General Marshall's Report:
Wining the War in Europe and the Pacific


This volume is "under development" and will be completed as time allows...

Table of Contents

Chapter Page [Orig
July 1, 1939, to June 30, 1941
Introduction 3 3
The First Phase 3 3
  State of the Armed Forces, July 1, 1939 3 3
  The President's Emergency Proclamation, September 8, 1939 4 4
The Second Phase 6 6
  The President's Messages of May 16 and May 31, 1940 6 6
  Progress During the Winter of 1940-41 8 8
  Special Problems Incident to the Expansion 8 8
  Reorganization of Command and Staff 13 13
  State of the Armed Forces July 1, 1941 13 13
  Recommendations for the Elimination of Certain Legal Limitations and Restrictions 15 15
  General Comments 16 16
Organization 21 21
Armored Force 21 21
Training 22 22
Personnel 24 24
  Regular Army 24 24
  Regular Army Reserve 24 24
  Enlisted Reserve 24 24
  Selective Service 25 25
Construction and Housing 25 25
Armament and Equipage 26 26
National Guard 27 27
Organized Reserves 29 29
United States Military Academy 30 30
Reserve Officers' Training Corps 30 30
Citizens Military Training Camps 31 31
Civilian Conservation Corps 31 31
Morale 31 31
July 1, 1941, to June 30, 1943
Introduction 34 2
The Third Phase 35 3
  Extension of Service 35 3
  Development of the Army 39 7
  Reinforcements for Overseas Garrisons 39 7
  Time Factor 41 9
  Changing Situation 42 10
The Fourth Phase 42 10
  War Is Declared 42 10
  Strategy and Control 43 11
  Global War 43 11
  Struggle for the Philippines 47 15
  Coral Sea--High Tide of Aggression 48 16
The Fifth Phase 50 18
  The Solomons 50 18
  Papua 50 18
  European Theater 50 18
             United States Troops Move to United Kingdom 52 20
             Aerial Assault on Fortress of Europe 52 20
  North African Theater 53 21
             The Landings 57 25
             Diplomatic negotiations 57 25
             Race for Tunisia 57 25
             Fall of Tunisia 58 26
             Enemy Air Power Shattered 59 27
  Middle East 61 29
  Asiatic Theater 63 31
  Operations in Alaska 67 35
Summary 68 36
Conclusion 69 37
  Organization 69 37
  Logistics 69 37
  Training 75 43
  Air Forces 75 43
  Planning 75 43
Notes 81 49
July 1, 1943, to June 30, 1945
Introduction 107 3
Victory in Europe
  The Strategic Concept
  The Fall of Italy
             On to the Boot
             Allied Air Established in Europe
             The Slugging Battle for Rome
             Pursuit to the North
             The Final Phases
  Operation OVERLORD
             The Preparations
             Victory in the Air
             The Assault
             The Breakout
             Continental Envolopment
             The Liberation of France
             The Westwall
             The Wehrmacht's Last Blow
             Closing the Rhine
             The Watch That Failed
             The Knockout
Victory Over Japan
  The Road to China
             Operation CAPITAL
             Fall of Burma
             Reverse in China
  Unremitting Pressure
             Pacific Pincers
             Reconquest of the Philippines
             Battle of the Visayas
             Battle of Luzon
             The Net Closes
             Final Victory
Our Weapons
The Troops
  Manpower Balance
  Price of Victory
  Beyond the Call of Duty
  Information and Recreation
  Army Management
For the Common Defense

Technical problems have delayed inclusion of the figures (charts and maps) that belong with this volume. They will be added as soon as possible.

1. Enlisted Personnel of the Active Army, July 1, 1939 4 4
2. Enlisted Personnel of the Active Army, Juanry 31, 1940--227,000 5 5
3. Enlisted Personnel of the Active Army, August 15, 1940--280,000 7 7
4. Enlisted Personnel of the Active Army, June 30, 1941--1,418,097 9 9
5. Tactical Organization of the United States Army 10 10
6. Approved Reception Centers 11 11
7. Replacement Training Centers 12 12
8. Officers' Candidate Schools 14 14
9. Induction of National Guard into Federal Service 28
10. Deployment of American Troops with Arrival Date of First Contingent
11. Expansion of the Army, 1941-43 39 7
12. Tactical Organization Within the United States
13. Time and Space Chart--Air and Water Logistics
14. Comparison of U.S. and Enemy Plane Losses in Southwest Pacific and North African Theaters
15. Prisoner of War Camps
16. Officer Strength, United States Army
17. Organization of the Army
18. Organization of the Army Service Forces
19. Activation of Army Service Force Units
20. Organization of the Army Ground Forces
21. Organization of the Army Air Forces
22. Women's Army Auxiliary Corps, Training Centers and Schools
23. Authorized Capacity, Officer Candidate Schools
24. Major War Construction-Corps of Engineers
25. U.S. Army Battle Casualties, 7 December 1941 Through 30 June 1943
26. Replacement Training Centers
27. Building an Infantry Division
28. Training a Combat Group (Heavy Bombardment)
1. Solomon Islands Area
2. New Guinea-Bismarck Area
3. French Northwest Africa
4. Battle of Tunisia, January 12-April 23, 1943
5. Final Breakthrough tnis and Bizerte
6. Southeast Asia
7. Victory in Europe
8. Fortress of Europe
9. Operation HUSKY
10. Operation AVALANCHE
11. From Cassino to the Arno
12. Final Offensive in Italy
13. Operation OVERLORD
14. The Normandy Beaches
15. Breakout
16. Operation ANVIL
17. Battle of France
18. Path of the Red Army
19. Ardennes Counteroffensive
20. Closing the Rhine
21. Battle of Germany
22. Victory over Japan
23. Burma Campaign
24. Japanese Operations Against U.S. Airfields
25. The Great Ocean
26. Southwest Attack
27. Central Pacific Advance
28. Battle of Leyte
29. Theaters of Operations
30. Battle of Luzon
31. Philippine Liberation
32. Okinawa
33. Planned Assault on Japan
34. The Arena of Victory
35. Zones of Occupation in Germany and Austria

Transcribed and formatted for HTML by Patrick Clancey, HyperWar Foundation