
More on Newsletters

Please keep the newsletters!

I enjoy reading the newsletters - when I have time.  My program (cc:Mail) 
"dumps" (pardon the phrase) all sanet-mg messages into a folder that I can 
access whenever I specifically have time to do so.  I enjoy and benefit 
>from  the individual messages as much or more as from the newsletters.

However, several of my coworkers prefer receiving just the newsletters and 
the calendars!  So I forward all those items to them.   When I think they 
might be interested in other items - especially longer ones - I send a "do 
you want?" message with a brief description of the item.   It works well 
for us.  (Of course, there are several that are directly subscribed and 
enjoying the full effect of sanet too!)  Thank you for the service.

Tory Shade