
Re: China and Food (was Re: Ecological Economics and Entropy)

On 27 Nov 1996 02:53:01 GMT, sync@inforamp.net (J McGinnis) wrote:

>As far as the predicted numbers are concerned, the FAO has set a goal
>of reducing the number by a _minimum_ of 50% by 2015. The baseline
>they will use for that goal is the current estimate of 840 million.
>Let us hope that it happens.
Well, uh, the higher the baseline you start with, the easier it is to
demonstrate your awesome success afterwards.  Of course once they get
there, I imagine there will be a whole lot of back patting -- and not
a hell of a lot of praise for the seed companies, the fertilizer
folks, and the great agricultural universities which are making it
possible quite outside the conference cocktail party circuit.

>Only about 1/3 of those facing famine are in Africa, most of the rest
>are in South and Southeast Asia. Africa is considered to be more of a
>problem because the population is still doubling with each generation.
True a few years ago, but no longer the case (even without the AIDS
epidemic).  Children per mother has dropped from over six to between
three and four in Kenya, Uganda and Nigeria, the fast growing
countries.  Everywhere else is lower still, and the number is dropping
rapidly everywhere.
