
Re: Please, take the time to read this!

chasman@voicenet.com wrote:
> Musty Teeman <Mustee@hotmail.com> wrote:
> >Hey, you know what, dedicated dickweed Spam-haters? I *tried* this and
> >damned if he's not right! Withing 6 weeks, people had mailed me over
> >$5,250,000! Why, I had people pulling up in my driveway with fucking
> >UHauls full of cash. They'd chase me around the house trying to jam
> >bills up my ass! And, to top it off, I sold 50 Tickle Me *Goddamnit*
> >Elmos to a local orphanage for $2500 EACH! You assholes gotta quit
> >doubting the get-rich-quick agenda! Get on board the gravy train....
> I can't remember the last time I laughed so hard.  Thanx Musty!
 This was great!!!!  Thanks for the laugh.
