Commander-in-Chief, Atlantic Fleet
Volume XI

Commander South Atlantic Force


First Draft Narrative
Prepared by the Historical Section,
Commander in Chief, Atlantic Fleet


From the day I hoisted my flag in the USS Memphis as Commander Cruiser Division Two at Guantanamo Bay on January 11, 1941, until today, there has been recorded a progressive action that has brought discomfort to our enemies and guidance and protection to our friends in the great South Atlantic area.

In the early days there was divided opinion among the peoples and responsible governments from the Caribbean to the River Plata as to the intentions and good will of the "Colossus of the North." In Brazil and Uruguay there were many responsible and intelligent people who believed that Germany would win the war. In addition to this class, there were many Nazi sympathizers, some of whom were active.

The success attained was due to military leadership and the general good will spread by all branches of the Armed Forces of the United States in the entire area. My great problem was to win the confidence and good will of both the responsible leaders and the peoples of Brazil and Uruguay. With all modesty, I can report that in this respect I was to a great extent successful. It was accomplished by assuming the direct-dealing policy of perfect honesty of purpose, putting all the cards on the table face up, and telling them exactly what was expected of them and why. At all times was stressed the necessity for close collaboration. The entire atmosphere was maintained friendly without formality and at the same time not too intimate. My program was to visit the seat of the governments as


Rio or Montevideo at about six-month intervals, transact my business with dispatch, and get back to the operating basses to carry on the campaign.

The spirit of the South Atlantic Forces was ever at a high ebb. it was a perfect-spirited team that got results. Their example was contributory to respect and admiration which was inspirational to our Allies, who were quick to follow in their own way.

In my opinion, the success of the South Atlantic Campaign was predicated on the spirit of the South Atlantic Force and its ability to provide inspirational leadership to our South American Allies. If properly fostered, this same procedure will bring great dividends to the United States in the postwar period.

Full credit for this factual history of the South Atlantic Campaign is due Lieutenant Charles E. Nowell, United States Naval Reserve, who finished the history before the key men interested had been detached from the area.

Admiral, U.S. Navy
Commander in Chief, U.S. Atlantic Fleet


Commander-in-Chief, Atlantic Fleet
Volume XI

Table of Contents


Introduction i
The Nature of the Problem 1
The First Recife Contact 8
The Admiral's First Visit 9
Neutrality Patrol 16
The Odenwald 24
Basing the Marines Ashore 31
A Summary 37
Winning Over President Vargas 41
Brazil Moves Toward War 52
Brazil Declares War 61
Liaison, American-Brazilian-British 67
Solving the Fuel Problem 74
Secretary Knox's First Visit 80
The Anneliese Essberger 84
Administrative Readjustment 93
Shore Activity in 1942 97
The Presidential Visit 115
Operation for 1943--January 121
Operation for 1943--February 123
The Fourth Fleet 127
Operations--April 1943 135
Operations--May 1943 137
Operations--June 1943 141
July 1943--The Anti-Submarine Blitz 146
The Remainder of 1943--Operations 158
The Blimps Arrive 162
Shore Activity for 1943 167
Communications 192
The SoLant Triple Play 196
Operations--The Later Events 205
Highlights of 1944 212
Conclusion 218
Chronology iii
Narrative 1

Transcribed and formatted by Rick Pitz, HyperWar Foundation