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Re: Horse Manure - advice needed

According to my limited knowledge of manure and agricultural education, 
horse manure has the smallest amount of nitrogen due to the diet.  Most 
people raising horses don't want a fat horse and therefore limit the 
amount of corn (high in nitrogen) in their diet.  My high school ag 
instructor rated manure from varous sources in this order: chicken 
(very in nitrogen..manure will burn plants), cow/cattle, sheep, and 
finally horse manure.  The diets of these animals dictate the amount of 
nitrogen and other substances.

Just my 2 cents.


>Fortunate man... Horse manure as you describe it pobably the best manu
>going!  Horse manure is fairly high in nitrogen compared to sheep and
>cow so it's good for any garden.  However, if it isn't well
>rotted...weeds may be a problem because a horses stomach will pass
>seeds.  It will be a welcome addition to any orchard.
