Medical Preparation and Plans


Section 1. Function
Section 2. Organization
Section 3. Training
Section 4. Preparation
Section 5. Medical Supplies
Section 6. Casualty Evacuation
Section 7. Casualty Reports
Section 8. Routine Medical Department Reports Required
Section 9. Medical Personnel -- assignment of to collateral duties

Section 1. Function

  1. It is the task of the Medical Department of ships of this force to provide adequate medical service for all attached or embarked personnel. To be ready at all times to assist in the care of casualties from associated ships of the fleet. To furnish complete medical service to the landing force until such time as medical facilities may be established ashore.

Section 2. Organization

  1. The organization of an amphibious force includes all types of ships of the fleet with many special types, especially designed for amphibious warfare. The medical organization of the screening and fire support group composed of battle ships, destroyers, cruisers and carriers will not be discussed here. While these groups are elements of an amphibious assault, their medical organization has not varied from standard procedures established years ago. This discussion will be limited to the medical activities of transport groups and their associated specialized craft used in amphibious assaults.

  2. The transport squadrons, or groups are composed of two or more transport divisions. The transport division is usually composed of three APAs, or AP and one AKA. This division may also have assigned LSDs, LSTs, and LSVs. The number of each type in the division may vary depending upon the attack plan -- one APH may be substituted in the division for an AP or APA.

  3. The senior medical officer of the transport division flag ship will act as division medical officer under temporary additional duty. The senior medical officer of the Group Commander's flag ship will likewise be Group Medical Officer unless another Medical Officer has been ordered to duty on staff of Squadron or Group Commander. It shall be the duty of these Medical Officers to coordinate the medical activities of their division and group force directives and the medical plan.


  1. A Medical Officer will be designated as evacuation officer for each transport group. On arrival at the objective he will take station on the Group Control boat and direct casualty evacuation to the transports, maintaining the best possible distribution to ships available. Boats returning to transports with casualties will return to their mother ship unless it has been indicated that the ship has as many casualties as can be taken.

  2. The following is a list of authorized medical complements for the specialized amphibious ships:

    *APA 3 1 1 20
    APH 10 1 4 51
    AP 2 1 1 7
    AKA 1 0 0 5
    AGC 2 1 0 10
    LSV 2 1 1 7
    LST (Div) 1 0 0 3
    LCI (Group) 1 0 0 1
    LCT (Group) 1 0 0 2 (Group)
    * Includes 1 Medical Officer and 8 Corpsmen of beach party.

    Prior to entering combat the medical personnel is increased to provide adequate care for embarked troops and to evacuate casualties at the objective. If troops are transported on LSTs for any great distance, each LST not carrying a Medical Officer must be supplied with one from the force or from medical personnel attached to the troops. The medical complement of APs and APAs is increased by two or three medical officers and 5 to 18 hospital corpsmen. Prior to each combat mission Squadron, Group, and Division Flag ships are allowed one more medical officer than other transports in the division to allow for the senior Medical Officer to act as staff Medical Officer without impairing the casualty handling ability of the ship. Each combat loaded AP and APA should have a minimum of 3 medical officers and 30 corpsmen, not to include beach party personnel and medical officers with additional duty on staffs.

  3. One medical officer of each combat transport should be a qualified surgeon. One eye surgeon should be with each transport squadron. He should be placed on an AGC or command ship remaining in the area throughout the assault. His location should be stated in the medical plan in order that serious eye casualties able to be transported, may be transferred to his ship for treatment.

  4. The medical personnel of the hospital units supporting the landing force should be dispersed among the transports to assist in casualty handling until such time as their facilities can be set up ashore.

  5. When medical personnel of embarked troops are on board it is their duty to conduct sick call of troops, the ship to furnish adequate space and supplies for conducting this sick call. The ships medical department is responsible for the care of embarked troops when admitted to the sick list. A troop Medical Officer should be


    designated to act as troop sanitation officer. Close cooperation should exist between medical units of the landing force and ship's force.

