
Agriculture and Environment Modelling

At Statistics Canada, we are in the process of developing
a framework for agriculture/environment interactions. We
would appreciate any references from the readers of this
newsgroup. Information on input-output agriculture models
or environmental-economic models would be appreciated.

Michael Bordt
Chief, Environmental Information and Spatial Accounts
National Accounts and Environment Division
Statistics Canada

(direct mail mbordt@statcan.ca)

                             _ _ _                    _      __
Michael Bordt               ' ) ) )      /           //     /  )          / _/_
ap546@freenet.carleton.ca    / / / o _. /_  __.  _  //     /--<  __,_  __/  /
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada     / ' (_<_(__/ /_(_/|_</_</     /___/_(_) (_(_/__<__