

On Mon, 25 Nov 1996 16:13:35 -0500, Thomas Sheridan
<sligo@interport.net> wrote:

>I have a small farmhouse in the west of Ireland that sits on an 0.5
>arces of good land. I an very new to sustainable living and I am very
>interested in fnding alternatives to 20th century wasterful
>lifestyles. I suspect there are many experts in green living out there
>who could give me a few pointers in the folling subjects:
>The reason there are so many Irish in North America is that Ireland
>has demonstrated how sustainable agriculture works under Irish
>conditions with pre-industrial agricultural technology: it doesn't.
>It produces horrible famine.

All I asked for was freindly advice not anti-Irish racism. I own a 
book shop and I make my living from that. I am interested in 
supplementing my lifestyle with green alternatives- that's all! 

By the way Ireland has the fasting growing economy in the world and 
the GDP is a about to exceed that of the UK. Secondly, do you not 
think the fact that in Ireland was under a British rule during the 
Great Famine 1846-48 and it is was against the British law for an 
Irish person (catholic) to own large plots of land, banned from 
fishing and removed from voting rights because of his religion that 
this may have had something to do with the fact that 1.5 million died 
and 2 million left?

Thanks for nothing you are a real sport.

Follow-Ups: References: