Chapter XVI


Section 1. General
Section 2. Agencies and Responsibilities
Section 3. Planning
Section 4. Conferences
Section 5. Training
Section 6. Information to be Exchanged
Section 7. Personnel and Equipment
Section 8. Loading and Embarkation
Section 9. Voyage
Section 10. Approach
Section 11. Bill for Disposal of Classified Matter
Section 12. Typical Amphibious Communication Nets

Section 1. General

  1. It is the intent of this chapter to supplement the references listed below, which should be studied as a basic guide in all phases of Amphibious Operations:

    1. Communications Instructions (1944), and supplements thereto.
    2. USF-70(A).
    3. PAC-70(B).
    4. PAC-72.
    5. PAC-71(A).
    6. PAC-5.
    7. PAC-6.
    8. General Signal Book.
    9. Call Sign enciphering devices.
    10. Authenticator devices.
    11. Administrative and Tactical Organization.
    12. Ship-to-Shore Movement (FTP 211).
    13. Landing Operations Doctrine (FTP 167).

Section 2. Agencies and Responsibilities

  1. The combined Communications Board is the supporting agency of the combined Chiefs of Staff on communication matters, and is responsible for coordinating methods, procedures, operations, equipment and all communication matters of combined application.

  2. The Joint Communications Board is the supporting agency of the joint U.S. Chiefs of Staff on communications matters, and is responsible for coordinating methods, procedures, operations, equipment and all communication matters of joint U.S. application.


  1. The Communications Coordination Committee is the supporting agency of the U.S. Army Chief of Staff on communication matters, and is responsible for coordinating communication methods, procedures, operations, equipment, and all communication matters applicable to the U.S. Army.

  2. The Director of Naval Communications is the supporting agency of the Chief of Naval Operations on communication matters, and is responsible for coordinating all communication matters applicable to the U.S. Navy.

  3. A Joint Amphibious Communication Planning Staff is a special joint staff to assist a theater commander with plans for amphibious operations or exercises.

  4. A Joint Amphibious Communications Plans Conference is a special conference of communication and signal officers to prepare a communication plan for a specific amphibious operation.

Section 3. Planning

  1. The planning phase is important. Omissions and oversights during this period cannot be remedied later. The communication representatives of participating services (ground, sea, and air) must collaborate and work together continually from the inception of the basic operational plan until the final plan is completed.

  2. Signal and communication officers must have complete and accurate information of the tactical plan, the organization to be employed, and the contemplated location of the senior commanders during the phases prior to, during, and subsequent to the assault.

  3. The importance of security must constantly be borne in mind at all stages from the commencement of planning. It is necessary, however, to recognize that certain subordinate officers need to be given sufficient information so that training and other preparations may proceed along the proper lines.

Section 4. Conferences

  1. During the initial conference it is of the utmost importance that in order to insure expeditious handling of messages, the communication and signal officers take the initiative to arrange for abbreviated titles for the task force commander, subordinate commanders, and the various communication and signal officers. So far as practicable, these abbreviated titles should be self-evident and as simple as possible. Discussions during the initial conference should include the institution of special security measures to insure secrecy during the planning and training phases. Arrangements should be made to keep radio traffic in the planning and training areas as normal as possible, both as to volume, priorities, and:

    1. To reduce non-operational traffic to a minimum.

    2. To cover any unusual radio traffic created by training exercises.

    3. To cover any change in merchant ship traffic occasioned by general alterations in routing and the assembly of vessels for the expedition.

    4. To cover countermeasures, and other measures or adjustments necessary. To avoid giving the enemy any indication of the projected operation.


  1. When orders have been completed, and prior to departure for the operation, or exercise, there should be a conference of all signals and communication officers, (including battalion, individual ship's and shore party communication officer) to study the plan to insure uniform interpretation of its provision. Alternate plans and contingencies should be discussed.

  2. A conference of all communication and signal officers, and if possible, Beachmaster and SP Commanders, should be held immediately after each full scale exercise or rehearsal to determine causes of failures and corrective action. The resulting communication plan modifications must be given rapid and complete dissemination. At this juncture it is strongly recommended that a miniature digest of the communication information, small handbook size, be prepared for use by the operators at their positions, and by the boat and beach communication personnel, and others who need complete communication information contained in a small handbook.

  3. Liaison between the signal and communication officers is important. Liaison officers should be exchanged, and every effort made to insure cooperation.

  4. Senior commander should plan to establish and maintain, in their staffs, an agency having full operations knowledge, and the authority to determine precedence of messages to be transmitted.

Section 5. Training

  1. It is essential that Communication Officers themselves acquire a thorough knowledge of the Communication Plan before any training can be effectual.

  2. The purpose of the initial phase of training will be to determine the efficiency of a given unit, and if necessary, additional training will be given to qualify the unit with the standards of preliminary training. The second phase will include the training of specialists, special detachments and units, in order to perfect the landing teams. This phase will terminate with tactical tests and signal communication exercises to determine the ability of landing teams to effect a successful landing.

  3. Ships of the Amphibious Forces, Pacific, will plan and conduct an extensive and continuous program of training for the rating and advancement in rating of all communication personnel.

  4. Each vessel will assign, as a minimum, sufficient strikers to maintain a total number of rated men and strikers equal to the total allowed in complement of radiomen, signalmen, radio technicians, and seamen radiomen and seamen-signalmen.

  5. Each radioman, signalman, and striker who is not qualified to stand a regular log watch, both transmitting and receiving will


    practice transmitting and receiving International Morse Code at least one hour daily under the supervision of a qualified instructor.

  1. Maximum use will be made, when in the Pearl Harbor Area, of these various Communication Training Schools there, particularly the Waipio Communication Training School, which offers a wide variety of Amphibious Communication subjects.

  2. Maximum use will be made of Navy Training Courses for self study by all communication personnel to qualify for advancement in rating. No man will be advanced in rating until a required training Course has been completed and test completed with a passing mark.

  3. In addition to the above, ships not engaged in active operations will conduct classes under supervision of qualified instructors to cover subjects not included in the above paragraphs.

  4. Whenever two or more ships of a Transport Division of the Amphibious Forces, Pacific, not engage din active operation, are in company, the Division Commander is responsible that visual personnel be exercised daily in flag hoist, semaphore and flashing light visual communications. All ships of the Transport Division present will participate except that such ships as are engaged in ship-to-shore training or such other exercises as might interfere with these drills, are exempted.

Section 6. Information to be Exchanged

    1. Suitable diagrams showing office and communication spaces. Roster of Naval Officers aboard, showing their official capacities.

    2. List of landing force officers to be embarked and their official capacities.

    3. Call signs of embarking units, cryptographic systems held, and other information pertinent to communications.

  1. Signal and Communication Officers should confer with their respective intelligence sections to determine what special communications will be required for last minute reconnaissance reports from patrols, agents and aircraft, and should arrange communications accordingly.

Section 7. Personnel and Equipment

  1. Officers responsible for communication equipment should check with the Communications Office (Radio Material Officer) in order to make sure that they have all allowed radio and signal equipment. They shall insure that the allowed supply of batteries, spare parts and repair equipment is on hand and accessible on board ship. Batteries should be stowed in cool dry spaces.

  2. In the period, prior to embarkation all ship communication officers and unit signal and communication officers shall make a complete test of all communication equipment, including batteries and spare


    parts. Dial settings of transmitters and receivers for all frequencies on which each equipment may operate shall be determined and recorded. Preventative maintenance measures should be perfected.

  1. Communication officers should obtain from the Issuing Office any publications needed to complete their allowance.

  2. Communication officers shall make sure that they have sufficiently qualified communications personnel to man the circuits required by the Communication Plan. The Personnel Office will furnish information on additional personnel available, if they are needed.

Section 8. Loading and Embarkation

  1. Embarking signal and communication officers will arrange with the transport quartermaster and the transport communication officers to insure that communication equipment is loaded so as to be readily accessible and in such a manner as to provide for the correct unloading sequence. Equipment which is to be employed in the assault phase should be stowed in spaces under the control of the ship's communication officer so that it can be serviced readily and be available for use. Spare parts and accessories for communication equipment to be landed shall be stowed with its associated equipment.

  2. Communication equipment to be used subsequent to the assault (such as base communication equipment) should be inventoried, tested, carefully repacked and properly labeled before loading.

