
PANUPS: Resource Pointer #104

                         P A N U P S
                   Pesticide Action Network 
                        North America
                       Updates Service

Resource Pointer #104

November 5, 1996

For copies of the following resources, please contact 
the appropriate publishers or organizations directly.

*From Rio to Rome: Food for Action, 1996.* Dutch NGO 
Working Group. Examines relationships between the 
upcoming World Food Summit and UN Conventions on 
Biodiversity, Climate Change and Desertification. 
Stresses that UN environmental conventions can be used 
to advance food security and sustainable agriculture 
objectives, and recommends steps for linking these 
conventions with the Food Summit. 56 pp. No charge. Both 
ENDS, Damrak 28-30, 1012 LJ Amsterdam, The Netherlands; 
phone (31 20) 623-0823; fax (31 20) 620-8049; email 

*Yours for Food: Plant Genetic Resources and Food 
Security, 1996.* Brot fur die Welt, Christian Aid and 
DanChurchAid. Asserts that plant diversity is critical 
for sustainable and equitable food security, stressing 
that biodiversity is threatened by gene patenting and 
corporate power. Presents religious-based critique of 
genetic engineering and bio-piracy, and suggests ways 
church activism can contribute to food security and 
sustainable development. 40 pp. UK$3.50. P.O. Box 100, 
London, SE1 7RT, England; phone (44 171) 620-4444; fax 
(44 171) 620-0719; email caid@gn.apc.org.

*Economic Analysis of Crop Protection Policy in Costa 
Rica, 1996.* Stefan Agne. Examines crop protection 
infrastructure in Costa Rica, including regulatory 
framework, legislation history, tax and subsidy 
structure and availability of information regarding 
pesticides and alternatives. Argues that overuse of 
pesticides in Costa Rica is encouraged (and that use is 
growing) due to lack of information or inappropriate 
information, inadequate enforcement of regulations, 
chemical industry marketing and tax exemptions for 
pesticides. Presents recommendations for improving 
pesticide regulation and encouraging alternatives. 47pp. 
No charge. Dr. H. Waibel, Institut fur 
Gartenbauokonomie, Universitat Hannover, Herrenhauser 
Str. 2, 30419 Hannover, Germany; phone (49 511) 762-
2666; fax (49 511) 762-2667; email waibel@ifgb.uni-

*NGOs and the Bank: Incorporating FY95 Progress Report 
on Cooperation Between The World Bank and NGOs, 1996.* 
Poverty and Social Policy Department, The World Bank. 
Assesses extent of cooperation between NGOs and The Bank 
and discusses ways in which Bank/NGO partnerships 
facilitate achieving joint goals. Includes summaries of 
bank-financed projects with NGO involvement in fiscal 
year 1995, and identifies key priorities for improving 
cooperation. 48 pp. No charge. Arthur Thomas, Poverty 
and Social Policy Department, World 1818 H Street, NW 
Washington, DC 20433; phone (202) 473-1151; fax (202) 
522-3237; email athomas1@worldbank.org.

*A Canary's Tale, 1996.* Jacom Berkson. Presents 
autobiographical story of a chemically-injured man and 
his subsequent investigation regarding the causes of his 
illness. Describes health and environmental threats from 
range of chemicals and includes discussion of range of 
issues related to politics, science and industry. 480 
pp. US$19.95. A Canary's Tale, P.O. Box 2041, 
Hagarstown, MD 21742; phone (301) 739-1335.

*Correction re: Resource Pointer #103.* To order "Pest 
Management at the Crossroads," 1996, by Charles 
Benbrook, send US$35.95 to PMDS, Box 2013, Annapolis 
Junction, MD 20701; phone (301) 617-7815; (301) 206-
9789; email pmac@pmds.com. Make checks payable to "Pest 
Management at the Crossroads" or "CPI."

We encourage those interested in having resources listed 
in the Online Resource Pointer to send review copies of 
publications, videos or other sources to our office 
(address listed below) or to contact Information Program 
Associates Adam Kirshner or Gina Schilling for further 

|      Pesticide Action Network North America (PANNA)       |
|                                                           |
| Phone:(415) 541-9140           Fax:(415) 541-9253         |
| Email: panna@panna.org         http://www.panna.org/panna/|
| PANNA, 116 New Montgomery, #810, San Francisco, CA 94105  |
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| to panna-info@igc.apc.org                                 |