
Water & Sewer Rate Survey (fwd)

I decided that this is an interesting example of using a website to put 
up good information and advertise.  Content seems to  be  the most 
valuable part  of a commercial  site.  In the world of water, we will all 
benefit if businesses put valuable material and links on their website.  

724 N St				|    * Internet Consulting & Training
Davis, CA 95616				|    * Water-On-Line Project
Phone: 916-758-4211			|    * Organizational Facilitation & 
Fax :  916-758-2338			|    * Development
Sender: "Chris Woodcock" <CW4WAINC@msn.com>
Subject: Water & Sewer Rate Survey

I apologize in advance if this is too commercial for you; however I felt that 
many on this list may like to know of the availability of a new water and 
wastewater rate survey.

For years the Ernst & Young water & wastewater rate survey was used by many to 
see how they "compared".  I understand that their 1994 version was the last.  
However, a new, more comprehensive survey has been completed by the Raftelis 
Environmental Consulting Group (I am not affiliated with them).

George Raftelis is making the survey available for a modest fee to help recoup 
some of his costs.  With George's permission, I have added a page to my web 
site that contains some summary information about and from the survey.  It 
also tells how and where to get a complete copy of the survey, if you wish.  I 
found the survey most interesting, providing lots of new information and data 
about various size utilities.

You can get to my site at:

(For those who don't want any info about my firm, go directly to the bottom of 
the page to find the link.)

Some of the summary information is in table format which some web browsers can 
not read.

Chris Woodcock