  3. The ship Communication Officer is responsible, under the Commanding Officer, for the receipt of all messages addressed to embarked units, and for the expeditious delivery of these messages to the unit message center. Message centers will begin full operation at the hour designated for the commencement of embarkation and operate thereafter on a 24 hour basis. Embarked units will detail messengers to the Ship's Communication Office, the Radio Room, and the Signal bridge as may be necessary for the expeditious handling of messages. Signal and Communication Officers of embarked units should furnish, upon request, radio and visual personnel to assist the ship's force in handling traffic. The Navy will provide all exterior and inter-ship communications during the voyage. Naval cryptograph channels will normally be used for landing force traffic in order that enemy radio intelligence will not learn that Army or Marine forces are present. All traffic will be released in accordance with instructions of the Division Commander. In many cases it will be necessary to prohibit the release of this traffic in order to keep communication channels open for tactical traffic essential to convoy maneuvering.


Section 9. Voyage

  1. During the voyage communication personnel must utilize all available time for intensive training and study of orders, which will include the following:

    1. Study of orders and instructions by officers and enlisted men.

    2. Practice in handling effective cryptographic systems.

    3. Communication drills in which prepared drill messages will be completely enciphered, deciphered, recorded and delivered. Accuracy and speed are the objectives.

    4. Training messengers in the delivery of traffic to all parts of the ship under darkened ship conditions.

    5. Training of messengers in the recognition and identification of staff officers. Communication and signal officers will prepare a duty assignment card for each member of their respective communication units participating in Ship-to-Shore Assault.

  2. Visual Communication: Communications will normally be restricted to daylight visual means. Even then the use of searchlights may be prohibited in areas where enemy air search is probable.

  3. Use of landing force equipment at sea is prohibited. No landing force radio equipment may be operated during the voyage without specific approval of the Task Force Commander. This includes all electrical apparatus (such as regenerative receivers, signal generators, frequency meters, etc.) with radiating characteristics.

  4. Inspection of equipment: Communication equipment of combat-loaded units should be accessible and in efficient operating condition at all times, ready for immediate use. Such equipment, both ship and unit, shall be inspected frequently and serviced as necessary. This inspection shall include batteries and spare parts.

  5. Radio silence shall be maintained during the voyage unless this condition is specifically modified by the task force commander. Radio silence prohibits all transmissions, of whatever nature, including tuning.

Section 10. Approach

  1. Preparation of equipment for landing: During the six to eight hour period preceding the assault, communication equipment must be prepared in every respect for landings.

  2. Tuning of portable radio equipment: Portable radio equipment shall be checked carefully to see that dials are set properly for the frequency on which these sets are to be operated and for those so provided, tuning dials shall be locked. Non-radiating receivers shall be tested for operation. Until the restrictions imposed by radio silence permit the tuning and netting of the equipment, the difficulties arising from security restrictions cannot be wholly overcome, but will have been minimized by:


    1. Constant netting drill and practice to include training at night.

    2. Careful netting before embarkation with recording of exact dial readings.

    3. Use of frequency meters and built-in crystal calibrators.

    4. Careful instruction in the use of calibration curves and charts.

    5. All units must synchronize watches with ships time immediately prior to debarkation. Provisions to be made for daily time checks.

  1. During the approach, communication and signal officers must pre-examine the details of the communication plans for debarkation and assault in the light of the then existing conditions. Casualties to personnel and equipment and/or late intelligence undoubtedly will require a readjustment of personnel assignments, boat assignment tables and allocation of equipment. Alternate plans must likewise be revised.

Section 11. Bill for Disposal of Classified Matter

  1. Each ship of the Amphibious Forces, Pacific will prepare a "Bill" for Disposal of Classified Matter. The bill will provide for the following:

    1. Location of classified matter including Registered Publications, Coding Machines and Devices, Radar and other classified equipment, office files.

    2. Designation of personnel and assignments.

    3. Priority of disposal.

    4. Location of accessories necessary for disposal such as weighted bags, destruction tools, incinerators, and inflammables to aid disposal by burning.

    5. Availability of classified matter in locked spaces.

    6. Deep and shallow water procedure.

  2. Consideration should be given in the Bill to including a plan for salvaging part or all of the classified matter when the condition requiring the abandonment of the ship make such a plan feasible.

  3. Attention is invited to the following references:

    Paragraph 511, RPS 4A and Article 76 (12), U.S. Navy Regulations for reports required in event of loss or destruction of classified matter.


Section 12. Typical Amphibious Communications Nets

  1. Amphibious Communications, due to the number and complexity of channels, will vary according to the size and nature of the particular operation. The diagrams set forth in this section illustrate the major elements of the communication channels for a typical amphibious task force. Officers should thoroughly familiarize themselves with the Communications Annex of the Operation Order in question. It should be understood that the diagrams on the following pages are schematic only and do not purpose to show the actual relative position of ships, craft and units.














