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Appendix I: Documentation and Bibliography

All statements contained in this monograph have been thoroughly documented, although, in the interests of textual smoothness and appearance, no citations have been made. A documented master copy of the entire monograph is on file in the Marine Corps archives and may be consulted at any time subject to security regulations. Specific information as to documentation or source material will be furnished upon request.

As may readily be imagined, source material of first instance relative to the defense of Wake is scanty, fragmentary, and in large extent dependent on recollections more than four years old. No opportunity was of course accorded the Wake survivors of preparing anything like special action reports after the fall of Wake. The few officers who persevered in setting down some kind of journals or
informal reports found these confiscated by the Japanese prison camp authorities. In one instance, that of Major Putnam, his report and record of events, much edited and garbled, found its way into print in the Osaka Mainichi, an English-language newspaper published in Japan.

The nearest approach to unit-action reports on Wake are a group of informal individual narratives submitted by the surviving Wake officers at the direction of Marine Corps Headquarters after their release from captivity. These are subject to all the faults of memory, hindsight, and the results of endless "rehashing" during the monotonous years of prison.

Altogether, some 77 sources have been consulted in preparation of this monograph. They are as follows:

  1. "The War Reports of General Marshall, General Arnold, and Admiral King," Lippincott, 1947.
  2. "Last Man off Wake Island," Lt. Col. Walter L.J. Bayler, USMC, Bobbs-Merrill, 1943.
  3. Table VIII, "Naval Losses of All Nations," Office of Naval Intelligence Statistical Section, 5 February 1946.
  4. Bayler, Walter L.J., Maj., USMC, official report to C.O., Marine Air Group 21, 18 February 1942.
  5. C.O., Marine Air Group 21, serial 0130, official report to the Major General Commandant, 23 December 1941.
  6. Putnam, Paul A., Maj., USMC, private letter to C.O., Marine Air Group 21, 3 December 1941.
  7. C.O., VMF-211, official report to C.O., Marine Air Group 21, 20 December 1941.
  8. Fourteenth Naval District Intelligence Officer's memorandum report of interview with P.A.A. Capt. J.H. Hamilton, pilot of "Philippine Clipper," 8 December 1941.
  9. C.O., N.A.S. Wake, official report to Commandant, Fourteenth Naval District, 20 December 1941.
  10. Resident-Officer-in-Charge, Navy Contract Noy 4173, official report to Commandant, Fourteenth Naval District, 20 December 1941.
  11. C.O., Marine Forces, Fourteenth Naval District, official report to the Major General Commandant, 6 January 1942.
  12. "The Campaigns of the Pacific War," U.S.S.B.S., 1946.
  13. File of all despatches received from Wake 7-23 December 1941.
  14. Mace, Frank Russell, chronological narrative of civilian personnel on Wake, 25 November 1945.
  15. CinCPac letter to CNO, regarding defense and development of Wake, 18 April 1941.
  16. C.O., First Defense Battalion Detachment, Wake, official report to Commandant of the Marine Corps, 18 March 1946.
  17. "The Story of Wake Island," Col. James P.S. Devereux, USMC, Lippincott, 1947.
  18. USSBS Interrogaton Nav. No. 85, Captain Koyama, Tadashi, IJN, 11 November 1946, in "Interrogations of Japanese Officials, Naval Analysis Division, U.S.S.B.S., 1946"
  19. Putnam, Paul A., Col., USMC, official report to Commandant of the Marine Corps, with endorsement by Capt. W.S. Cunningham, USN, 18 October 1945.
  20. "Full translations of answers to questions concerning attack on Wake Island," ATIS Doc. No. 17895A (WDI-44).
  21. Notes compiled from enemy interviews, date unknown.
  22. Transcript of Historical Section interview with First Lt. John F. Kinney, USMC, 23 July 1945.
  23. "Wake, 1568-1946," Capt. E.A. Junghans, USN, 7 June 1946.
  24. Barninger, Clarence A., Lt. Col. USMC, informal report to C.O., First Defense Battalion Detachment, Wake, 8 October 1945.
  25. Tharin, Frank C., Maj., USMC, informal report to C.O., First Defense Battalion Detachment, Wake, 16 October 1945.
  26. Hanna, Robert M., First Lt., USMCR, informal report to C.O. First Defense Battalion Detachment, Wake, 11 October 1945.
  27. Kinney, John F., First Lt., USMC, informal report to C.O. First Defense Battalion Detachment, Wake, 12 October 1945.
  28. Kliewer, David D., First Lt., USMC, informal report to C.O. First Defense Battalion Detachment, Wake, 23 October 1945.
  29. McAlister, John A., First Lt., USMC, informal report to C.O. First Defense Battalion Detachment, Wake, 12 October 1945.
  30. Hamas, John, Second Lt., USMC, informal report to C.O. First Defense Battalion Detachment, Wake, 12 October 1945.
  31. Borth, Harold C., W.O., USMC, informal report to C.O. First Defense Battalion Detachment, Wake, 23 October 1945.
  32. McKinstry, Clarence B., MGun, USMC, informal report to C.O. First Defense Battalion Detachment, Wake, (undated) 1945.
  33. Greeley, Robert W., First Lt. USMC, informal report to C.O. First Defense Battalion Detachment, Wake, 9 October 1945.
