
Re: News Advisory: Still Crazy After Oil These Years!

doregan@ix.netcom.com(Dennis M. O'Regan ) wrote:
>In the case of TMI, operator error was involved but it was not due to
>bypassing safety systems on purpose. As I recall, the PORV was stuck
>open and there was no way to guage the amount of water in the reactor.
>When they shutdown the water, the fuel melted. Can't compare TMI to
>Chernobyl where techs really screwed up.
>Taht being said, I agree that nuclear is environmentally benign if
>managed properly. However, huge amounts of waste ARE accumulating at
>the roughly 100 U.S. reactors in service today. Seems the gov't can't
>get off its ass to either reprocess the fuel or store it at a high
>level repository such as Yucca mountain.
>The future of nuclear power? Just about lifeless now.

The other major problem for nuclear is financial risk.  Nukes are
"lumpy" and come in packages that cost $1-5 billion, or more.
Construction takes 5-10 years, and sizable cost overruns are
possible unless management is efficient.  This has made it difficult
for utilities to find investors.

Tom Gray
Director of Communications
American Wind Energy Association

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