
Re: The Limits To Growth

Yuri Kuchinsky <yuku@io.org> wrote:
> Mike Asher (masher@tusc.net) wrote:
> : Yuri Kuchinsky <yuku@io.org> wrote:
> : > It is always amusing when Libertarians praise an extremely statist
> : > economic system such as the one in South Korea, or of the other
> : > that are only recently becoming less statist. 
> : > 
> : > What is it, opportunism -- or plain ignorance?
> : > 
> : Two of those "tigers": Singapore and Hong Kong, are continually rated
> : two most economically free countries in the world.  (The US ranks 3rd -
> : 6th, depending on the survey).  
> That's because they were ruled by the British, my friend, and are tiny
> trading and banking enclaves. Not typical of the "tigers".

This is relevant?  The point is that their tremendous productivity is due
to their economic freedom, and not a statist system, as you implied.  You
also failed to respond to the North/South Korea case, which is an even
better example.

Mike Asher

"Farming looks mighty easy when your plow is a pencil and you're a thousand
miles from the cornfield." 
- Eisenhower

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