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Press Release: ibiblio proposes BLiNG tag to W3C

Much has been said in recent years regarding the imperative to separate the concerns of presentation and content. Mechanisms of presentation are subject to radical change, whether merely stylistic or mandated by technological progression. The Hyper-Text Markup Language that fulled the early days of the web revolution has been reincarnated as XHTML. It is joined by its newborn cousin, RSS, in heralding a new revolution that some have called Web 2.0.

Here at ibiblio, we take a more philosophical view regarding the separation of presentation and content. We cannot dismiss the importance of presentation as "mere style." The aesthetic perception of an utterance is inextricably tied up with its semantics as well as its rhetorical impact. As Marshal McLuhan famously said: the medium is the message.

For these reasons, ibiblio is today announcing its intention to lobby the W3C for the introduction of the BLiNG element to the XHTML standard:

Artist rendering of BLING tag

Significantly, the BLiNG tag may be applied to images as well as text. Observe these unique characteristics:

Paul Jones:
Paul Jones
Paul Jones inside BLiNG tags:

We are convinced that the introduction of this tag will usher in a new revolution, one so profound it will be known to the historians of future generations as Web 2.1.

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Last updated April 01, 2006.

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