  1. Each APA is responsible for providing and training one Medical Officer and eight corpsmen for the Navy Medical Section of the beach Party. This unit will be landed early in the assault, dispersed in landing craft as designated by the Beach Master. It is their function to contact the Landing Force Shore Party, give first aid, supervise and keep records of evacuation from their beach to control vessel. They have direct contact with the Transport Group Control and Transport Division Commander through the beach master radio.

  2. The organization of the ship's medical department is taken up in detail in APA-AKA Type Organization and regulations and in a booklet entitled "Medical Service Transport Amphibious Force, Pacific" supplied to each transport. The Force Medical Officer attached to the Staff of the Force Commander is responsible for furnishing subordinate commands a master plan for medical service of the various Task Groups. To contain all essential information as to health condition at objective, Medical resupply and evacuation facilities. He is responsible for instigating proper procedures for augmenting personnel and medical supplies as the tactical situation demands.

Section 3. Training

  1. The ships Medical department training should be organized on the assumption that:

    1. Large numbers of casualties may occur among the ship's crew in the various compartments of the ship, requiring special training in treatment and handling.

    2. Large numbers of casualties from the Landing Force may be evacuated to the ship converting it temporarily into a hospital ship, requiring special organization and planning to handle the situation.
    3. Casualties may occur among medical personnel of the ship or its beach party unit, necessitating every man to be trained in all medical department details to act as substitute in case of emergency.

    4. Epidemics may occur among ships company or embarked troops necessitating thorough training in handling contagious and infectious diseases.

  2. The ships non-medical personnel should be trained thoroughly in all first aid subjects emphasizing:

    1. That the individual should be qualified to render all possible first aid measures to himself in case of injury.

    2. He should be able to render competent aid to injured shipmates.

    3. He should be able to render assistance to the


      medical department during emergency. A plan of utilizing other than medical department personnel is very essential. The chaplains in the past operations have rendered valuable aid by organizing mess attendants and seamen in casualty handling groups for preparing bunks, bathing and messing.

  1. All hands should be trained in handling simulated casualties in all parts of the ship.

  2. First aid training should be intensive and complete with actual demonstrations taking precedence over lectures.

  3. As many surgical teams should be organized as is practicable with special attention given to administering anaesthesia and intravenous technique.

  4. Every member of the medical department should be fully trained in the use of the rescue breathing apparatus.

  5. Boat crews should be drilled in the proper loading of casualties to prevent fouling of hoisting slings. They should be trained in the use of Milles Harris slings.

  6. The training of the beach party medical section should be such that every man is capable of rendering first aid and making proper reports unassisted.

  7. Intensive training will be necessary for the temporary duty personnel attached just prior to each operation.

  8. Courtesy and cooperation with embarked troops should be stressed, as often crowded living conditions on the transports does not make their lot a happy one.

  9. All medical department personnel should be instructed in the rendering of reports as required by Navy Regulations, Manual of the Medical Department, fleet and Force directives and the Medical Plan.

Section 4. Preparation

  1. Verify and complete immunization of crew in accordance with current directives.

  2. Check identification tags of crew.

  3. Prepare portable containers to carry treatment to patients and also provide for dispersion of medical supplies.

  4. See that emergency water tanks are provided at all battle dressing stations and sick bay.

  5. See that emergency rations of canned soup and fruit juices are available for emergency messing of casualties.

  6. Check portable and emergency lights at battle dressing stations.


  1. Check gas decontamination stations as to proper equipment.

  2. Provide suitable means of sterilization and disinfestation of clothing.

  3. Check for proper dispersion of litters throughout the ship and see that they are in easily accessible places. Prepare litters for exchange by making units to consist of one pole litter, one blanket, 6 battle dressings, two pieces of basswood splint material and three bunk straps.

  4. Check all boats and rafts to see that emergency first aid equipment is provided.

  5. Check facilities for blood transfusions and assure that all medical department personnel are familiar with its use.

  6. Check the medical supplies to see that full allowance is aboard prior each operation.

  7. Contact the senior medical officer of troops to embark and ascertain whether special supplies or biologicals will be required by the troops en route or at the objective.

