Paragraph Page
  Medical service and evacuation 204-207 197
  Motor maintenance 208 198
  Supply 194-203 186
Administration group 1, 8, 196 1, 9, 186
Administrative orders 203 197
Advance guards:    
  Rifle company as 94 99
  Support of 92 93
Advance party 128 127
Aid men, company 205 197
Alternate positions 2 2
Ammunition, storage at firing positions 188 180
Ammunition supply 139, 201 131, 191
Antiaircraft security:    
  Approach march 12, 166 15, 164
  Assembly areas 14, 166 20, 164
  Attack 108, 141, 165 115, 132, 164
  Attack of river line 50 66
  Bivouacs 10, 166 13, 164
  Defense 71, 84, 120, 152, 166 79, 86, 125, 144, 164
Antimechanized defense:    
  Approach march 12, 165 15, 164
  Assembly areas 14, 165 20, 164
  Attack 108, 141, 165 115, 132, 164
  Attack of river line 49 65
  Bivouacs 10, 165 13, 164
  Defense 119, 152, 165 125, 144, 164
  Marches 9, 165 11, 164
Antitank grenades 2 2
Approach march:    
  Antiaircraft security 12 15
  Antimechanized defense 12 15
  Light machine-gun section 170 165
  Rifle company:    
  Conduct of 12 15
  Connecting groups 12 15
  Control 11, 13 14, 18
  Day 12 15
  Definition 11 14
  Formations 11, 12 14, 15
  Night 13 18
  Objectives 12 15
  Orders 11 14
  Reconnaissance 12, 13 15, 18
  Security 11, 14 14, 20
  Rifle platoon 106 107
  Rifle squad:    
  Action when scouts are fired upon 142 132
  Dispositions 142 132


        Paragraph Page
  Duties of scouts 142 132
  Fire distribution 142 132
  Infiltration 142 132
  Passing through long-range fire 142 132
  Position and duties of leaders 142 132
  Preparation for coordinated attack 143 136
  Reconnaissance 143 136
  Rushes 142 132
  Squad attack order 143 136
  Using covered route of approach 142 132
  60-mm mortar section 170 165
Areas, defense 69, 151 79, 144
Arm-and-hand signals 212 200
  Light machine-gun section 179 175
  Rifle company 22, 35 44, 57
  Rifle platoon 108 115
  Rifle squad 146 142
  60-mm mortar section 179 175
  Weapons platoon 179 175
Assault fire 22, 108, 145, 146 44, 115, 142, 142
Assembly areas:    
  Rifle company:    
  Attack 14 20
  Reserve company in defense 83 85
  River crossing 43 63
  Security 14, 21 20, 37
  Rifle platoon 106 107
  Weapons platoon 171 168
  Light machine-gun section. (See Weapons platoon.)    
  Rifle company:    
  Action by commander 16 23
  Action when advance is halted 26, 35 47, 57
  Advance at night 35 57
  Advance through hostile position 23 44
  Ammunition supply 201 191
  Approach march 11-14 14
  Assault 22, 35 44, 57
  Assembly positions 14, 43 20, 63
  Assistance to adjacent units 21 37
  Command posts 19 37
  Conduct of 20-26, 35 37, 57
  Conferences with other commanders 15 22
  Control 21, 34, 52 37, 53, 66
  Coordination 21 37
  Employment of weapons platoon 21 37
  Fire and movement 21 37
  Formations 17, 39, 47 26, 60, 65
  Fortified position 54 68
  Frontages 17 26
  Individual protection App. I 202


        Paragraph Page
  Infiltration at night 36 59
  In woods 37-40 60
  Line of departure 17 26
  Movement to line of departure 14, 20 20, 37
  Night attacks 31-36 50
  Objectives 17 26
  Orders 15-19, 32, 38 22, 50, 60
  Plan of maneuver 17, 34 26, 53
  Plans 15-19, 28, 34 22, 48, 53
  Positions 17 26
  Pursuit 25 46
  Raids 55-58 68
  Reconnaissance 15-19, 21, 29, 33 22, 37, 49, 52
  Reorganization 24, 38 45, 60
  Reserve rifle company 27-30 47
  River lines 42-53 63
  Secrecy 34 53
  Security 17, 21 26, 37
  Signal communication 34, 52 53, 66
  Sketches 15 22
  Supporting weapons 17, 39 26, 60
  Supports 17, 21 26, 37
  Time of attack 17, 34 26, 53
  Villages 41 62
  Zones of action 17 26
  Rifle platoon:    
  Ammunition supply 201 191
  Approach march 106 107
  Conduct of attack 108 115
  Individual protection App. I 202
  Pursuit 109 118
  Reconnaissance, plans, and orders 107 112
  Support platoon 110 118
  Rifle squad:    
  Ammunition supply 139, 201 131, 191
  Approach march 142-143 132
  Conduct of attack 144-148 138
  Assault 145 142
  Fire and movement 144 138
  Movement to attack 144 138
  Position and duties of assistant squad leader 144 138
  Position and duties of squad leader 144 138
  Reorganization 147 142
  Support squad 148 143
  Fire orders 140 132
  60-mm mortar section. (See Weapons platoon.)    
  Weapons platoon:    
  Ammunition supply 201 191
  Approach march 170 165
  Assault, supporting fires during 179 175
  Assembly areas 171 168
  Conduct of attack 177-181 173
  Control 177 173
  Displacement 178 174


        Paragraph Page
  Emplacements App. I 202
  Individual protection App. I 202
  Movement into position 175 173
  Night employment 181 175
  Orders 174 171
  Reconnaissance 172 168
  Reorganization 180 175
  Selection of firing positions 173 170
  Supporting fires 177, 179 173, 175
  Targets 176 173
Automatic rifle 2 2
  Outpost 96 101
  Rifle company 10 13
  Weapons platoon 169 165
Boundaries in defense 65 73
Camouflage 187 179
Carbine 2 2
Classes of supply 197-201 187
Combat orders, company commander 7 7
Combat outpost 78, 98, 125 83, 104, 126
Combat patrols 132, 157 129, 145
Command group:    
  Rifle company 1, 8 1, 9
  Rifle platoon 101 106
  Weapons platoon 161 160
Command post:    
  Rifle company:    
  Attack 19 37
  Defense 69, 81 79, 85
  Rifle platoon 121 125
  Weapons platoon 167,189 165, 180
  Rifle company 19, 34, 52, 209-214 37, 53, 66, 199
  Rifle platoon 102, 121, 209-214 106, 125, 199
  Weapons platoon 167, 173, 189, 209-214 165, 170, 180, 199
Company commander, duties of 7 7
Company headquarters 1 1
Company mess location 197 187
Company transport 196, 201 186, 191
  Light machine-gun section and squad 160 160
  Rifle company 1, 196 1, 186
  Rifle platoon 100 106
  Rifle squad 133 130
  60-mm mortar section and squad 160 160
  Weapons platoon 160 168
Conduct of attack:    
  Rifle company 20-26, 35 37, 57


        Paragraph Page
  Rifle platoon 108 115
  Rifle squad 144-148 138
  Weapons platoon and its elements 177-181 173
Conduct of defense:    
  Rifle company 76 81
  Rifle platoon 124 126
  Rifle squad 153 144
  Weapons platoon and its elements 190 182
Conduct of fire, weapons platoon 163 162
Connecting files 12, 157 15, 145
Connecting groups 12, 157 15, 145
Control, fire 136, 177 131, 173
Coordination of attack 21 37
Counterattacks 78 83
Cover positions 2 2
Covering forces 86 86
  Light machine-gun section and squad (See Weapons platoon.)    
  Rifle company:    
  Ammunition supply 201 191
  Antiaircraft security 72, 85 80, 86
  Antimechanized defense 71, 84 79, 86
  Assembly area of reserve company 83 85
  Boundaries 65 73
  Combat outposts 78 83
  Command posts 69, 81 79, 85
  Conduct of 76 81
  Counterattacks 78 83
  Defense areas 66 74
  Delaying action 89, 90 90, 91
  Distribution of units 64, 66 73, 74
  Fire plan 67 78
  Front-line company 57-76 69
  Frontages and depths 65 73
  Hasty occupation of position 74 81
  Individual protection App. I 202
  Local security 73 81
  Mission 58, 66, 78 70, 74, 83
  Night dispositions 75 81
  Observation posts 68, 80 79, 85
  Occupation of position 74 81
  Orders 61 71
  Organization of ground 70, 82 79, 85
  Reconnaissance 60 71
  Relief 63 72
  Reserve rifle company 77-85, 88, 181 83, 90, 175
  Security 73 81
  Support platoon 66 74
  Tactical employment 58 70
  Troop leading 59 70
  Weapons platoon 66, 79 74, 85
  Withdrawal 86-88 86
  Rifle platoon 111-126 121
  Ammunition supply 201 191


        Paragraph Page
  Antiaircraft security 120 125
  Antimechanized defense 119 125
  Command and observation post 121 125
  Conduct of defense 124 126
  Distribution of squads 117 123
  Front-line platoon 117 123
  Support platoon 117 123
  Fire plan 118 124
  Frontages 116 122
  Individual protection App. I 202
  Local security 123 125
  Organization of ground 122 125
  Platoon as combat outpost 125 126
  Platoon defense order 114 122
  Reconnaissance 113 122
  Retrograde movements 126 126
  Tactical employment 111 121
  Missions 111 121
  Support platoon 111 121
  Troop leading 112 122
  Rifle squad 149-155 143
  Ammunition supply 201 191
  Antimechanized defense and antiaircraft security 152 144
  Conduct of defense 153 144
  Daylight withdrawal 155 145
  Night withdrawal 154 145
  Orders 150 143
  Organization of the squad defense area 151 144
  Squad defense order 150 143
  60-mm mortar section and squad. (See Weapons platoon.)    
  Weapons platoon:    
  Ammunition, storage at firing positions 19 37
  Ammunition supply 201 191
  Camouflage 187 179
  Conduct of defense 190 182
  Emplacements App. I 202
  Firing positions 184 177
  Individual protection App. I 202
  Missions 182 176
  Night employment 192 184
  Orders 186 178
  Positions of leaders 189 180
  Range cards 187 179
  Reconnaissance 183 177
  Reserve company 182 176
  Sectors of fire and target areas 185 178
  Withdrawal 193 184
Defense areas 66, 151 74, 144
Defense of obstacles 159 159
Delaying action 89, 90 90, 91
Designation, target 135 130
Development order 11 14
Direction and control of night attack 34 53


        Paragraph Page
Directives for tactical training App. II 214
Discipline, fire 137 131
Displacement, weapons platoon 178 174
Distributing points:    
  Ammunition 201 191
  Company mess location 197 187
  Gasoline and oil 199 190
Distribution of rifle company:    
  Attack 17, 39, 47 26, 60, 65
  Defense 64, 66, 117 73, 74, 123
  Attached medical (aid men) 205 197
  Company administration group 196 186
  Company command group 8 9
  Company commander 7 7
  Light machine-gun section and squad leaders 162, 189 161, 180
  Platoon scouts 106 107
  Rifle platoon command group 101 106
  Rifle squad, leaders 134, 142, 144 130, 132, 138
  Rifle squad, scouts 142 132
  60-mm mortar section and squad leaders 162, 189 161, 180
  Weapons platoon command group 161, 189 160, 180
Emplacements App. I 202
Engineer supplies 200 190
Equipment 3, 211 6, 199
Estimate of situation 6 7
Extra ammunition 14, 201 20, 191
Fire and movement 21, 108, 144 37, 115, 138
Fire, assault 146 142
Fire, conduct of in weapons platoon 163 162
Fire control 136 131
Fire discipline 137 131
Fire distribution 142 132
Fire orders 140 132
Fire, organization of in defense 67, 118 78, 124
Flags, signal 212 200
Flank combat patrol 132, 157 129, 145
Flank guard:    
  Rifle company 95 99
  Rifle platoon 130 129
Flashlights, signaling 212 200
Fortified position, attack of 54 68
Front-line company:    
  In defense 67-76 69
  In withdrawal 86-88 86
Frontages and depths:    
  Attack 17 26
  Defense 65 73
Gasoline, supply of 199 190
Guides 14 20
Hand grenades 2 2
Hasty field fortifications App. I 202


        Paragraph Page
Headquarters, rifle company 1 1
Individual protection App. I 202
Individual rolls 202 196
Infiltration 36, 142 59, 132
Liaison 29 49
Light machine gun 2 2
Light machine-gun section and squad:    
  Ammunition supply 201 191
  Antiaircraft security 166 164
  Antimechanized defense 165 164
  Attack 170-181 165
  Bivouac 169 165
  Communication 167 165
  Composition 160 160
  Conduct of fire 163 162
  Defense 182-193 176
  Duties of leaders 162 161
  Observation 164 163
  Route march 169 165
  Weapon carrier loads 168 165
Line of departure 14, 20, 108, 144 20, 37, 115,138
Local security in defense 73, 123 81, 125
Machine gun, light 2 2
Machine gun, light, section and squad. (See Light machine-gun section and squad.)    
Maps and sketches 15 22
March outpost 99, 128, 131, 157 105, 127, 129, 145
  Rifle company 9 11
  Rifle platoon 103 107
  Weapons platoon 169 165
Medical service and evacuation:    
  Company aid men 205 197
  Orders 207 198
  References 204 197
  Relation to battalion medical service 206 198
  Supply 200 190
Mess location 197 187
Messengers 212 200
Mortar, 60-mmm 2 2
Mortar, 60-mm, section and squad. (See 60-mm section and squad.)    
Motor maintenance 208 198
Movement of weapons 2 2
Movement to firing positions 176 173
Movement to line of departure 14, 20, 108, 144 20, 37, 115, 138
  Action when objective is captured 35 57
  Advance, rate of 35 57


        Paragraph Page
  Assault 35 57
  Direction and control 34 53
  Infiltration 36 59
  Maneuver 34 53
  Orders 32 50
  Plans 34 53
  Reconnaissance 33 52
  Secrecy 34 53
  Security 32 50
  Signal communication 34 53
  Time 34 53
  Weapons platoon 181 175
  Defense 75, 192 81, 184
  Marches 9 11
  Withdrawal 86, 126, 154, 193 86, 126, 145, 184
  Rifle company 17 26
  Rifle platoon 106-108 107
Obstacles, defense of 159 159
Occupation and organization of firing positions 187 179
Off-carrier positions 2 2
Offensive combat. (See Attack.)    
  Light machine-gun section and squad:    
  Attack 174 171
  Defense 186 178
  Rifle company:    
  Aid station 207 198
  Approach march 11 14
  Attack 15-19, 32, 38 22, 50, 60
  Combat, general 7 7
  Defense 61 71
  Supply 203 197
  Rifle platoon:    
  Approach march 106 107
  Attack 107 112
  Defense 114 122
  Rifle squad:    
  Attack 143 136
  Defense 149 143
  Fire 140 132
  Signal communication 213 201
  60-mm mortar section and squad:    
  Attack 174 171
  Defense 186 178
  Weapons platoon:    
  Attack 174 171
  Defense 186 178
Organization of the ground 70, 82, 122, 151, 187 79, 85, 125, 144, 179
Outguards 157 145
  Bivouac 96 101
  Combat 78, 98, 125, 131 83, 104, 126, 129


        Paragraph Page
  General 97, 131 103, 129
  March 99, 128, 131, 157 105, 127, 129, 145
  Outguards 157 145
  Patrols 157, 158 145, 150
Panels 212 200
  Rifle platoon:    
  Advance party 128 127
  Flank combat 132 129
  Rear party 129 128
  Rifle squad:    
  Flank combat 157 145
  Point of advance, flank, or rear guard 157 145
  Reconnaissance patrols 158 150
  Security patrols 157 145
Pistol 2 2
  Class I supply 197 187
  Rifle company:    
  Attack 15-19, 28, 34 22, 48, 53
  Counterattack 27, 28 47, 48
  Defense 60 71
  Fire 67 78
  Rifle platoon:    
  Attack 107 112
  Defense 117, 118 123, 124
  Fire 118 124
  Rifle squad 143 136
Platoon, rifle. (See Rifle platoon.)    
Platoon scouts 106 107
Platoon, weapons. (See Weapons platoon.)    
Point of advance, flank, or rear guard 157 145
  Alternate 2 2
  Attack 17 26
  Cover 2 2
  Delaying 89, 90 90, 91
  Firing 2 2
  Fortified, attack of 54 68
  Occupation of 74, 187 81, 179
  Off-carrier 2 2
  Primary 2 2
  Supplementary 2 2
  Weapons, types of 2 2
Primary positions 2 2
Pursuit 25, 109 46, 118
Pyrotechnics 212 200
Raids 55-58 68
Range 138 131
Range cards 187 179
Rations 197 187


        Paragraph Page
Rear guards:    
  Rifle company as 94 99
  Rifle platoon 129 128
  Support of 93 97
Rear party 129 128
  Patrols 158 150
  Rifle company:    
  Approach march 12, 13 15, 18
  Assembly areas 14 20
  Attack 15-19, 21, 29 22, 37
  Defense 60 71
  Night attack 33 52
  Rifle platoon:    
  Attack 106-108 107
  Defense 113 122
  Rifle squad 143 136
  Weapons platoon and elements:    
  Attack 172 168
  Defense 183 177
Reliefs 63 72
Reorganization 24, 38, 108, 147, 180 45, 60, 115, 142, 175
Repair of weapons and equipment 198 169
Replenishment of ammunition 201 191
Reserve rifle company:    
  Attack 27-30 47
  Defense 77-85, 88, 182 83, 90, 176
  Withdrawal 88 90
Responsibility for supply 195 186
Retrograde movements:    
  Rifle company 86-90 86
  Covering force 86 86
  Delaying action 89,90 90, 91
  Withdrawal 86-88 86
  Rifle platoon 126 126
  Rifle squad 154, 155 145
Rifle and bayonet 2 2
Rifle, automatic 2 2
Rifle company:    
  Defensive combat 58-59 70
  General 1-10 1
  Medical service and evacuation 204-207 197
  Motor maintenance 208 198
  Offensive combat 11-36 14
  Reserve company 27-30, 77-85, 88, 182 47, 83, 90, 176
  Security missions 91-99 93
  Signal communication 209-214 199
  Supply 194-203 186
Rifle platoon 100-132 106
  Ammunition supply in combat 105 107
  Attack 106-110 107
  Composition 100 106
  Control and communication 102 106
  Defense 112-127 122


        Paragraph Page
  Duties of command group 101 106
  Route march 103 107
  Security missions 127-132 126
  Special operations 104 107
Rifle squad 133-159 130
  Ammunition supply 139 131
  Attack 140-148 132
  Composition 133 130
  Defense 149-155 143
  Duties of leaders 134 130
  Fire control 136 131
  Fire discipline 137 131
  Range 138 131
  Security missions 156-159 145
  Target designation 135 130
River line, attack of:    
  Action after landing 48 65
  Antiaircraft security 50 66
  Antimechanized defense 49 65
  Assembly areas 43 63
  Communication and control 52 66
  Crossing the water 46 65
  Formations 47 65
  Improvised crossing 53 66
  Movement to the river 45 64
  Orders 44 63
  Plans 44 63
  Weapon carriers 44 63
Route march:    
  Rifle company 9 11
  Rifle platoon 103 107
  Weapons platoon 169 165
  Platoon 106 107
  Rifle squad 142 132
Secrecy for night attack 34 53
  Light machine-gun section, antiaircraft and antimechanized 165, 166 164
  Patrols 157 145
  Rifle company:    
  Antiaircraft 9, 10, 12, 14, 50, 72, 85 11, 13, 15, 20, 66, 80, 86
  Antimechanized 9, 10, 12, 14, 49, 71, 84 11, 13, 15, 20, 65, 79, 86
  Advance guard 92, 94 93, 99
  Approach march 12 15
  Assembly areas 11, 14 14, 20
  Attack 17, 21 26, 37
  Combat outpost 98 104
  Defense 73 81
  Flank guard 95 99
  March outpost 99 105


