
Re: Desert restoration, effect on atmospheric CO2 levels

BRateaver wrote:
> If someone would plant the kind of xerophytic forest type trees such as
> are found in southern Madagascar, there would be no goat problems. These
> trees are often Euphorbias, and the latex would turn the goats away. These
> trees are already accustomed to near-desert conditions.

Yes, but are the euphorbias useful to the local people for anything other 
than erosion control/possible long-term rainfall increase?  Never visited 
the south so I don't know.  You're not going to be allowed to plant a 
whole lot of useless trees in people's pastures/possible fields.. and 
erosion-rainfall benefits are too long-term for most people to believe 
in.  (Might get them planted but they'd get burned "by accident" pretty 
