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Re: Rural and Farm Recycling Questionairre
- To: sustag@sunsite.unc.edu
- Subject: Re: Rural and Farm Recycling Questionairre
- From: unc-cs!news-relay.ncren.net!gatech!csulb.edu!hammer.uoregon.edu!su-news-hub1.bbnplanet.com!cpk-news-hub1.bbnplanet.com!news.bbnplanet.com!news-peer.sprintlink.net!news.sprintlink.net!Sprint!uunet!in3 (A Steamer Andy)
- Date: Thu, 01 May 1997 09:35:34 GMT
- Organization: Missouri Research and Education Network
- References: <861850471.16531@dejanews.com>
- Sender: london@sunsite.unc.edu
rachelle@mail.csh.rit.edu wrote:
>Hi everyone.
>My name is Rachelle and I am writing a research paper on Recycling in
>Rural Communities and on Farms. I would like to compile some statistics
>on the abilities and motivations of these residents in regards to
>recycling, what kind of access they have to recycling facilities, what
>kinds of materials they recycle, what kinds of materials they are unable
>to recycle but would like to, etc. I grew up on a farm in Northeastern
>Indiana and hope to compare some of the stats from there with here and
>anywhere that you may be.
>If you live in a rural area or own a farm, please answer the following
>questions and send them to me via electronic mail to:
>I appreciate any and all help I can get. This research paper is for a
>Solid Waste Management course I am taking here at RIT--Rochester Institute
>of Technology. I plan to compile my stats on about May 3, so please email
>me by that time.
>If people are interested, then I will post some of my results later on.
>Thanks again
>1. Please describe your rural property or farm. How many acres do you
>own? How many, if any, do you actually farm? What kinds of crops do you
>harvest, including your garden? What kinds of animals do you raise or
>have living on your farm? How large is the town nearest to your
>2. Please describe your household. How many people live at your
>residence? What age group and gender is each member?
>3. Do you have waste removal service? What does it cost you per month,
>per week or per year?
>4. Do you have a recycling service in your community? If so, which one?
>____ Drop off center ____ Buy-back center ____ Curbside pickup
>____ Community dropbox ____ Picked up with garbage ____ NONE
>5. Do you recycle? If so, what kinds of recycling do you normally do?
>____ Bottle/Can Return ____ Composting ____ Manure as fertilizer
>____ Newspaper ____ Other Paper ____ Cardboard
>____ Other plastics/aluminum/glass containers ____ Yard waste
>____ Diapers ____ Telephone books ____ Magazines/glossies
>____ Others, please describe:
>6. Are there things which you produce as waste in your household or on
>your farm which you have no means of recycling? (For example: oil, tires,
>plastic hay bale covers, feed bags)
>7. Please explain why it is that you DO or DO NOT recycle. If you do
>not, please explain what could be done to have your participation in a
>recycling program.
>8. If there is anything else you would like to comment on regarding your
>abilities or motivations to recycle as a rural resident or farmer, please
>put them here.
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You have never been around farms have you. Farmers have been recycling
sence the beginning. Farmers never through away anything useful or
that might be used later. You can always find a scrap heap somewhere
around a farm. There you will find all sorts of things: old farm
equipment, house aplinciences, cars, anything metal. These junk piles
are fought over by hairs. Why would a farmer give any of his precious
items to someone else when he might have use for it himself.
- Re: Rural and Farm Recycling Questionairre
- From: unc-cs!news-relay.ncren.net!gatech!csulb.edu!hammer.uoregon.edu!ais.net!news.maxwell.syr.edu!howland.erols.net!news.nacamar.de!not-for-mail@fddinewz.oit.unc.edu
- Re: Rural and Farm Recycling Questionairre
- From: rutgers.rutgers.edu!gatech!csulb.edu!hammer.uoregon.edu!news-xfer.netaxs.com!news.maxwell.syr.edu!news-peer.gsl.net!portc01.blue.aol.com!newsstand.cit.cornell.edu!usenet@@ultra150.ncren.net