Organic Dried Apple Market: Request
Dear Sanet,
I'm looking for information on the U.S. Organic Dried Apple Market (tons &
prices for the past 3-5 years, if available). Is there anyone tracking
I'm also looking for apple processing and drying equipment for a 70+ ton
Any information or contacts would be greatly appreciated.
Nathan Boone
Research Director
| Agricola Partners :: Tel: 916-750-2264 |
| 603 Fourth Street :: Fax: 916-756-7188 |
| Davis, CA 95616 :: Email: Agricola@davis.com |
| www: http://www.mother.com/agaccess/Agricola.html |
| Agricola Partners is dedicated to the agriculture |
| and food industries with an emphasis on |
| sustainable agriculture and organic farming. |