
Re: New England Interstate Dairy Compact

On Thu, 17 Oct 1996 jscharf@pearl.tufts.edu wrote:

> I've been looking through newspapers and searching the Web for clues 
> about the New England Dairy Compact.  I have an introductory 
> understanding of what it's meant to do, but I'd like to know what is 
> currently happening with it.  Has it had any impact on milk price?  Have 
> the states appointed their delegates to the Commission?  
> The New York Times has had harsh words for the Compact, claiming it is an 
> income transfer from the urban poor to a handful of greedy farmers.  Are 
> there vocal opponents to it within New England?
> Many thanks for any help,
> Lauri Scharf
> Graduate Student
> Tufts University
To my understanding, so far the Commission has met once. No impact on 
milk prices yet, mostly because prices are currently high. New England is 
mostly for the Compact (obviously) although there may be some processors, 
consumers groups, and free-marketers against it. Lucky for the NY times 
it doesn't have to make a living milking cows...

Nat Bacon
