Re: fHuman vs. natural influences on the environment
charliew@hal-pc.org (charliew) wrote:
>Whew! I don't know what you were smoking in your college
>days, but I bet it was good!
>Regarding automation, men have been trying to slow down
>technological advancement of machines since the beginning of
>the industrial revolution. There are so many inventors,
>particularly in the more industrial countries, that this is
>an impossible task. You either learn to adapt to new
>technology, or you get left way behind. It's literally that
True enough. Now, what we need is a system of green taxes to
turn some of that wonderful ingenuity into accomplishing
useful tasks *without* trashing the environment. For more
on green taxes (as a substitute for other taxes, not an add-
on) see http://www.econet.org/awea/aweapol.html.
Tom Gray
Director of Communications
American Wind Energy Association
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Tom Gray <tomgray@econet.org>