
Re: News Advisory: Still Crazy After Oil These Years!

On Thu, 25 Jul 1996, Robert Smallwood wrote:

> Date: Thu, 25 Jul 1996 14:53:17 -0230
> From: Robert Smallwood <gbg1026@InfoNET.st-johns.nf.ca>
> To: David Beorn <dbeorn@freenet.vcu.edu>
> Newgroups: alt.energy.renewable, alt.save.the.earth,
>     alt.sustainable.agriculture, talk.environment, sci.environment,
>     sci.energy, bionet.agroforestry
> Subject: Re: News Advisory: Still Crazy After Oil These Years!
> : Absolutely nothing - as a matter of fact, those who are REALLY serious 
> : about cleaning up the environment WITHOUT going back to living in caves 
> : should consider it because it's the ONLY truly non-polluting power.  The 
> : power plant I worked at has stored ALL of the spent fuel on-site in the 
> : containment building and therefore there has been NO need for waste 
> : disposal of this type.  The "environmentalists" who want to save the 
> : environment should stop protesting it and embrace it!!!
> Ha Ha, What a load of malarky. What about the nuculear dust and waste 
                                                nuclear - no extra "u"

And you may think it's malarky, but this is an isolated thing - unlike 
the coal-fired power plants that spew all sorts of things into YOUR 
airspace every day.  Not that this can't be controlled too, but it is the 
reality of today.  

> strewn about in strip mining the uranium? What about the geological 
> occurances that you cannot see daily or maybe even in your lifetime, but 
> still occur while the muclear waste is deadly verile? I lived in Houston 
> when one morning I felt an earthquake. In Houston? not geologically 
> likely. What happened was the gas company was storing gas in a salt 
> pillar. Well that salt developed leaks (no doubt faster from the gas 
> pressure and drilling into it) than the industry scientists thought would 
> not happen. Then the valley filled with gas and some fridge kicked in in 
> the morning and KaBoom. Goes to show that the paid scientists are as 
> useful as shamen at forseeing geology and dangerous events.

Maybe - but if we have to do something, we must depend on the "paid 
scientists" wherever they are to do it - regardless of what the area.  
And I'll take them over a shamen anyday.  

> : And by the way, for those of you who might point to Chernobyl or TMI, 
> : these were HUMAN mistakes and TOTALLY preventable.  They KNEW what they 
> Who is in the nuclear industry if not humans?

Well, as long as the humans don't bypass the safeties that were designed 
to prevent things such as Chernobyl, it won't happen.   

        *        David Beorn, david.beorn@pobox.com (internet)        *
        *        Virginia FREENET                                     *