        Paragraph Page
  Missions 91-99 93
  Rear guard 93, 94 97, 99
  Support (in general outpost) 97 103
  Support of advance guard 92 93
  Support of bivouac outpost 96 101
  Support of rear guard 93 97
  Rifle platoon:    
  Advance party 128 127
  Antiaircraft 108, 120 115, 125
  Antimechanized 108, 119 115, 125
  Attack 108 115
  Defense 123 125
  Flank combat patrol 132 129
  Flank guard 130 129
  Outpost (combat, march, general) 131 129
  Rear party 129 128
  Rifle squad, antiaircraft and antimechanized 141, 152 132, 144
  60-mm mortar section, antiaircraft and antimechanized 165, 166 164
  Weapons platoon:    
  Antiaircraft 166 164
  Antimechanized 165 164
Signal communication:    
  Rifle company 19, 34, 52, 209-214 37, 53, 66, 199
  Rifle platoon 102, 121, 209-214 106, 125, 199
  Weapons platoon 167, 173, 209-214 165, 170, 199
Signal communication system:    
  Employment of means 212 200
  Equipment 211 199
  Orders 213 201
  Personnel 210 199
  References 209 199
  Relation to battalion system 214 201
60-mm mortar section and squad:    
  Antiaircraft security 166 164
  Antimechanized defense 165 164
  Attack 170-181 165
  Bivouac 169 165
  Composition 160 160
  Communication 167 165
  Conduct of fire 163 162
  Defense 182-193 176
  Duties of leaders 162 161
  Observation 164 163
  Route march 169 165
  Weapon carrier loads 168 165
Sketches 15 22
Sound-powered telephone 211, 212 199, 200
Sound signals 212 200
Supplementary positions 2 2


        Paragraph Page
  Administration group 196 186
  Class I (rations and water) 197 187
  Class II (TBA allowances) 198 189
  Class III (gasoline, oil, and grease) 199 190
  Class IV (Engineer, medical, etc.) 200 190
  Class V (ammunition) 139, 201 131, 191
  Distributing points 197, 199, 201 187, 190, 191
  Individual rolls 202 196
  Orders 203 197
  References 194 186
  Responsibility 195 186
  Transportation 196, 201 186, 191
Support platoon 110, 111 118, 121
Support squad 148 143
Supporting fires during attack 177, 179 173, 175
Supporting weapons 17, 39 26, 60
Supports, rifle company 17, 21, 66, 111 26, 37, 74, 121
Tactical employment:    
  Rifle company 5, 58 6, 70
  Rifle platoon 107, 111 112, 121
Tactical training directives App. II 214
Target designation 135 130
Targets, weapons platoon 176, 185 173,178
Telephone, sound-powered 211, 212 199, 200
Time of attack 17, 34 26, 53
Training directives, tactical App. II 214
Transport, company 4, 13, 196, 201 6, 18, 186, 191
Transportation 196, 201 186, 191
Troop leading:    
  Rifle company 7, 59 7, 70
  Rifle platoon 112 122
Weapon carriers:    
  Ammunition supply 196, 201 186, 191
  Assembly areas 14 20
  Bivouac 169 165
  Loads 168 165
  Route march 169 165
  Method of movement 2 2
  Of rifle company 2 2
Weapons emplacements App. I 202
Weapons platoon:    
  Ammunition supply 201 191
  Antiaircraft security 166 164
  Antimechanized defense 165 164
  Attack 17, 21, 39, 170-181 26, 37, 60, 165
  Bivouac 169 165
  Communication 167 165
  Composition 160 160
  Conduct of fire 163 162
  Defense 66, 79, 182-193 74, 85, 176


        Paragraph Page
  Duties of command group 161 160
  Observation 163 162
  Route march 169 165
  Weapon carrier loads 168 165
  Rifle company 86-88 86
  Rifle platoon 126 126
  Rifle squad 154, 155 145
  Weapons platoon 193 184
Woods, attack in:    
  Advance through woods 39 60
  Against near edge 38 60
  Debouchment from woods 46 65
  Dispositions 39 60
  Orders 38 60
  Reorganization 38 60
  Supporting weapons 39 60
Zone of reconnaissance 106 107
Zones of action 17 26


Table of Contents ** Previous Chapter (Appendix II)

Transcribed and formatted for HTML by Jerry Holden for the HyperWar Foundation