
Re: Yuri receives hypocrite of the week award (was Re: Ecological Economics and Entropy)

Rick & Bea Tarara (rbtarara@sprynet.com) wrote:
: Atanu Dey <atanu@are.Berkeley.EDU> wrote in article
: >   I believe that if it were in the interests of the powerful of
: > this world, they would be able to solve the problem without major
: > disruption in their lifestyles.  Yet they don't do that.  I suspect
: > that ultimately, it is a rational choice by the movers and shakers.
: > If the third world were to prosper, it would hurt the interests of the
: > first world.  That is an unsupported hypothesis.  

: The money and ENERGY requirements needed bring the entire world up to
: American and Western European standards of living are staggering.  Even

  Why on earth the entire world should have the standard of living 
  seen in the US?  It is inefficient and wasteful.  What I would
  rather see is that no one should have to rummage through garbage
  heap for survival while some others live lives of thoughtless
  excessive inefficient consumption.  The present situation is not
  Pareto optimal by a long shot and therefore improvements can be
  made given the political will. 


: What about the several dozen RELIGIONS around the world that have strong
: objections to 'technological' population control.  The few billion dollars
: won't buy off the leaders of these groups.  There are also strong ethnic
: objections in some parts (among some groups in the U.S. for example) to any
: kind of birth control.

  Damn!  What a wonderful opening.  I am sure I could spend the next
  couple of hours on my favorite hobby-horse of how religions are the
  single most evil institution that mankind has ever devised.  But I
  will surely flunk my exams if I don't study now.  So I resist the 
  temptation and get out of this thread and indeed out of usenet for
  the next couple of weeks.

: The problem of overpopulation and poverty in the Third World is a VERY
: complex one and not, I'm afraid, amenable to simplistic solutions.


: Rick Tarara


  -----------------      --------------- ------ ---------  - - - - - 

     Sitting still ... studying ... international trade ...
	development ...


Follow-Ups: References: