Marine Casualties1

Location and Date KIA DOW WIA MIAPD Total
Officer Enlisted Officer Enlisted Officer Enlisted Officer Enlisted Officer Enlisted
51 853 9 84 109 2,124 ---- 88 169 3,149
13 162 1 30 41 590 ---- 181 55 963
4 177 1 37 27 541 2 37 34 792
137 1,940 18 349 493 8,082 ---- 708 648 11,079
80 1,076 15 380 288 5,077 ---- 17 383 6,550
22 278 4 61 97 1,824 1 2 124 2,165
Aviation3 19 18 ---- 6 30 90 7 15 56 129
Sea-duty3 ---- 13 ---- 2 1 57 ---- 4 1 76
Total Marines 326 4,517 48 949 1,086 18,385 10 1,052 1,470 24,903
Naval Medical Personnel Organic to Marine Units4  
Tarawa 2 28 ---- ---- 2 57 ---- ---- 4 85
Marshalls5 ---- 5 ---- 1 2 34 ---- ---- 2 40
Saipan 1 70 ---- 6 7 330 ---- ---- 8 406
Guam 3 43 1 4 11 195 ---- ---- 15 242
Tinian 1 23 ---- 2 ---- 40 ---- ---- 1 65
Marine Aviation ---- 5 ---- ---- 1 4 ---- ---- 1 9
Total Navy 7 174 1 13 23 660 ---- ---- 31 847
Grand Total 333 4,691 49 962 1,109 19,045 10 1,052 1,501 25,750

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[1] These final Marine casualty figures were compiled from records furnished by Statistics Unit, Personnel Accounting Section, Records Branch, Personnel Department, HQMC. They are audited to include 26 August 1952. Naval casualties were taken from NavMed P-5021, The History of the Medical Department of the Navy in World War II, 2 vols (Washington: Government Printing Office, 1953), II, pp. 1-84. The key to the abbreviations used at the head of columns in the table follows: KIA, Killed in Action; DOW, Died of Wounds; WIA, Wounded in Action; MIAPD, Missing in Action, Presumed Dead. Because of the casualty reporting method used during World War II, a substantial number of DOW figures are also included in the WIA column.

[2] Includes Apamama.

[3] Includes operations in Gilberts, Marshalls, and Marianas during periods indicated above.

[4] See Footnote (1) above.

[5] Includes Kwajalein/Majuro and Eniwetok during periods indicated above.

Transcribed and formatted for HTML by Jerry Holden for the HyperWar Foundation