Ship-Shore Communications Channels

Diagram 1 (Omitted--Secret)


Elements of a Typical Amphibious Force

Diagram 2


Task Force Command Net

Diagram 3


Transport Division Ship-Shore Net

Diagram 4


Transdiv Boat Control Net,
SCR-608-808-610, HF/VHF, Voice

Transdiv LVT Control Net
SCR 508-510 HF, Voice

Diagram 5


Shore Party Lateral and Control Vessel Common Nets

Diagram 6


LST Common Net

Diagram 7


LCI Common Net
SCR 608-808-610, HF/VHF, Voice

Diagram 8


Air Warning and Fighter Control Nets

Diagram 9


Appendix A to Chapter XVI
Communication Plan and Doctrine for Amphibious Training in the Hawaiian Area

NOTE: The paragraph numbering system in this Appendix is in conformity with USF 70(A).

  1. General Instructions.

    1. Communications in accordance with USG 70(A) and CENTCOM TWO as amplified by this plan.

    2. This plan consists of this basic section and the following annexes:

      A. Radio Frequency Plan.
      B. Call Sign List.

    3. The instructions contained in this plan do not conflict with instructions from higher authority and are to be used as a basis for communications during all Amphibious Training exercises in the Hawaiian Area conducted under the supervision of the Commander, Administrative Command, Amphibious Forces, U.S. Pacific Fleet, unless different arrangements are made with the Administrative Command Communications Officer.

  1. Effective Date.

    This plan and annexes are effective on receipt.

  1. Time:

    1. Zone Zero (Zebra) time will be used in all dispatches in message date-time groups.

    2. Hawaiian Area Time is zone plus 91/2. Add 0930 to local time for Z time. Subtract 0930 from Z time for local time.

    3. Use Zone description suffix letter or letters with all time groups as appropriate, i.e. 1330 VW or 2300 Z.

  1. Encryption of Despatches.

    1. During training exercises traffic should be encrypted in usual effective systems in accordance with Paragraph 1160, CENTCOM TWO.

    2. Shackle Numeral Cipher may be used where applicable.

    3. Plain language may be used on voice circuits in ways similar to those employed during recent operations, but special care must be exercised to prevent disclosing information about own forces and planned operations.

    4. Drill traffic on radio operator drill circuits not connected with training operations will be made up in accordance with current instructions from CinCPac.

  1. Communication and Radio Discipline. (see Paragraph 2100 CENTCOM TWO.)

    1. Speed keys will not be used on operational circuits or for transmission of operational dispatches on any circuit.


    1. Speed of transmission will not exceed fifteen words per minute.

    2. Close supervision of operators by qualified supervisory personnel is mandatory.

    3. Unnecessary "break in" on a circuit, superfluous use of procedure signals, and prolonged "call ups" will not be tolerated.

    4. When time permits, enciphered dispatches will be checked by deciphering by other than coding officer who enciphered message before transmission. This includes checking of enciphered calls and authenticators. If time does not permit checking before transmission, the encipherment shall be checked immediately after transmission and correction, if required, will be sent.

    5. Authentication of incoming dispatches will be carefully checked. Transmitting and receipting station will be properly challenged if doubt as to authenticity exists. The enemy is making increased use of deception.

    6. Communication Plans shall be made available to supervisory communication personnel. They shall be kept informed of changes in tactical organization.

    7. In view of the large number of stations normally on voice circuits, it is essential that transmissions be kept to a minimum to prevent self-jamming. It is good practice to write out desired message before starting voice transmission.

    8. Ships hearing TBS transmission addressed to other units in the vicinity but not receipted for or noting difficulty in delivery shall automatically relay message to unit concerned.

    9. Use lowest power required for satisfactory transmission.

    10. Make frequent checks of frequency calibration of equipment in use. Check frequency measuring devices against standard frequency transmissions at frequent intervals.

    11. Use proper cryptographic channels.

    12. Rehearsal and Training exercises in rear areas are intended to test communications. A reasonable volume of traffic must therefore be handled, and all circuits and equipment must be thoroughly checked and lined up. However, strict discipline must be observed, and good operating procedure and practices must be insisted upon by officers controlling circuits. Unauthorized transmissions must be tracked down and suppressed. A certain amount of test transmissions are necessary and should be made during periods when rehearsal or training traffic will not be interfered with. OTC should designate suitable periods of about an hour each day during which circuit is "open" for test transmissions.

