Chapter XXXIX

Section 1. General

  1. The primary purpose of APAs and AKAs is to transport troops and their equipment and initial supplies to the point of assault and to discharge them in the order in which needed and with the greatest possible dispatch. Secondary functions, which they must be equipped to perform, consist of:

    1. Fueling destroyers and smaller ships at sea;

    2. Provisioning above type ships;

    3. Occasionally furnishing emergency provisions, clothing and small stores and ship's store stock to newly acquired advanced bases;

    4. Furnishing health and comfort kits to survivors;

    5. Furnishing personal combat gear and equipment to personnel transferred ashore in combat areas;

    6. Towing damaged vessels;

    7. Evacuating casualties;

    8. Furnishing boat service to other vessels.

  2. It is the responsibility of each ship in the Transport Group to obtain necessary equipment and supplies to carry out these functions.

  3. The Comfort kits covered by sub-paragraph (d) above will consist approximately of the following:
    Blanket 1           Razor, safety 1
    Comb 1     Blades, razor, safety 10
    Drawers, pair 2     Cream, shaving, tube 1
    Shoes, pair 1     Toothbrush 1
    Soap, laundry, bar 1     Soap, toilet 1
    Towels, turkish 2     Trousers, dungaree 2
    Toothpaste, tube 1     Jumpers, dungaree 2
    Undershirts, cotton 2        

  4. When casualties and/or survivors are brought on board, the above items, or as many of them as may be necessary for the health and comfort of the personnel concerned, will be issued upon authority of the Commanding Officer. Issues under the "Survivors Act" (Secnav letter OBR/T-M of 26 August 1943) to survivors of assault operations have been authorized by BUSANDA mailgram #53, (011345/AFR) of 1 April 1944. This includes assault troops of all services being returned to rehabilitation points. Issues should be restricted to emergency requirements, particularly with respect to major items of clothing. Issues of shoes should be restricted to "sneakers", particularly to Army and Marine Corps personnel since such personnel probably will not be permitted by their Services to wear Navy issue or field shoes upon return to duty. Issues should be covered by S&A Form 71, approved by the Commanding Officer, and charged to Naval Emergency Fund, Symbol 172/40300.


Section 2. Provisions, Clothing, GSK, Fuels and Lubricants

  1. Initial load of provisions and supplies for combat and auxiliary ships to be taken aboard at final loading point from normal supply agencies, shall be:

    1. Dry Provisions -- 120 days ship's company, 45 days for embarked troops;

    2. Fresh Provisions -- to capacity;

    3. Clothing -- 90 days;

    4. General stores (GSK) -- 120 days;

    5. Ship's Store Stock -- 90 days;

    6. Fuels and lubricants -- To authorized capacity;

    7. Ammunition -- To authorized capacity;

    8. Water -- To capacity. Combat and auxiliary ships must be prepared to issue potable water to troops, LSTs, LCIs, and other small craft on call.

    If (a) and (e) are beyond ship's stowage capacity, load to that capacity.

  2. Transfers of provisions to other ships and activities shall be made in proper proportion to insure a balanced ration, consideration being given to the limited extent or possibly entire lack of refrigeration of the ships or activities to which issues are made.

Section 3. Concentrated Rations

  1. For emergency use, APAs and AKAs will carry the following reserve of concentrated rations:

      "C" -- 960 rations
      "D" -- 360 rations
      "K" -- 480 rations

  2. The "C" ration is a pre-cooked field ration which can be served hot or cold. Its use is based on the elimination of galley facilities. The rations consist of six tins, two of appropriate pack making up a single meal. The six-tin ration is made up of one meat-and-vegetable stew, one meat-and-vegetable hash, one meat-and-beans and three "bread and condiment" items. It is packed in cases containing 48 tins, comprising eight breakfasts, eight dinners, and eight suppers. When boats are transferred to boat pools based ashore in combat areas 20 "C" rations, comprising 120 tins, will be placed in each boat so transferred.

  3. The "D" ration is an emergency ration designed to sustain body requirements for a limited period. The ration is composed of a concentrated chocolate bar of approximately four ounces. One bar can be substituted for a Type "C" or "E" meal with satisfactory results for a limited period. It is packed 144 bars to the case.

  4. The "K" ration is the latest development in field rations. It is packed in three rectangular waxed-paper cartons, one carton per


    meal. Each carton is marked either "B", "D", or "S", indicating it is the breakfast, dinner or supper carton. Due to the fact that the various contents of each carton are individually wrapped, it is not necessary to eat the entire ration when a "B", "D", or "S" carton is opened. When this ration is issued for landing operations, it must be remembered that although the cartons are heavily waxed to withstand spray and rain, the waxed-paper will not resist more than momentary immersion in salt water. This ration is packed 326 to the case, twelve each of breakfast, dinner and supper.

Section 4. Spare Parts for Landing Boats.

  1. On Board Spares and Equipment. All ships operating under the Amphibious Forces, Pacific, which carry landing boats shall see that their boats have aboard spares and equipment as set forth in Chapter XI, paragraph 1116(a) of this publication.

  2. In addition to the foregoing, which must be in the landing boats, it will be necessary for vessels carrying landing boats to have on board a supply of spare parts in order to keep the landing boats in operating condition, in accordance with Chapter XI, 1116(b) and 1116(c) of this publication.

Section 5. Cargo Handling Gear

  1. Cargo Handling gear authorized for APAs and AKAs of the Amphibious force, U.S. Pacific Fleet is in accordance with Bureau of Ships allowance List, Part 2, group Sp27, as modified by Bureau of Ships general Amendments, and as set forth in the latest Rev. of AdComPhibsPac Cir. ltr. AL-108.


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