
Re: The Limits To Growth

In article <329079a6.674916428@nntp.st.usm.edu>, brshears@whale.st.usm.edu
(Harold Brashears) wrote:

> jmc@Steam.stanford.edu (John McCarthy) wrote for all to see:

> >educational sources.  The agricultural sources I have consulted have
> >been very optimistic.
> What are these references?  My server is several months old, that
> makes it obsolete, outdated and erratic.  I saw no "educational
> source" at all.

Harold - this is Betsy. I got confused as to where I posted what. I
exchanged some messages with an individual directly between e-mail
accounts. He challenged my assertion that the Green Revolution has been
debunked as a panacea for world hunger. I explained that I've been hearing
and learning this from so many sources - ie: courses at the University of
Wisconsin-Madison, one of the best ag schools in the country,
U-Washington-Seattle, UN publications, WorldWatch, etc. that I wasn't
able, off the top of my head, to give more specific sources. But I'm
working on it, in the hopes that it will influence you.
