
ABC-1 -- Army Air Forces


Army Air Forces -- Bessell, Brig. Gen. William W., Jr.


Bessell, Brig. Gen. William W., Jr. -- Buttles, Lt. Col. B.B.


Byrnes, James F. -- Combined Subjects Section


Combined Subjects Section -- Egypt


Eighth Air Force -- French North Africa


Future Operations Section -- General Headquarters, U.S. Army


General Headquarters, U.S. Army -- Hobson, Col. Kenneth B.


Hodes, Col. Henry I. -- Joint Army-Navy Munitions Board


Joint Basic War Plan--RAINBOW 5 -- Landing Craft, critical invasion factor


Latin America -- McNarney, Gen. Joseph T.


Maddocks, Col. Ray T. -- Munitions


Munitions -- Paget, General Sir Bernard


Palau Islands, strategic objective -- Roberts, Brig Gen. Frank N.


Roberts, Brig. Gen. Frank N. -- SNAFU


Solomon Islands -- SYMBOL


Tables of Organization -- Union of Soviet Socialist Republics


Union of Soviet Socialist Republics -- WPD delimited staff authority


War Department Interim Outline Plan -- Zone of interior commands


Table of Contents

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