, Air University, 1945). p. 118.

46. 29th Div G-3 Jnl, 1216, 17 Jul.

47. 29th Div G-3 Jnl, 1456 and 1545, 17 Jul.

48. XIX Corps Msg 2245, 17 Jul, XIX Corps G-3 Jnl and File; Ltr of Instr, 2300, 17 Jul.

49. 29th Div G-3 Jnl, 0638 and 0641, 18 Jul.

50. Telecon, Pemsel to Tempelhoff, 1520, 17 Jul, AGp B KTB.

51. Telecon, Tempelhoff to Pemsel, 1750, 17 Jul, Seventh Army Tel Msgs, and 1755, AGp B KTB.

52. Telecon, Speidel to Pemsel, 2155, 17 Jul, Seventh Army Tel Msgs; Hodgson, R-54.

53. Telecons, Kluge and Rommel, 2040, 16 Jul, OB WEST KTB, and Speidel to Pemsel, 2200, 17 Jul, AGp B KTB.

54. 29th Div G-3 Jnl, 0725 and 0901, 18 Jul.

55. 29th Div G-3 Jnl, 1147 and 1149, 18 Jul.

56. 29th Div G-3 Jnl, 1236, 18 Jul.

57. 29th Div G-3 Jnl, 0517, 19 Jul.

58. 29th Div G-3 Jnl, 1615, 18 Jul; Penciled note, n.d., 35th Div G-3 Jnl File, 18 Jul; 134th Infantry Regiment, Combat History of World War II, compiled by Butler Buchanan Miltonberger (Baton Rouge, Louisiana: Army and Navy Publishing Company, 1946), p. 44.

59. Telecon, Pemsel to Tempelhoff, 2110, 17 Jul, Seventh Army Tel Msgs.

60. 29th Div G-3 Jnl, 1830, 2028, 2048, 18 Jul, and Msg, 2100, 18 Jul, XIX Corps G-3 Jnl and File; FUSA, Spec Sitrep, 0045, 19 Jul.

61. Telecon, Hausser to Pemsel, 1950, 18 Jul, Seventh Army Tel Msgs; Seventh Army KTB (Draft) and Tel Msgs, 17 and 18 Jul; Hodgson, R-54.

62. XIX Corps Memo, 19 Jul, XIX Corps G-3 Jnl and File.

63. 35th Div Msg, 1019, 19 Jul, XIX Corps G-3 Jnl; Huston, Biography of A Battalion, pp. 23-46.

64. A legend had also been born. In 1953 a roadside sign in St. Lô read: ". . . This martyred city was liberated the 26th [sic.] of July 1944 by Major Howie, killed at the head of his troops. . . ."

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