
Re: GRAZE-L digest 165 (fwd)


Thanks for the post forwarded from GRAZE-L.  I too have been put off by
SANet contributors, animal rights activists, and others who paint every
dairyperson, swineherd, shepherd, cattleperson, beekeeper, and
chickenchaser with the same broad, black brush.  I've spent half my adult
life working with farm animals, mostly with farmers of the old school who
were doing it right...there are few more satisfying and happier pursuits
than sharing a place with animals you've raised yourself.  

*Of course* the application of industrial practices to husbandry is an
aberration, an evil in our culture.  It is the corporate mentality and
our own addiction to cheap protein which drives the chicken, beef, and
pork factories with their horror stories.  It's toward these that the
criticism ought to be directed.

Woody Wodraska
"There is no scarcity abiding in Nature.
Any scarcity we see is our own doing."

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