
Re: Christmas Trees

In article <19961111054600.AAA23146@ladder01.news.aol.com> seaseal@aol.com 

>As stores begin putting up traditional Christmas decorations, I wish to
>share a delicious discovery with you. I have found how to give a Christmas
>gift by not doing something and hope you will join me this December. When
>you don't buy a slowly dying tree, you will give quite a gift-you actively
> will be reducing deforestation, soil erosion, flooding, and
>desertification. You will be raising air quality, reducing CO2, increasing
>oxygen production and saving space at the dump. What a present!

While live trees are nice, many Christmas tree farms are showcases
of sustainable agriculture.  I live about a mile from Oregon's largest
tree farm, the 8,000-acre Holiday Ranch in Blodgett.  The trees are
planted by hand on hillsides in the Coast Range.  They're trimmed by
hand, cut by hand, and hauled out by helicopter.  Nothing disturbs
or compacts the soil, and new trees are planted between the stumps of
old trees, so the roots of the old trees help hold the soil together
until they decay, by which time the new trees have taken over that duty.

	-- Robert
Robert Plamondon, President/Managing Editor, High-Tech Technical Writing, Inc. 
36475 Norton Creek Road * Blodgett * Oregon * 97326
robert@plamondon.com * (541) 453-5841 * Fax: (541) 453-4139