  8. During rehearsals enough simulated casualties should be designated to familiarize all hands concerned with the handling of casualties.

  9. Prepare sanitary bill for embarked troops.

  10. Hold a conference of medical department of ship and landing force personnel embarked to familiarize all hands with duties and responsibilities aboard, plans of debarkation and medical supply. Ascertain whether strategic items are priority loaded and readily available.

  11. Plans should be made to utilize some large space aboard ship as a casualty clearing and shock treatment station. The troops officers mess, NCO mess, and Wardrooms have been used on various ships with success. With the limited medical personnel of the transports and the large number of casualties quite frequently received, this plan has permitted the early instigation and close supervision of shock therapy with a minimum of medical personnel.

  12. The establishing of a blood bank on D minus one day will save considerable valuable time on days to follow. There is nothing yet devised in therapy which takes the place of a blood transfusion in shock due to hemorrhage.

Section 5. Medical Supplies

  1. Medical supplies of each ship should be brought up to full allowance prior to each combat mission.


  1. Each APA should have 25 medical Beach Party resupply bags available on entering combat zone.

  2. Each APA should land 40 litters and one third of their splints with the beach party at the objective. Litter units (stretcher, bunk straps, battle dressings, and blanket) shall be exchanged with each stretcher case received on board whether army, navy, or marine.

  3. Replacement of supplies expended on the beach will be maintained from stocks carried on APAs. In case of shortages developing during an assault, needed supplies should be requested of nearest ship and unit commander notified.

  4. Emergency supplies in the forward areas may be obtained from AGCs, AHs, AKAs, APAs and those ships and barges designated by Commander Service Force.

  5. A list of medical supplies and equipment for Beach Parties will be found at the end of the chapter.

Section 6. Casualty Evacuation

  1. The average casualty evacuation capacity of ships of the Force with present available personnel is as follows:

    APA       150             325      
    AKA       15             50      
    AP       70             150      
    APH       200             400      
    AH       350             200      
    LSV       50             200      

    These ships should not be loaded to capacity with untreated casualties direct from the battle line in one day. Their personnel and facilities are not adequate to handle such a load. If casualties have received definitive treatment on other ships or hospital, loading to capacity in one day will be satisfactory. The loading rate of untreated battle casualties evacuated to APAs should not exceed one hundred per day, and to AKAs twenty-five per day.

  2. The boat of choice for evacuating casualties from the beach to APAs is the LCVP. The reason for this is its capacity, speed and the fact that it can be hoisted to the rail for unloading. Its maximum capacity is 17 stretchers or 36 ambulatory cases. However there should not be over seven casualties loaded for hoisting to the rail as any load above this is liable to break the davit.

  3. If reefs intervene between transports and the beach preventing the use of LCVPs for casualty evacuation from the beaches, the DUKW is the next best choice. It can carry six stretcher casualties without tiering. It is slow but handles fairly well along side the ship.

  4. LVTs may be used for evacuation over reefs but their capacity is only


    four stretcher cases. They are slow and difficult to handle alongside the ship. If distances between beach and transports is great, casualties should be transferred from DUKWs and LVTs to LCVPs for further transfer to APAs. The transferring of stretcher cases direct from LVTs to LVCPs is difficult unless a pontoon barge or float is utilized as a transfer platform.

  1. LCMs and LCTs are not routinely used for casualty evacuation due to their size and difficulty of handling at the side of the ships.

  2. LSTs may at times be used for evacuation of casualties to transports or to hospital facilities on adjoining islands. Their maximum capacity is three hundred. When so used, casualty evacuation converted LSTs should be designated and adequate personnel and supplies provided.

  3. LCIs may be used at times for casualty evacuation. They are best suited for intership transfer of a small number of casualties. Their capacity is limited to 15 stretcher cases carried on deck due to difficulties in getting stretcher cases into troop compartments. They can however carry 100 ambulatory casualties.

  4. Casualties are evacuated from the beaches at the objective in those boats designated by the Beach Master, who routes them to the transport control boat where the evacuation officer designates the ship to receive the casualties.

  5. For evacuation purposes patients are classified under the following color scheme:

    RED - All serious cases and those requiring over two months hospitalization
    BLUE - Those requiring over two weeks but less than two months.
    WHITE - Those who should be able to return to duty within two weeks.

    During the early phase of the operation before hospital facilities are available ashore, all types of casualties are evacuated to the ships. During this phase casualties able to return to duty are returned to their organizations ashore. An attempt is made to retain all white casualties in the area of the objective until they are able to return to duty or hospital facilities ashore. During the second phase when hospital facilities have been established all white cases will be retained ashore by the Landing Force.

  6. All casualties should have emergency Army or Navy tags attached with name, rate, service number, organization, diagnosis, date and time of last morphine and tetanus toxoid injection. If any casualty is received on board without emergency tag one should be made out and forwarded to the man's organization as soon as practicable.

  7. The hospital ships are capable of loading to capacity in three


    hours. The rate of transfer of casualties to these ships should be controlled accordingly to avoid unnecessary typing up of boats and patients remaining exposed in boats unnecessarily.

  1. Deaths occurring aboard ships while at the objective will be reported on Navy form "N" and the original and copies forwarded by the ship. The body to be turned over to the graves registration service for burial in accordance with CinCPac serial 2042 dated 2 April 1944. When death occurs at sea and burial service is not available ashore or body cannot be held for internment, burial should be made at sea.

Section 7. Casualty Reports

  1. Casualty reports from the beach party medical section are made by dispatch to Commander transports at 0730 and 1500 daily so long as transports remain in the combat area. Reports shall give number of stretcher casualties, total casualties and dead on that beach at time of report.

      (Example -- Stretcher 5 x Total 10 X 10 X Dead 2 X 0730)

  2. Casualty reports from transports to Commander of their Transport Divisions are made at 0730 and 1500 daily by flag hoist so long as transports remain in the combat area.

      W - For bed casualties
      X - For non evacuables
      Y - For total on board
      Z - For dead on board (not previously reported.)

  3. Casualty reports of transport divisions to Group and Force Commanders are made by dispatch at 0900 and 1700 daily giving estimated casualties reported to him using the following form:

      (Example -- Bed 40 X NE 5 Total 125 X Dead 5 X 0900)

  4. Task group, or Unit Commanders returning from combat areas will furnish by dispatch to the Commander Hawaiian Sea Frontier, or Commander of other destination port area, information as to casualties, Prisoners, Troop units with officers and enlisted complements, and casual passengers using the following abbreviations:

      A - Army
      M - Marine
      N - Navy
      P - Prisoner
      T - Troop
      C - Cargo in short
      O - Officer
      E - Enlisted
      J - Japanese
      K - Korean
      S - Stretcher
      A - Ambulatory

    EXAMPLE: --
    AOS7 (Army Officer Stretcher Seven) X NEA 100 (Navy enlisted Ambulatory 100) X PJS 2 (Prisoners Japanese Stretcher 2) X PJA 100 (Prisoners Japanese ten able bodied) X 4thMARDIV. TO 21 TE 500 57th Seabees. TO 5 TE 50 X (Fourth marine Division Troop Officers 21 Troop enlisted 500, 57th Construction Battalion Troop Officers Five, Troop Enlisted Sixty) X AO 7 (Army Officers seven able bodied passengers) X C 100


    (Cargo 100 tons).
    It will be noted that all casualties are three letter abbreviations, and all able bodied troop or passenger personnel are two letter abbreviations.

  1. Such information will be contained in the departure report if practicable or may be sent from an intermediate port of call but must be transmitted at least forty eight hours prior to arrival at destination unless extraordinary conditions requiring radio silence prevent.

