
Re: Ecological Economics and Entropy

David Lloyd-Jones <dlj@inforamp.net> wrote:
> Jay,
> I think you're losing it.  It is finally sinking in on you that all
> your pseudo-science impresses nobody -- particularly nobody in the
> fields into which you intrude as a loud poseur.  As a result you
> thrash around as above, without logic, without manners, without
> dignity.

David, I think we should put him on the payroll; he's far better than
either of us at embarassing and discrediting the green movement.  

Seriously though, I post here for debate and information or, failing that,
human interaction.  Hanson (and Nudds) are unique in failing to provide any
of the three.

Our Earth-Firster Andy-- who is much further than Hanson from my
viewpoints-- is a likeable fellow.   Freisel and Scott generally yield to
rational arguments-- their differences are in premises, not logic-- and
Kelly.Cowan will sweetly apologize for calling you an evil,
corporate-licking pondscum.

Hanson, though, has his own little niche.  I'm opening a betting pool on
how long until he snaps and blows away twenty diners at a restaurant. 
You'll see me on CNN then, saying, "he was always a quiet fellow....."

Mike Asher

"I don't want to achieve immortality through my work. I want to achieve it
through not dying." 
- Woody Allen
