The War Reports

General of the Army George C. Marshall
Chief of Staff

General of the Army H.H. Arnold
Commanding General, Army Air Forces

Fleet Admiral Ernest J. King
Commander-in-Chief, United States Fleett
and Chief of Naval Operations


Forward by
Walter Millis


This volume is "under development" and will be completed as time allows...

Table of Contents

Chapter Page
General Marshall's First Report 13
  Introduction 15
  The First Phase 16
  The Second Phase 20
  Appendix 35
General Marshall's Second Report 61
  Introduction 63
  The Third Phase 64
  The Fourth Phase 71
  The Fifth Phase 81
  Summary 103
  Conclusion 104
  Notes 114
General Marshall's Third Report 141
  Introduction 143
  Victory in Europe 153
  Victory Over Japan 209
  Occupation 247
  The Troops 264
  For the Common Defense 289
General Arnold's First Report 301
  Section One: Before Pearl Harbor 303
  Section Two: Building an Air Force 312
  Section Three: Combat Operations 331
  Section Four: The Men 351
General Arnold's Second Report 355
  Foreword 357
  Section One: The Air War Against Germany 359
  Section Two: The Air War Against Japan 384
  Section Three: Research, Development, and Welfare 401
  Section Four: Conclusion 414
General Arnold's Third Report 419
  Foreword 421
  The Air War in Europe 423
  The Air War in the Pacific 437
  Air Power and the Future 452
Admiral King's First Report 471
  I. Introduction 473
  II. Peacetime Navy 474
  III. The Wartime Navy--Fighting Strength 484
  IV. Combat Operations 506
  V. Teamwork 569
  VI. Conclusion 572
Admiral King's Second Report 575
  I. Introduction 577
  II. Command and Fleet Organization 582
  III. Combat Operations: Pacific 585
  IV. Combat Operations: Atlantic-Mediterranean 618
  V. Fighting Strength 632
  VI. Conclusion 646
Admiral King's Third Report 651
  I. Introduction 653
  II. Combat Operations: Pacific 660
  III. Logistics and Bases: Pacific 684
  IV. Submarine Operations 689
  V. Atlantic Operations 692
  VI. Ships, Aircraft and Personnel 701
  VII. Naval Research and Development During World War II 715
  VIII. Conclusion 722

Transcribed and formatted for HTML by Patrick Clancey, HyperWar Foundation