  2. The Commander in Chief, U.S. Pacific Fleet, Commanding General Pacific Ocean Areas, Commanding General Fleet Marine Forces Pacific, Administrative Commander, Amphibious Forces, U.S. Pacific Fleet and interested local Army, Navy, and Marine Commanders will be made information addressees of such reports.

  3. Written reports of casualties will be made as soon as practicable after departure from forward area to the Commander, Administrative Command, Amphibious Forces, Pacific Fleet giving the below information:--

    1. Name in full (surname first), Rank, rating, serial or file number.

    2. Type of casualty:

      1. Battle casualty:--

        1. Killed in action.

        2. Died as a result of wounds received in action.

        3. Died as a result of injuries received in action.

        4. Seriously wounded in action.

        5. Seriously injured in action.

        6. Slightly wounded in action (requires hospitalization).

        7. Slightly injured in action (requires hospitalization).

        8. Missing in action, presumed to be result of enemy action.

        9. Seriously ill, gas casualty.

      2. Non-battle Casualty:--

        1. Conditions not result of enemy action. Psychoneurosis or mental diseases developing under battle conditions (commonly but improperly designated battle neurosis, hysteria, shell shock, etc.)

    3. Date and place of casualty.

    4. Duty status.

    5. Diagnosis -- Navy Nomenclature of Diseases and injuries.

    6. Prognosis -- Fatal, probably fatal, serious or favorable.

    7. Flying status if known.

    8. Source of admission -- from ship, beach, etc.


    1. Disposition -- Transferred to beach, to hospital, hospital ship, buried on __________ Island, or at sea (Latitude and longitude)

    Copies of this report will be distributed according to diagram No. 2 at the end of this chapter.

  1. Reports of casualties to personnel attached to ships and organizations of the force will be made daily during the assault as follows:

    1. During the assault phases, all Squadron, or Group Commanders shall make dispatch personnel casualty reports to the Task Force Commander at 1800 daily or as soon thereafter as the tactical situation permits. The report shall state total number of KIA, MIA, and WIA of personnel attached to ships of his command.

    2. This report shall list casualties by ship type, for example, BB, CA, CV, APA, LST, LCI, DD, and DD, PCS, SC, etc. Special units as UD teams, Hydrographic Survey parties and similar groups not permanently attached to ships shall make their reports through the Commanding Officer of the ship from which they are operating who shall forward the report to his group commander. Transports will submit a report, separate from the ship report, of casualties incurred by beach parties operating ashore.

    3. Reports will be made by units and ships to Squadron or Group Commanders as soon as practicable after the casualties occur; stating whether or not casualties have seriously impaired the fighting efficiency of the ship or unit.

    4. This report shall be in addition to the regular casualty report from transports now made for evacuation purposes. It does not take the place of those reports required by Navy Regulations or higher echelons.

Section 8. Routine Medical Department Reports Required

  1. A diagram at the end of this section is given as a guide to aid in the proper rendering and forwarding of routine Medical Department reports. The clerical procedure for personnel other than ship's complement is also described at the end of this chapter.

Section 9. Medical Personnel -- assignment of to collateral duties

  1. Primary duty of the Medical Officer is to care for the sick and wounded and they should not be assigned collateral duties that will in any way defeat this purpose.

  2. The detailing of medical personnel for collateral duties that will interfere with their primary function, such as coding, should not be made.