  1. Radio Frequency Plan.

    1. Annex "A" contains the Radio Frequency Plan for Amphibious Training Operations in the Hawaiian Area. Subject to the limitation of available frequencies, channels are provided which parallel in function, those used in operations, as well as frequencies for general training use.

    2. Annex "A" also contains necessary non-training frequencies.

  1. Hawaiian Area Frequencies.

    1. The Harbor Frequency for the Hawaiian Area is 355 KC(CW),


      guarded by all ships within 200 miles of Oahu equipped to do so. Craft not so equipped guard 2716 KC. These frequencies are to be used to contact NPM1 or NPM2 in emergency and to receive local warning.

    1. Fleet VHF Common is SCR 608/808/610 Channel 34.8 MC(V). This channel is to be used in contacting ships or craft of other Task Groups or Units similarly equipped and as a harbor overload frequency.

    2. 33.2 MC(V), SCR 608/808/610, is the Amphibious Forces Common frequency within the Pearl Harbor Area. All ships or craft of the Amphibious Forces, so equipped, will guard or establish nest guard when in Pearl or Honolulu Harbors or within fifteen miles of Pearl Harbor unless other arrangements are made with Communications Officer, Administrative Command, Amphibious Forces, U.S. Pacific Fleet. Amphibious Bases in the Hawaiian Area guard when directed.

  1. Avoiding Interference.

    Voice interference on the SCR 608/610 training channels may be expected in the Hawaiian Area. The great number of this type equipment in use by the Army has made the allocation of clear channels difficult. In the event of voice interference of the SCR 610 "A" Channels assigned for Amphibious Training, shift to Channel "B", 33.2 Mc. which may be considered a secondary channel, in addition to its normal assignment as Amphibious Forces Common in the Hawaiian Area. Avoid use of this channel for this purpose within range of the Pearl Harbor Net (para 2213c).

  1. Authentication.

    1. Landing Craft, LST and smaller, Use Shackle Authentication System.

      1. The Authenticator is placed at the end of the message as indicated in examples below.

      2. To Authenticate, using the Shackle Cipher, take the first three letters or numerals of the last word or group of the text of the message, refer to the Shackle Cipher for the day, and select any letter on the Cipher which bounds each of those three letters or numerals. The three letters thus derived constitute the Authenticator.

        * For Example: The Shackle Cipher for the day is:


          0 (L) V I
          00 R J T
          5 D (X) M
          1 W N C
          2 K G
          (3) E Q
          4 Z B
          6 H F
          7 O U
          8 S P
          9 A Y

        The last group of the message is L3X9T. L,3, and X are used for deriving the Authenticator. L is bounded by R,J and V. 3 is bounded by K,E and Z. X is bounded by R,J,T,M,C,N,W and D. One of the possible Authenticators is RZW, and would appear as follows:

        ----(TEXT)----LR49N       T6OFL   L3X9T BT 1145Z   QKA
                          RZW K

        (QKA -- Authentication this message is __________)
        (QLA -- Authenticate your message.)
        Voice Authentication should be made as follows:
        "Hello Pebble This is Rock Break How Hour Postponed to Shackle Love Sugar Jig Break X R A Y
                        V I C T O R   Q U E E N   Over"

      1. When last group of text contains only two characters (or one character), make up authenticator using the last character (or two characters) of the next to last group of text as required to form a three letter authenticator.


    1. Other effective authentication systems may be used for familiarization drills at discretion of OTC.

  1. Radio Call Signs.

    Annex "B" includes all special call signs both CW and Voice used for amphibious training exercises in the Hawaiian Area. Use appropriate calls in conformity with the type of training or exercise in progress. Base call signs may be modified by numeral suffix for general training. Voice calls from CENTCOM TWO may be used when required. Combat CW calls from CENTCOM TWO will not be used in rehearsals or training. Standard encrypted calls will be used on all CW circuits except when indefinite or general calls will suffice.

Annex A
Radio Frequency Plan

This frequency plan is designed for Amphibious training in the Hawaiian Area only, but includes in addition to the training frequencies a few non-training frequencies necessary for the conduct of certain other functions as prescribed. The plan is divided in two parts on this basis, Part A for training frequencies, and Part B for non-training frequencies.

