Code Names

ALSOS Allied mission made up of special intelligence forces which sought information on German developments in nuclear fission
ECLIPSE Name given Operation TALISMAN after a presumed compromise of security
FLASHPOINT Ninth U.S. Army assault crossing of the Rhine in March 1945 (part of Operation PLUNDER
GRENADE Ninth U.S. Army assault crossing of the Roer followed by a northeastward drive to link with the First Canadian Army along the Rhine, February 1945
KAPUT Ninth U.S. Army assignment of defeating an incursion into the zone of the XIII Corps and of clearing a sector along the Elbe, April 1945
LUMBERJACK Converging thrust by U.S. First and Third Armies to create a pocket of trapped Germans in the Eifel, February and March 1945
MARKET Phase of Operation MARKET-GARDEN that involved seizure of bridges in the Nijmegen-Arnhem area
MARKET-GARDEN Combined ground-airborne operation intended to establish a bridgehead across the Rhine in the Netherlands, September 1944
NEPTUNE Actual operations within Operation OVERLORD; used for security reasons after September 1943 on all OVERLORD planning papers that referred to target area and date
NORDWIND German counteroffensive launched on New Year's Eve 1944 near the southern end of the Allied line in Alsace
OMAHA Normandy beach assaulted by troops of U.S. V Corps, 6 June 1944
OVERLORD Plan for invasion of northwest Europe, spring 1944
PLUNDER Assault crossing of the Rhine by the 21 Army Group, March 1945
TALISMAN Early name for post hostilities plans for Germany
UNDERTONE Seventh U.S. Army operation to breach the West Wall and establish a bridgehead over the Rhine in the Worms area, March-April 1945
VARSITY First Allied Airborne Army operation in support of Operation PLUNDER
VERITABLE 21 Army Group plan for a Canadian attack between the Maas and the Rhine, January-February 1945


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Transcribed and formatted by Jerry Holden for the HyperWar Foundation