    Stock No. Item: Unit: Allowance:
    14-005 Unit No. 1, Kit Medical Officer's individual equipment. A canvas pouch, complete with medical supplies and carrying strap. One unit to each medical officer. One 1
    14-015 Unit No. 3 Kit, Hospital Corpsmen's individual equipment. Two canvas pouches, one right and one left, complete with medical supplies and web strap, one unit to each Hospital Corpsman. One 8
    14-025 Unit No. 5A, Case, Aid Station and Dispensary A. One 1
    14-030 Unit No. 5B, Case, Aid Station and Dispensary B. One 1
    14-035 Unit No. 6, Pack, covers, combat. A canvas carrying case containing canvas covers (blankets). One 2
    14-040 Unit No. 7, Pack, combat dressings. A Canvas carrying case containing two sealed tins of surgical dressings. One 2
    14-045 Unit No. 8, Pack, Splints, combat. A canvas carrying case containing splints and accessories. One 2
    14-055 Unit No. 10, Case, treatment chemical casualties. Four fiber suitcases, each enclosed in a canvas carrying case. One 1
    14-085 Unit No. 15, Pack, blankets. A canvas carrying case containing woolen field blankets and rubber sheeting. One 2
    6-145 Litter, metal pole One 40
    S1-3530 Plasma, normal human, dried. pkg. 10
    14-380 Case, canvas, carrying (for plasma). One 1
    S13-468 Medical re-supply unit for Beach Battalions. One 25
    Supplemental Medical Supplies: Medical necessities not contained in Field Medical Units. Packed in two fiber suitcases 24" x 12" x 8", each enclosed in a canvas carrying case.
    Stock No. Item: Unit: Allowance:
    1-110 Alcohol, 1/2 gal. tin 1
    1-170 Bismuth subcarbonate, 1 lb. ctn 1
    1-195 Morphine Tartrate, 0.032 gm syrette 100
    1-585 Petrolatum, white 1 lb. can 2
    1-1045 Phenobarbital, 0.0324 gm., 100 in bot. bot 1
    1-1200 Tincture of Opium, camphorated 1 pint bot 1


    Stock No. Item: Unit: Allowance:
    2-015 Applicator, wood 500 in. bdl. 1
    2-075 Bandage, cotton, elastic, 3" one 6
    2-140 Battery, dry one 24
    2-545 Muslin yard 25
    2-835 Plaster, adhesive, 2" x 5 yd. spool 12
    2-930 Splint, basswood 18"x31/4", 12 in set 4
    2-1315 Tongue depressor, wood, 500 in pkg 1
    3-865 Suitcase, hard fiber, 24"x12"x8" one 2
    4-745 Medicine dropper doz 1
    6-096 Flashlight, hand, w/o battery one 15
    7-030 Book, blank, foolscap, 2 quire one 2
    13-025 Basin, hand, rubber, collapsible one 2
    13-035 Book, memorandum, 3-5/8"x5-7/8" one 9
    13-115 Matches, safety, 12 box, sealed tin tin 4
    13-165 Rope, braided, 5/32", wax impregnated yard 10
    13-175 Soap, hand cake 4
    13-180 Soda mint, 0.324 gm. 100 in cont. 1
    13-225 Zinc Oxide Ointment, 1 oz. jar. 4
    14-280 Case, canvas carrying one 2
    14-530 Stove, single burner one 1
    S1-2094 Tetanus Toxoid, 50cc vial vial 2
    S1-2200 Brandy, USP, 2 oz. bot., 10 in ctn. 4
    S1-3310 Nikethamide, 25% sol., 1.5cc amp. 10
    S1-2370 Detergent Emulsion, 1 pt. bot. 2
    S1-2960 Mercury Oxycyanide, 1 oz. bot. 2
    S1-3040 Merthiolate, Tincture, 1:1000, 1 pint bot 2
    S1-3740 Sodium Amytal, 3 gr., 40 in bot. 2
    S13-050 Calcium Hypochlorite tube 20
    S13-470 Orthhotolidine Solution, 1cc. ampule tube 20
    S14-020 Bag, water, field sterilizing one 1
    Supplies for individual troop carry: Items of medical supply for issue to individual of a beach party, issue to be made just prior to entering a combat area. Quantities sufficient for one platoon.
    Stock No. Item: Unit: Allowance:
    2-801 Packet, first aid, w/sulfa one 75
    S1-3361 Ointment, Bal, 1/2 oz. tube 75
    S1-3375 Ointment, Protective, 3 oz. tube 75
    S1-3807 Sulfadiazine, 2 gm. tabs. one 75
    S13-450 Insect Repellent (liquid) 2 oz. bot 75
    S13-451 Insecticide powder, 2 oz. pkg 75




    1. When Marine Corps troops are embarked with their respective medical personnel, troop patients will be the responsibility of the Ship's Medical Officer. These patients will be taken up on the Medical Department records as a transfer from the Marine Corps Unit and carried until such time as return to duty or transfer is indicated. Entries in health record, or medical history sheet if health record not available, will be completed and forwarded with patient on transfer or return to duty.