  1. Hawaiian Area Training Frequencies.

    1. Hawaiian Area Amphibious Training Common (HF) 2230KC(V).
      This frequency will be used for general TBX training and as the TransDiv Administrative Ship-Shore Channel unless a regularly assigned Transdiv TCO-TCO-TBX voice channel is available.

    2. Hawaiian Area Amphibious Training Common (VHF) 33.2MC(V). This channel will be used as Landing Boat Common (SCR-610, Channel "B"), Control Common, or for other needs for a common channel in training exercises. Attention is directed to the Pearl Harbor Voice Net on this frequency for Phibspac ships within fifteen miles of Pearl Harbor. The use of 33.2 MC in training is restricted to areas beyond the range of this net, unless specified to the contrary in training orders.

    3. -9. LVT and Boat Control VHC Channels (See Frequency Chart).
      These frequencies will be used as LVT or Boat Control "A" channels and for general SCR-610 training by the individual bases as indicated on the Frequency Chart.

    1. Training Unit Common. 2272 KC(CW)
      Training Unit will be assigned this frequency for inter-craft operational and drill traffic during training exercises in the Hawaiian Area.

    2. Drill Frequency. 2320 KC(CW)
      This frequency will be used for drills within Amphibious Training elements.

    3. TBY Training. 40.3 MCS(V)
      This frequency will be used for general TBY Training.

    4. All Beachmasters and U.D.T. (SCR-536). 5500 KC
      Beachmaster's local beach net and Underwater Demolition Teams.


Hawaiian Area Training Frequencies.
Channel Assignment
Kamaole ATB Kauai
1 TRAINING MF 2230(V)   X X X X X  
3 LVT/BOAT CONTROL VHF 27.7(V) 1 2   X   X  
4 LVT/BOAT CONTROL VHF 27.9(V) 1 2 X   X   X
5 BOAT CONTROL VHF 28.2(V)   X          
6 BOAT CONTROL VHF 28.5(V)   X          
7 BOAT CONTROL VHF 30.8(V) 1 2         X
8 BOAT CONTROL VHF 29.9(V)   X          
9 BOAT CONTROL VHF 35.9(V) 1 2         X
10 TRAINING UNITS MF2272(CW) 1            
11 DRILL FREQUENCY MF2320(CW)   X          
12 TBY TRAINING VHF 40.3(V) 1 X X X X X  

  1. Non-Training Frequencies.

    1. Local Ship-Shore, Oahu..........(355 KC(CW)) Within 200 miles of Oahu, ships will guard 355 KC for emergency warning and ship-shore communication. This frequency should be used for contacting NPM1 or NPM2 in emergencies, and for necessary ship-shore C.W. traffic to ships able to guard it.

    2. CentPac Common (VHF). (SCR-608/610/808). (34.8 MC(V)) The Central Pacific Common VHF Frequency is 34.8 MC and may be used for contact with ships of other forces.

    3. TBS -- All Ships and Forces..........P-72.1 MC
                                                              ..........S-72.5 MC
      Emergency warning and tactical, VHF, for ships in company.

    4. Ship-Plane Anti-Aircraft Gunnery..........3265 KC(V)
      The local frequency for communication with target tow planes in gunnery exercises is 3265 KC.

    5. Local Ship-Shore..........2716 KC
      This frequency is the primary ship-shore channel for craft engaged in exercises or on routine inter-island runs in the Hawaiian Area, if they are not equipped to use 355 KC.

    6. Haiku FOX
      The Haiku FOX Frequencies and schedules are included for information:


      Time (GCT)   Frequency (KC)
      Continuous   16.68, 0909
      0600-2200   6380
      0800-2000   4525
      1900-0800   14390
      2200-0600   17370
      Single Operator Schedule   Two Operator Schedule
      0600-1000   0100-0300
      1800-2000   0600-1000
      2300-2400   1200-1300

    1. PhibsPac Pearl Harbor Frequency   33.2 MC(V)
      All ships, LST, LCIs and LCT Groups and Divisions, of the Amphibious Forces within 15 miles of Pearl Harbor, Guard or Nest Guard this frequency for unclassified, high precedence traffic. AdComdPhibsPac is control for this net.

