
Re: The Limits To Growth

bds@ipp-garching.mpg.de (Bruce Scott TOK ) wrote for all to see:


>: The book, a marvellous tale if only because of his story of his
>: marking off territory by pissing on rocks, wolf style, when he lived
>: in the wild to study them, exculpated wolves from attacks on caribou,
>: said that they lived on mice, basically, and that caribou bones were
>: only found around human settlements.  All three of these are lies.  
>: It may or may not be the case that human over-hunting are a threat to
>: the caribou -- but this question has been obscured for the next year
>: or so, until Mowat's dishonesty works its way through the system and
>: through the public's consciousness.  In the meantime, if there is harm
>: being done to the caribou, Mowat is the person responsible for it.
>Perhaps, then, you can offer a principled discussion of the scientific
>literature on ozone and the effect on it of CFCs.

Talk about changing the subject Bruce, WOW!  I would have to believe
that you don't like that one.

I would suggest, if you wish to start such a discussion, you should do
so.  I have to warn you though, that there was recently a long
discussion of that, maybe you could get some newbies interested.  It
would be nice if you started a new thread to do so though, we have
gotten far enough off of this one already.
