PANUPS: Resource Pointer #86
Pesticide Action Network
North America
Updates Service
Resource Pointer #86
July 4, 1996
*A Cautionary Tale: Failed U.S. Development Policy in Central
America, 1996.* Michael Conroy, Douglas Murray, Peter Rosset.
Examines impacts of a decade of US development policy on
Central America. Focuses on policies promoting production of
nontraditional agricultural exports to generate hard currency
and economic growth. Examines impacts on the environment, the
livelihoods of thousands of small farmers and on the
sovereignty of elected governments. 211 pp. US$45. Lynn
Rienner Publishers, 1800 30th Street, Suite 314, Boulder,
Colorado, 80301-1026; phone (303) 444-6684; fax (303) 444-
*Organic Resource Guide, 1995.* Canadian Organic Growers.
Reference guide for Canadian organic movement. Lists over
1900 businesses involved in Canadian organic agriculture
including growers, producers and retailers. 246 pp. US$16.95.
Canadian Organic Growers, Box 6408, Station 'J', Ottawa,
Ontario, K2A 3Y6, Canada; phone (705) 444-0923; fax (705)
*Chemicals and Health Package, April 1996.* Environmental
Research Foundation (ERF). Compilation of ERF newsletters
>from 1989 to 1995, covering respiratory diseases, birth
defects, multiple chemical sensitivity, chlorinated
hydrocarbons, heavy metals and chemical standards.
Newsletters provide information on chemicals and chemical
industry to grassroots organizations. 82 pp. US$10. ERF, PO
Box 5036, Annapolis, Maryland, 21403-7036; phone (410) 263-
1584; fax (410) 263-8944; email erf@rachel.clark.net.
*Vital Signs 1996: The Trends that are Shaping our Future,
1996.* Worldwatch Institute. Examines global trends in food
and energy production, atmospheric changes and world economic
activity. Includes special features on efforts to control
pests and increase in organic farming. 169 pp. US$12. W.W.
Norton & Company, Inc., 500 Fifth Ave, New York, NY 10110;
phone (800) 233-4830; fax (800) 458-6515;
*Carcinogens and Anticarcinogens in the Human Diet,
1996.* National Research Council. Examines dietary
cancer risk from both naturally occurring and synthetic
carcinogens. Also discusses effects of naturally
occurring anticarcinogens. 417 pp. US$44.95. National
Academy Press, 2101 Constitution Avenue, NW, Washington,
DC 20418; phone (202) 334-3180; fax (202) 334-2793;
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