Annex B
Call Sign List

AdComdPhibsPac   KDOA     ANTHRAX
Beachmaster   KDOR   JUGHEAD
Boat Group Commander       LEADER_______
Boat Wave Commander       WILDROOT_____
Cargo Vessel (AKA)   KDOH   RADISH
Commander Training Unit (When assigned in Training Order)   KDOY   DEWEY
Control Boat     ______ MARKWELL
Kamaole Amphibious Training Base   KDOG   DRAGON
Kauai Amphibious Training Base   KDOJ   HOCKEY
Navy Yard, Pearl Harbor   NPM2  
Salvage Boat     TOBACCO______
Target Tow Plane Training Unit (When assigned in Training Order)   KDOW   DIEGO


Transport (APA)   KDOQ   ZIPPO______
Waianae Amphibious Training Base   KDOP   GRANDAD
Waimanalo Amphibious Training Base   KDOL   GREMLIN
Waipio Amphibious Communication
Training School
Waipio Amphibious Communication
Training School
Waipio Amphibious Communication
Training School
Spare   KDOV  
Spare   KDOM  
Spare   KDOT  
Spare   KDOU  

1. CW DECODE    
  KDOA   AdComPhibsPac
  KDOB   Spare
  KDOC   Waipio Amphibious Communication Training School
  KDOE   Spare
  KDOF   Spare
  KDOG   Kamaole Amphibious Training Base
  KDOH   Cargo Vessel (AKA)
  KDOJ   Kauai Amphibious Training Base
  KDOK   Waipio Amphibious Communication Training School
  KDOL   Waimanalo Amphibious Training Base
  KDOM   Spare
  KDON   Waipio Amphibious Communication Training School
  KDOP   Waianae Amphibious Training Base
  KDOQ   Transport (APA)
  KDOR   Beachmaster
  KDOT   Spare
  KDOU   Spare
  KDOV   Spare
  KDOW   Training Unit
  KDOY   Commander Training Unit
  NPM2   Navy Yard, Pearl Harbor


  ANTHRAX   AdComdPhibsPac
  DEWEY   Commander Training Unit
  DIEGO   Training Unit
  DONOVAN   Waipio Amphibious Comm. Training School
  DRAGON   Kamaole Amphibious Training Base
  FLEETWOOD   Waipio Amphibious Comm. Training School
  GRANDAD   Waianae Amphibious Training Base
  GREMLIN   Waimanalo Amphibious Training Base
  HARGROVE   Waipio Amphibious Communication Training School
  HOCKEY   Kauai Amphibious Training Base
  JUGHEAD   Beachmaster
  LEADER   Boat Group Commander
  MARKWELL   Control Boat
  RADISH   Cargo Vessel (AKA)
  SAUSAGE   Spare
  SNAPSHOT   Spare
  SUNTAN   Spare
  TOBACCO   Salvage Boat
  TRACTOR   Target Tow Plane
  WILDROOT   Boat Wave Commander
  ZIPPO   Transport (APA)


Instructions on Use of Special Call Signs and CW Call Signs

  1. In all cases select the appropriate Call Signs for the use to which they will be put, making the modifications listed below, if necessary.

  2. Modify special Voice Calls as indicated. When no confusion will result designated suffixes or prefixes need not be used. Hull Numbers if required may be hypothetical.

    1. To derive Beachmaster Calls prefix color of beach to JUGHEAD. If beach is subdivided into numbered section, suffix number to JUGHEAD.
      RED JUGHEAD is Beachmaster Red Beach. BLUE JUGHEAD TWO is Beachmaster Blue Beach 2.

    2. To derive Control Boat Calls prefix color of beach involved to MARKWELL. Suffix beach number of necessary. YELLOW MARKWELL ONE is Control Boat Yellow Beach 1.

    3. To derive Boat Group Commander Calls suffix parent ship Hull Number to LEADER. LEADER TEN is Boat Group Commander of APA-10.

    4. To derive Boat Wave Commanders Calls suffix wave number to WILDROOT.

    5. To derive Salvage Boat Calls suffix parent ship Hull Number to TOBACCO. TOBACCO TEN is Salvage Boat for APA-10.

    6. To derive Transport (APA) Calls suffix Hull Number for ZIPPO for voice and to KD0Q for CW.

    7. To derive Cargo Vessel (AKA) calls suffix Hull Number to RADISH for Voice and to KD0H for CW.

  3. CW Calls may be extended if necessary by numeral suffix.


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