Serial No. C-0473
    U.S.S. PELIAS (AS14)
c/o Postmaster
Fleet Post Office,
Pearl Harbor, T.H.
December 11, 1941.

From: The Commanding Officer.
To: The Commander in Chief, Pacific Fleet.
Subject: U.S.S. Pelias - Report of Japanese Raid During December 7th, 1941.
Reference: (a) CinC Pac. despatch 102102 - To All Ships in Hawaiian Area.

  1. Complying with reference (a), the following report is submitted:

    1. Defensive Measures Taken: Went to General Quarters and opened fire with anti-aircraft battery. This battery consists of 4 - 3"-23 Cal. guns, two forward and two aft; and 4 - to Cal. machine guns, two forward and two aft. The machine guns are in the King Post tops. Approximately 200 rounds of 3" and 5,000 rounds of 50 caliber ammunition were expended. The greater part of this defense action was against torpedo planes and dive bombers attacking the battleships. The Pelias was lying at the Submarine Base dock: a good position for action against this particular phase of the attack.

    2. Damage to Enemy: Not determined exactly, but it was noted that under the combined fire of the Pelias, Tautog, and a destroyer at the Submarine dock, one torpedo plane was shot down and fell in the water just off the finger piers of the submarine base before launching its attack. Also, another plane believed to be a torpedo plane was turned away from its objective under the fire of this and other ships, and was last seen flying low in a southerly direction over the officer's club and streaming smoke.

    3. Distinguished Conduct of Personnel: None, except in general the whole ship's company performed in a most admirable manner especially when it is realized that few had ever been through even a target practice, and practically none had ever been in action under enemy fire.


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