Re: The Limits To Growth
Subject: Re: The Limits To Growth
From: brshears@whale.st.usm.edu (Harold Brashears)
Date: Mon, 25 Nov 1996 14:35:41 GMT
Article: 16558 of alt.sustainable.agriculture
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Organization: University of Southern Mississippi
References: <328cec6b.3998814@nntp.ix.netcom.com> <AEB8AE12-8E54F@> <E1Eorv.D3G@blaze.trentu.ca>
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rkish@ivory.trentu.ca wrote for all to see:
>In article <AEB8AE12-8E54F@>, "Don Dale" <dale@princeton.edu> writes:
>>>> This is false. Genocide is the result not of any "economism,"
>>>> whatever that may be, but of reversion to pre-economic racisms. In
>>>> Rwanda as in Germany, it is the expression of ancient tribalism.
>>>> -dlj.
>>>This is simply not correct, sorry. The problem in Bosnia, Rwanda,
>>>Burundi, Azerbajan, Los Angeles and many other places is that a
>>>relatively affluent minority rules. As in the French and Russian
>>>revolutions, a point comes when the majority revolts and sets about
>>>killing off the minority. This is political economics, not tribalism.
>>>The tribal differences are historic and lie behind the minority rule
>>>but are not the cause of the revolt.
>>Los Angeles? *That* was a class revolt?
>Absolutely- the median income in the US for white households is over
>$43,000, while the median income for black households is $4,170. This is
>relevant because it helps explain some of the frustrations of the African
>American minority- which includes poverty, discrimination and the feeling
>of being powerless.
When you start with grossly incorrect data, you cannot possibly arrive
at any correct conclusions. As a group, according to the US
Statistical abstracts, white families make about $39,000 per family,
while black families make considerably less, about $23,000 (but this
is a lot more than your $4,170!).
But even these do not tell the whole story. Due to a larger number of
illegitimate births, black families are more likely than white to be
headed by a female, instead of a couple. This lowers the average
I do not have the figures with me, but, correcting for family
composition allows a better, more realistic comparison. According to
economist Walter WIlliams, correction for education and family
composition brings the figure to within 10%.
Regards, Harold
"Every thing secret degenerates, even the administration
of justice; nothing is safe that does not show how it can
bear discussion and publicity."
---Lord Acton (1834-1902) Letter, 23 Jan. 1861