
Re: Ecological Economics and Entropy

bg364@torfree.net (Yuri Kuchinsky) wrote:

>David Lloyd-Jones (dlj@inforamp.net) wrote:
>: I very much doubt that this is what the World Food Organization
>: (what's that?)
>That's FAO, a UN agency. Have your heard about them?

Yes, I have.  I'm glad to find that you now have, Yuri.
>: reports -- but I am perfectly willing to believe that
>: 800 million are close to the margin.
>: It would also be my guess that at the turn of the century there were
>: 800 million hungry out of a population of a billion.
>How do you know this? The number of hungry people on the planet is now 
>greater than ever!
As I say, it's my guess.  I very much doubt your claim that the
absolute number is greater than ever.  If the absolute numbers of
hungry were increasing, the number of children per mother would not be
dropping everywhere.

Follow-Ups: References: