Task Organization and relevant material from
CTF 4 Op Plan 13-41 of 8 September, 1941.


(a) 4.1 ESCORT UNITS - Escort Commanders, 4.1.1 et. seq. - Composition to be desig.
DesFlot 3 less DesRon 9, DesDiv 22
DesFlot 3 1ess DesDiv 54
4.2.1. Destaskforcefour-Casco Bay.
4.2.2. Destaskforcefour-Boston
4.2.3. Destaskforcefour-Iceland
4.2.4. Destaskforcefour-Argentia
4.2.5. Comdeslant
4.2.6. Destaskforcefour-U.S. waters
4.2.7. OIC Destaskforcefour-Training
4.2.8 Destaskforcefour-Training Group
4.2.9 --- 4.2.19 (Reserved for assignment by CTF 4)
(c) 4.3 PATROL WING SEVEN plus POCOMOKE - Captain H. M. Mullinnix
4.3.l --- 4.3.4 Patrons 71, 72, 73, 74
4.3.5 Argentia Air Detachment
4.3.6 --- 4.3.8 (Assigned by ComArgentia AirDetach)
4.3.9 Senav Sportfor Staff NAS Norfolk
4.3.10 Iceland Air Detachment
4.3.11--- 4.3.13 (Res. for assign by ComIcelandAirDetach)
4.3.14 Quonset Air Detachment
4.3.15 Squantum Air Detachment
4.3.16 --- 4.3.19 (Res. for assign by CTF 4)
4.4.1 Convoy Control Station (if shore based)
4.4.2 TF 4 Liaison Officer, St. John' s Nfld.


1. (a) This plan implements CinClant secret Op Plan 7-41, and CinClant secret serial no. (00166) of 2 September, 1941 addressed to ComTaskFor 4.

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  (b) CinClant's Op Plan 7-41 has not yet been made effective but necessary preliminary dispositions are being made.
  (c) A Neutrality Zone described in the Declaration of Panama, and duly proclaimed, comprises all waters within the limits set forth hereafter except the territorial Waters of Canada and of the undisputed colonies and possessions of European countries within these limits, namely beginning at the terminus of the U.S. boundary in Passamaquoddy Bay in lat. 44°-46'-36"N., long 66°-54'-11"W., thence due east along the said parallel to a point 60 degrees N. Lat., thence by a rhumb line to a point in 58 degrees S. Lat. 57 degrees W. Long. This zone may be referred to by the short title "Proclaimed Neutrality Zone".
  (d) Entrance into the W. Hemisphere by navel vessels and aircraft of belligerent powers, other than those Powers which may have sovereignty over Western Hemisphere territory, is to be viewed as actuated by a potential unfriendly intent toward territory or shipping within the Western Hemisphere . . .
  (f) The Western Atlantic Area lies west of Longitude 26 degrees W. as far W. as the continental land areas, excluding Naval Coastal Frontier and Naval District land and water areas and Canadian Coastal zone, but including Iceland and the surrounding waters and its southerly and westerly approaches.
  (g) The existence of an unlimited emergency was duly proclaimed by the President on 27 May, 1941.
  (j) Task Force One - BBs, Cruisers and DDs under Rear Admiral LeBreton - will, from bases at Argentia, in Iceland, and in home waters, provide BB and Cruiser escort for convoys.
  (k) Task Force Two - the CVs, Cruisers and DDs under Rear Admiral Cook - based at Hampton Roads and Bermuda, has been directed to be ready to support TF l.
2. This Force (TF 4) will maintain full readiness to meet the requirements of the unlimited emergency, and will, in cooperation with other Atlantic Fleet units, and, if appropriate, in cooperation with the Army, and within the North Atlantic Area:
  (a) Give warning against potential impending danger to W. Hemisphere Powers.

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  (b) Defend U.S. and Iceland flag shipping against hostile attack, or threat of attack.
  (c) Escort U.S. and Iceland flag shipping and provide patrol plane coverage in the North Atlantic Ocean.
  (d) Escort U.S. and Iceland flag ships that may be accompanied by fast (10 knots) convoys, including shipping of any nationality which may join such U.S. and Iceland flag convoys, between North American ports and bases in Iceland, East and West bound.
  (e) Destroy hostile forces that threaten shipping named in (b), (c), and (d).
  (f) Be prepared to support the defense of Iceland.
  (g) When units are available, provide hunting groups to operate in connection with reported submarine concentrations;
  (h) Support operations in the Greenland-Labrador area;
  (i) Operate mail service between Boston (Portland), Argentia, and Reykjavik; . . .
  (k) Continue preparations for distant service in high latitudes.
  (l) Be prepared to provide protection for overseas transportation in support of U.S. overseas garrisons.


(uu) U.S. or Iceland Flag ships accompanied by fast convoys (10 knots) and Iceland flag ships accompanied by slow convoy (7½ knots) will depart from Halifax and Sydney respectively at about 6 day intervals.


(ww) The meridian of 55 degrees West marks the western limit of escort-of -convoy operations until circumstances require change.


(uuu-xxx) Between rendezvous off Newfoundland and MOMPs (and vice versa) escort units will normally comprise five ships; between MOMPs and Iceland two ships. The method of implementing this general policy will be prescribed in operation orders. The coverage of escort of convoy operations by patrol planes shall be conducted from Argentia and Iceland with particular attention to the times and locations of MOMPs for both fast and slow convoys. Aerial coverage will be initiated by Air Detachment Commander, Argentia and Iceland, based on information of convoy positions, routes and speeds, without further orders. Keeping appropriate local authorities informed. Greenland-Labrador operations will be

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supported by suitable detachments from units available in Iceland and at Argentia as ordered by CTF 4.


(uuuu-wwww) U.S. and Iceland flag convoys, whether escorted by U.S. or Canadian escort groups, will be covered by U.S. and Canadian aircraft as may be necessary for their protection. Canadian ocean escorts will not escort U.S. flag convoys. U.S. ocean escort groups will not escort British or Canadian troop convoys. Canadian and U.S. light escort forces, normally, will not be placed in same escort group. In the Canadian Coastal zone, U.S. and Iceland flag convoys will be escorted as necessary by Canadian local escort forces.


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