
Farm Available in Poland


Farm Available in Poland

Stichting Eastern European Assistance wishes to announce the availability
of our farm in eastern Poland.
We are looking for individuals or groups who would like to make use of this
farm for projects in
Sustainable agriculture
Solar energy projects
Organic, or mostly organic farming (we are not fanatics)
Other interesting projects suitable to a small rustic farm.

These projects must be compatible with our main purpose which is to provide
a farm-camp for children from eastern europe.

Stichting Eastern European Assistance, SEEA, is a non-profit foundation
registered in Amsterdam, Holland.  For several years now we have been
delivering aid into eastern Europe. We are a small organization, all work
is done voluntarily, there are no paid employees, all expenses are out of

A few months ago we completed the purchase of a farm property in
Northeastern Poland. We plan to develop it into a farm - camp for
underprivileged children, street children, orphans, etc.

We would also like to see it used as a site for sustainable agriculture and
experiments in solar energy for small farms.

The farm is located in the Mazurian district in Northeastern Poland about
20 km from Suwalki.
This is one of the most beautiful and cleanest areas of the country. It is
a lake district of small farms on rolling hills.  The farm is  boarders on
a lake and is provided with exceptional natural beauty.

The farm has been abandoned for a couple of years, and we are presently
busy with making it livable again and installation of facilities necessary
to provide a childrenžs program.
Its present building consist of a farmhouse, a wood barn, a stone barn, and
a couple of sheds

We would be happy to hear from anyone who has need for such facilities, or
could help us develop this a site.
Please contact us with your ideas. Please understand that our budget is
already overloaded and any project you may suggest must be supported with
outside funds.

Any individual or organization  who would be able to donate useful
equipment or supplies to us, or could help us with organization of our
projects, please contact me at the e-mail address below. Please be advised
that this summer we will not have any paid positions open, although
volunteers, who can pay their way, to help with farm or construction work
are always of interest to us.

Dale Kuam