Permaculture sites in Britain
Subject: Permaculture sites in Britain
From: golden@cis.uab.edu (Monroe Golden)
Date: 5 Jun 1996 15:04:45 -0500
Article: 12895 of alt.sustainable.agriculture
Newsgroups: alt.sustainable.agriculture, rec.gardens
Organization: Dept of CIS, Univ. of Al at Birmingham
Xref: newz.oit.unc.edu alt.sustainable.agriculture:12895 rec.gardens:131755
I will be visiting England, Scotland, and Wales in August (8/9-8/25)
and am looking to visit permaculture sites and attend any related
events that might be occurring. Gardens with large herbal collections
are also of interest. Would greatly appreciate any information you
might offer. TIA,
Monroe Golden
USDA Zone 7