
Re: The Limits To Growth

masonc@ix.netcom.com (Mason A. Clark) wrote for all to see:

>On 18 Nov 1996 23:13:55 GMT, mbk@caffeine.engr.utk.edu (Matt Kennel) wrote:
>> Envy and economic inequality breeds resentment, but only evil tribal hate
>> breeds genocide.
>What tribes were involved in the French Revolution, when the Place de la Concord
>ran red with blood.  Worker tribe and Aristocrat tribe?  Not the usual definition
>of "tribe.:

You thought genocide was involved in the French Revolution?  I would
not have thought that to be the case, inasmuch as I was not aware
there was what I would refer to as genocide (the planned systematic
extermination of a racial or ethnic group) during the French

How did you decide that genocide was involved?

Regards, Harold
"I think if we don't overthrow capitalism, we don't have a 
chance of saving the world ecologically.   I think it's 
possible to have an ecologically sound society under socialism.
I don't think it's possible under capitalism."
     - Judi Barry, Earth First,"Policy Review", Jonathon Adler,
	summer 1992
