
Re: Mad Cow disease, BSE; Justice is served.

Oz wrote:
: In article <AD96F20F96686FA6F@legolab.demon.co.uk>, Robert Blackburn
: <rob@legolab.demon.co.uk> writes
: >Is it organophoshates that unravel those particular prions?

: I blew this argument out of the water about a week ago. Do I have to do 
: it again? Remember that UK cattle were not treated from 1982 onwards, 
: the products are used elsewhere in much higher amounts and Ireland 
: eradicated warble in exactly the same way some five years earlier and 
: didn't have a problem with BSE. It's total rubbish with no foundation.

The 'no warblefly treatment since 1981' is in strong 
contradiction to tabulated data (source stated:MAFF Annual Animal Health 
Reports) by Mark Purdey (Vet.Rec. 1993,132,12). These data 
taken face value, it seems that compulsory warble fly eradication zones
were  declared as late as 1990 in Devon, Dorset, Cornwall, Gwynedd, 
Anglesey, Gloucester, and Oxfordshire, and that in 1987 compulsory 
eradication zones were declared in more than 30 counties.

Could you please be more specific on *which* products are used 
else*where* in *which* amounts as a warble (or comparable) treatment?

The information that Ireland eradicated warble fly (1977?) with
exactly the same treatments as those applied in UK is new to me. 
I would like to read more about it. Could you lead me 
to a source describing the Irish campaign? 

: Give me strength!

: ------------------------------- 
: 'Oz     "When I knew little, all was certain. The more I learnt,
:         the less sure I was. Is this the uncertainty principle?"

The road of excess leads to the palace of wisdom.
                                               (William Blake)
