
Re: The Limits To Growth

l.mcfadden@mail.utexas.edu (Loretta McFadden) wrote for all to see:

>Hey guys - 
>You all seem to be struck by the idea of some woman having an opinion on
>this stuff. 

You think so?  I did not note where your sex was at issue.  If I
implied that, I did not see it, and would appreciate you pointing out
anything I said that did imply that.

>Rereading the posts of the last few days, I don't see that I
>presented fewer statistics, studies, HARD facts as you males like to say,
>etc., or more opinions than the rest of you. 

Actually, you presented no hard facts or statistics at all, that
appeared on my server, anyway.  You presented your opinions.  I did
present some hard facts, and a citation as well, see those I mentioned
>from  the publications "World Crop Production", USDA/FAS, WCP 5-87,
May, 1987 or "World Agricultural Production", WAP-1-91, Jan 1991.

>I do see, however, that my
>gender bothers you. I am who I say I am. 

Your gender does not bother me.  I did not even comment on it.  I did
comment that your style was quite similar to Shiela the "Word
Warrior".  I stand by that observation.

>"Word Warrior?" "Female Nudds"?
>Dear me, I could throw a few esoterically condescending labels your way,
>but I thought we were offering our thoughts on sustainable agriculture.

I presume that was someone else's comment about Scott Nudds.  I use
his name as a convenient technique to judge how much fact I can expect
to be displayed in a thread (the more Nudds, the less fact, in my
opinion).  You have not achieved that status yet.

>What's the average age of this little thread, I wonder?

Average age?  It looks to be about 4 or five messages deep on my
display.  Is that what you mean?

Regards, Harold
"By September 1979, all important life in the sea was extinct. 
Large areas of coastline had to be evacuated...  A pretty grim 
scenario. Unfortunately were a long way into it already...based 
on projections of trends already appearing..."
   - Paul Ehrilich, Environmental Handbook, 1970, pp 174
