Re: Organic Origins?!
Dear Sam,
You might want to consider local growers for supplying the University.
While they may not be all organic, as a major buyer you can have quite an
impact on their farming practices by requesting reductions in pesticide
use and transition into organic farming. You also may want to break the
process down into some pilot projects - a few dining halls - rather than
tackling the change for all 40,000 at one time.
I've seen this process start out and develop at a much smaller, more rural
example: Oberlin College. We researched local growers and began to
develop connections with several until we were able to contract with a few
farmers using a CSA model. For more information on this project you can
contact the Oberlin College Student Cooperative Association. I'm sorry I
don't have a phone number.
Another reason for emphasizing local growers is that the prices may be
reduced since marketting, shipping and refrigeration is reduced or
Good Luck,
Sarah Feldstein/ sarahf@inch.com