In Reply
Refer To:
( 066 )
Pearl Harbor, T.H.,
December 11, 1941

From: The Commanding Officer.
To: The Commander-in-Chief, U.S. PACIFIC FLEET.
Subject: Events During Raid of December 7, 1941 - Report of.
Reference: (a) CincPac despatch 102102 December 1941.

  1. In accordance with the provisions of reference (a), the following is submitted:

    1. Three enemy planes, identified by yellow disks painted on wings, attacked at 0910. The came in low, approaching from the starboard quarter. The heavy fire from this ship, and from the destroyers of Squadron ONE alongside, caused the plane to swerve and cross just astern. Three bombs were dropped, resulting in near misses on starboard quarter, astern, and port quarter. They appeared to be 300-lb. bombs. Fragments from these bombs struck the stern of this ship, causing the personnel and material damage described below. All personnel casualties were members of No. 4 3" A.A. gun located on the after end of the boat deck. No other attack was experienced by this nest of ships. The nest consisted of the Dobbin, with the Hull, Dewey, Worden, MacDonough, and Phelps alongside port side. The ships alongside started clearing at 0920, the last one getting away at 1450. Repair personnel from this ship were turned to continuously during this period and during the attack to assist them in getting machinery reassembled. Dobbin issued replacement ammunition to DDs alongside so that they left filled up.

    2. The personnel of No. 4 3" A.A. gun were badly hit. But in spite of this, Coxswain H.A. Simpson, U.S. Navy, in charge, reorganized his crew, got them in hand, and continued the fight against planes which approached within gun range.

      Four spare .50 caliber machine guns and thirteen .30 caliber machine guns were broken out, mounted and manned, this action being accomplished during the course of the attacks.

      All boats of the Dobbin were sent into the landings immediately, and have been in continuous service wherever needed since. The Commanding Officer is pleased to report that the performance of all hands was excellent and the conduct most commendable, characterized by a strong will to fight and to turn to enthusiastically in any and every was possible to assist in servicing the destroyers and in protecting their own ship.

    3. Personnel casualties:

      CARTER, Howard Frederic, 381 23 23, Cox., U.S. Navy.
      KILLED IN ACTION - at about 0930 on December 7, 1941.
      DIAGNOSIS: Wound, Multiple (Thorax & pulmonary ) #2564. Key letter "K" (Shrapnel). NEXT OF KIN: Mother: Mabel Rose Carter, Box 44, Lakeside, California.

      BAKER, "J" "W", 356 23 72, TM3c, U.S. Navy.
      DIED AS A RESULT OF WOUND RECEIVED IN ACTION - at about 1400 on December 7, 1941.
      DIAGNOSIS: AMPUTATION, TRAUMATIC, RIGHT FEMUR, #2572. Key letter "K" (Shrapnel). NEXT OF KIN: Father: John W. Baker, 115 N.W. 21st St., Oklahoma City, Okla.

      GROS, Roy Arthur, 385 88 05, F1c, U.S. Navy.
      DIED AS RESULT OF WOUND RECEIVED IN ACTION - at about 2330 on December 7, 1941.
      DIAGNOSIS: WOUND, PUNCTURE, LEFT PULMONARY, #2565. Key letter "K" (Shrapnel). NEXT OF KIN: Mother: Edna Mable Eld, 109 Marion St., Oak Park, Illinois.

      BRUMLEY, Edwin Jack, 360 93 31, Cox., U.S. Navy.
      DIAGNOSIS: WOUND, LACERATED, LEFT BUTTOCK. #2563. Key letter "K" (Shrapnel), (Wound not fatal).

      OUELLETTE, Clarence, Matt, 368 58 89, Sea2c, U.S. Navy.
      DIAGNOSIS: CONTUSION, CHEST. #2512. Key letter "K" (Bomb-fall explosion). (Wound not fatal).

      In addition, MARZE, Andrew Michael, 250 29 87, GM1c, U.S.N., was killed in action on board the U.S.S. Pennsylvania, while assisting in effort to repel air attack.
      DIAGNOSIS: WOUNDS, MULTIPLE (Bomb) #2564, Key letter "K". NEXT OF KIN: WIFE - Doris Grace Marze, 520 10th Street, Naval Housing, Pearl Harbor, T.H. (deceased remains were transferred to U.S. Naval Hospital, Pearl Harbor, T.H., by the U.S.S. Pennsylvania).

    4. Material damage suffered was minor, consisting of destruction of #1 MWB hull, a number of small holes through decks, bulkheads, booms, etc., and damage to three radio transmitters. All of this damage has been repaired except the MWB which will require survey.


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