  34. Putnam, Paul A., Lt. Col., USMC, informal report to C.O. First Defense Battalion Detachment, Wake, 9 October 1945.
  35. Freuler, Herbert C., Maj, USMC, informal report to C.O. First Defense Battalion Detachment, Wake, 9 October 1945.
  36. Lewis, William W., Maj., USMC, informal report to C.O. First Defense Battalion Detachment, Wake, 9 October 1945.
  37. Potter, George H., Col., USMC, informal report to C.O. First Defense Battalion Detachment, Wake, 13 October 1945.
  38. Godbold, Bryghte D., Lt., Col., USMC, informal report to C.O. First Defense Battalion Detachment, Wake, 9 October 1945.
  39. Platt, Wesley McC., Lt. Col., USMC, informal report to C.O. First Defense Battalion Detachment, Wake, (undated) 1945.
  40. Webb, Henry G., First Lt., USMCR, informal report to C.O. First Defense Battalion Detachment, Wake, 19 October 1945.
  41. Kessler, Woodrow M., Capt., USMC, informal report to C.O. First Defense Battalion Detachment, Wake, 11 October 1945.
  42. Historical Section interview with Col. James P.S. Devereux, USMC, 12 February 1947.
  43. Fourth marine Division G-2 Study of Wake, 1 August 1945.
  44. Commander Marshalls-Gilberts Area letter to CinCPac, report and narrative of surrender of Wake Atoll, with enclosed narrative report by Brig. Gen. Lawson H.H. Sanderson, USMC, 13 September 1945.
  45. "Hawaii-Malaya Naval Operations," ATIS, SWPA, Enemy Publications No. 6, translations of Japanese reports regarding Wake, 22. 27-38, 27 March 1943.
  46. "We're Headed for Wake," Lt. Col. R.D. Heinl, Jr., USMC, Marine Corps Gazette, June 1946.
  47. United States Marine Corps Tables of Organization D-133 through D-155-D inclusinve (defense battlion T/O's), dated 27 February 1941.
  48. "Wake Island," Homer C. Votaw, United States Naval Institute Proceedings, January 1941.
  49. "Sailing Directions for the Pacific Islands, Volume I," H.O. 165, United States Navy Hydrographic Office.
  50. CNO letter to CinCPac, regarding establishment of defensive garrison on Wake, 23 June 1941 (as modified by CNO serial 089712, same subject).
  51. Barninger, Clarence A., Lt. Col., USMC, orricial reply to Historical Section questionnaire regarding defense of Wake, 18 February 1947.
  52. Cunningham, Winfield S., Capt., USN, private letter to Capt. Samuel E. Morison, USNR, regarding relief of Wake, 7 February 1947.
  53. Cunningham, Winfield S., Capt, USN, transcript of recorded interview, "History of Wake Island Defense," Film #468, Office of naval Records and Library, 9 January 1946.
  54. Ship's log, USS Regulus, July-August 1941.
  55. Transcript of notes of interview, Capt. Samuel E. Morison, USNR, with Rear Adm C.H. McMorris, USN, regarding attempted relief of Wake, 13 January 1947.
  56. Devereux, James P.S., Col. USMC, private letter to Capt. Samuel E. Morison, USNR, regarding defense of Wake, 13 February 1947.
  57. Ship's log, USS Tangier, December 1941.
  58. Historical Section interview with Lt. Col. John F. Kinney, USMC, 12 March 1947.
  59. Lewis, William W., Lt. Col., USMC, official reply to Historical Section questionnaire regarding defense of Wake, 28 February 1947.
  60. Platt, Wesley McC., Lt. Col., USMC, official reply to Historical Section questionnaire regarding defense of Wake, 10 March 1947.
  61. June, Randolph M., M. T. Sgt., USMC, official reply to Historical Section questionnaire regarding communication during defense of Wake, 11 March 1947.
  62. Poindexter, Arthur A., Lt. Col., USMC, official reply to Historical Section questionnaire regarding operations of mobile reserve, Wake Island, and of Battery I, First Defense Battalion, 8 April 1947.
  63. CinCPac Operation Plan 39-41, dated 15 December 1941.
  64. Paraphrased file of CinCPac despatches reagrding relief of Wake, December 1941.
  65. Ship's log, USS Saratoga, December 1941.
  66. ONI 222-J, "A Statistical Summary of the Japanese Navy," 20 July 1944.
  67. Potter, George H., Col., USMC, official reply to Historical Section questionnaire regarding defense of Wake, 27 March 1947.
  68. "Pioneer Party--Wake Island," Capt. Ross A. Dierdorff, USN, United States Naval Insittute Proceedings, April 1943.
  69. Major General Commandant, United States Marine Corps, letter regarding employment of defense battalions, 28 August 1941.
  70. CinCPac letter to CNO regarding marine Defense Forces at certain pacific islands, 3 April 1941.
  71. USSBS Interrogation Nav. No. 43, Captain Ohmae, Toshikazu, UJN, 30 October 1945, in "Interrogations of Japanese Officials, Naval Analysis Division, USSBS, 1946."
  72. J.I.C.P.O.A. Item No. 4986, "Translation of Professional Notebook of an Ensign in the Japanese Navy," 25 February 1944.
  73. Commandant, Fourteenth Naval District, orders to Col. Harold S. Fassett, USMC, 15 December 1941.
  74. Major General Commandant, United States Marine Corps, letter regarding modification of 3-inch naval ammunition for use by defense battalion weapons against surface targets, 4 March 1940.
  75. Hevenor, H.P., private letter regarding status of construction of Wake, 20 December 1941.
  76. Bayler, Walter L.J., Maj. USMC, transcript of original notes kept during defense of Wake, 8-20 December 1941.
  77. "The Reduction of Wake Island," USSBS, 1 July 1946.

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Compiled and formatted by Patrick Clancey