    2. When Marine Corps and Naval personnel temporarily away from their command are admitted for treatment the procedure outlined in paragraph 2407(c) Manual of the Medical Department will be followed, except that the emergency medical tags may be used in lieu of F and Fa cards when such tags are authorized (BuMed ltr. BuMed-B-PBC, P3-5/QA(012) 1 June 1944). Medical history will be handled as in (a) above.


    1. When Coast Guard personnel are admitted for medical treatment to vessels not having Public Health Service medical officers, the only report required is the Individual Statistical Report of Patient (NavMed Form Fa) which will be completed as for Naval personnel and forwarded to Coast Guard Headquarters, Washington, D.C. Medical History will be maintained and forwarded with the patient on transfer or return to duty. In case of death medical history will be forwarded to Coast Guard Headquarters with other records.


    1. The following records are required for Army patients cared for by the Medical Department of the Navy:

      1. Emergency Medical Tag (U.S. ARMY), Marine, or Navy Field Diagnosis Tag.

      2. Field Medical Record (U.S. ARMY) or Medical History Sheet (NavMed Form H-8). If Medical History Sheet is used, it will be headed as follows:

        1. Name in full, last name first.
        2. Serial number.
        3. Grade or rate.
        4. Company, regiment, arm of service, division or Naval unit to which attached.
        5. Date of birth.
        6. Race.
        7. Place of Birth.
        8. Length of service.
        9. Source of admission.

      3. In case of death either the Army or Navy standard form may be used.


      1. Medical history will be maintained and all records mentioned above will be forwarded with the patient on transfer or return to duty. In case of death these records will be delivered to the nearest Army activity for disposition or forwarded to the Surgeon General's Office, War Department, Washington, D.C.

    1. In all cases of death of Naval, Marine Corps and Coast Guard Personnel the instructions contained in Articles 908 and 1513 Navy Regulations and Chapter 19 Manual of the Medical Department will be followed. Certificates of death will be prepared in all cases and copies disposed of as follows:

      (1) Navy and Marine Corps: 3 to BuMed.
      1 to CinCPac.
      1 to AdComdPhibsPac.
        Marines only-- 1 to ComGenProHdgFMF.
      (2) Coast Guard 4 to Coast Guard Hdqrts. Washington, D.C.
      1 to BuMed.
      1 to CinCPac.
      1 to AdComdPhibsPac.
      (3) Army 3 to nearest Army activity or Surgeon General's Office, War Department, Washington, D.C.
      1 to BuMed.
      1 to AdComd PhibsPac.
      1 to ComGenCenPac, Base Command.

      These procedures are for statistical purposes and are not to be confused with casualty reports which are separate.



Adjutant General, U.S. ARMY, (Casualty Section), Wash., D.C. 2(a)       1 1
Surgeon General, U.S. ARMY, Wash., D.C. 1          
Chief of Bu of M & S   1 1 1 1 1
Chief of Naval Personnel 1 1 1 1 1 1
Cominch, U.S. Fleet,   1 1 1    
CinCPac   1 1 1    
ComPhibsPac 1 1 1 1 1 1
Provisional Hdqrts, FMF, Pac. 1 1 1 1 1 1
ComGenPOA, APO 958 1          
AdComPhibsPac 1 1 1 1 1 1
Army Receiving Officer Port of Debarkation 3          
Commandant, Coast Guard, Hdqrts, Washington, D.C.       1    
Commandant, U.S. Marine Corps, Washington, D.C.     1      
The Secretary of the Navy   1b 1b 1b    
Commanding Officer of the ship making the report 1 1 1 1 1 1
(a) One should be original
(b) Original.


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